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urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË

No. 40, October 7, 1991ThÍs Íssue edited by: Linda Wicklund

Promotion and Tenure Advisory Commlttee Election Results

The results of Ehe Library Promotion and Tenure Advisory CommÍEteeelection are as follows: Betsy tlf lson and Beth l.Ioodard have been elected toserve three year terms, until August L994. Sara Lo has been elected to servea two year term, until August 1993. l,Iillian Maher has been elected to serve aone year term, until August L992.

The nake-up of the Cornnittee is: Richard Bopp (until Aug. 1993), RobertBurger, ehaír (until Aug. 1993), Tom Kilton (until Aug. L992), Sara Lo (unrilAug. 1993), l{illiarn I'laher (until Aug. L992), Betsy l.Illson (until Aug. L994),Beth Woodard (until Aug. 1994).

(Arnold I.IaJenberg, chafr, Library NEVp Connittee)

PRISM llorkshop

There wfll be two (ÍdenÈica1) workshops for the OCLC PRISM service --that will replace the FIRST service we all know and love. The two hoursession will dlscuss the basic commands, the differences and uses for PRISMvs. EPIC, most effectlve search strategies ln relation to costs, etc. ReadyReference Cards will be distrlbuted Lo each unit aÈ that ttne. Search Manualswill be distributed as soon as they arrive.

All OCLC searchers should plan to attend one of these sessions:

OCTOBER 22 (Tuesday), 251-B UGX <lJriting Cllnic), 2-4 Pyl,

OCTOBER 23 (l.Iednesday, 251-B UGX 4.Iriting Cllnic), 10¡m-noon.

(David Stern, DLS Online Reference Serr¡lces Corunittee)

Librarians Experience Soviet Union Coup

Marianna Choldfn (Mortenson Professor) and Nancy Anderson (MathenatÍcsLibrarian) were in the Soviet Unlon when the historic coup took place there inAugust. They have agreed to share their experience r¡ith the faculty and staffof the U. of L LÍbrary.

This presentation, which will be illustrated with s1ldes, Ls scheduledfor Wednesday, October 16 at 3 p.m. in room 251-8 of the UndergraduateLibrary. All nembers of the llbrary staff are cordially fnvited.

(David Bishop)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (2)

Librarv of Congress ClassificaEion Schedules

The Law Library has received 16 floppy disks, DD, 1n l.lordPerfecÈ format,containing the prelininary edition of the LÍbrary of Congress classfflcationschedules for Ancfent Law Ín the Mediterranean aree, pEê-revolutfonary Russiaand the U.S.S.R. (including the republÍcs), Africa, Asia, Oeeana (ÍncludingAustralia and New Zealand), and the Antarctíca Treaty System. These diskshave been copies onto our OCLC 386/16 workstatfon hard drive.

We are now applying this classiflcaÈion to newly received titles. As ofnow there are plans to reclassify naterials already in the Law Library.

For now foreign lav titles are arranged ln our compact shelving bycountry. l.Iithin each country the collection is divíded into ticles"classified" by the "temporary" shelving scheme developed in 1966, followed bytltles classified by the Library of Congress schedules.

To date, only French and German legal tftles have been completelyreclass ified.

The Library of Congress is now developing a classification (KZ) forpublic international law, which will replace the current JX schedule. ClassKC, theocratic law (cannon law, Islanic law, and other religious laws) willcomplete the Library of Congress K classificatÍons.

(Fred Mansfield, Law Library)

Support Staff Posftions Ooen as of October 2. 1991

Half-Èlme, Library Clerk II, Telephone CenterHalf-ÈÍme, Library Clerk II, CirculatfonHalf-time, Library Clerk II, ChenistryFulI tirne, Library Clerk III, EducaÈionFull tÍ¡ne, Library Technical AsslstanÈ II, Africana

(Gfnny McCullough)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (3)

PresÍdent Stanley O. Ikenberry

Chancellor Morton W. Weir

University Librarian David F. Bishop and

Mortenson Proftssor Marian¡u Tax Choldin

cordially invite you and your spouse or guest

to rhe l99l

C. Walter and Gerda B. Mortenson

Distinguished l¡cture

by Neville Edward Alexander

" Cenærship øs lntellectual Tmorís¡n:White Spots in Black South African Hístory,or The Worm Insiile the Lîberation Shugglâ"

Monda¡ October T,lg9l8:00p.m.

FoellÍnger Auditorium

709 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana

Lectu¡e co+ponsored by the Georç A. Miller Committee

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (4)

********************************************************************t*****OCTOBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Eastern Europe"

"Gampa'igns from the Advertising Council

"Glee Club"

u I'l I i noi s Labor Newspapers "

"A Gathering of Notables, 1991*

"0ld l{orld iloins New l{orld"

"Government Documents at a Glance"(through October 2)

Documents Li braryWall case, south corridor

Archives" Universi ty Archi vestJal I case, basem*nt ha'l l way

University Archìves

Newspaper Lìbrary

Rare Book and Special CollectjonsL'ibrary

Main Corridor

First Floor, South Entrance

(Library 0ffice of Development and Pubìic Affairs)***********************************************************************ìt**

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (5)

R S.V P beþrc l0l8l9lt3l2) 996-27 l6

The UniversirY Library

The Office of University Countel


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Reseørch


The Universiry of Illinois at Chicago

invite you ro a symPosium

"Bits, Bytes, and CopYrights"

Chicago lllini Union

828 South Wolcott, Chicago Room B

The University of Illinois at Chicago

Thursday, October 10, 199i|

I :00 to 5:00 p.m.

TIrc U nive rs i ty Librar ian


The University of Illinois at Chicago

invites you to

the I2th Nakata Lecture

" Knowledge Communities ond Information Nerwork Policies"

Education, Communications, and Social Work Building

1040 West Harrison Street, Room L285

The University of Illinois at Chicago

Friday, October 11, l99l

3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

RSVP beíorcl0l8l9l(3 l2) 996.27 l6

Universit;7 LibrarYThe University of lllinois at Chicago


Thursday, Oclober 10, 1991

Friday, October 11, 1991

oil at Chicago, is celebrating thc remodeling oftti .t".. for-ci¡cula¡ion and ieserve' collec do ns

referencc, and special collections' A ner'v


Iibrary departments throughout the campus

hich féaurè the UniversityLibrary's work in

the city of Chicago' You-a¡e invited to visit


, Srpei¡l Collections-Mai'; I ihrery (newlv remrxlelerlì

'"^tff:;:';:î:i'#;i,::iå:^äsciences:Art of the DiPIona


Twoprogramswillhightightmajorinformationissuesrclatedtotherapiddevelopmentofelectonic rçsources:

"Bits. Bvtes, and Copyrights: A Symposirtm o! the Art' Science'

and Lciv oÍ Infornotion Exclønge ¡n AcaÁun¿'October l0

Co'sponsorcd with thc Off¡cc of U.niversity Counsel and thc Office

ottitè Vitc Cha¡cellor fcrr Research

Ocrcbcr I I Twctfth Annuat Yuri Nakata IJcNre

"x*niilit òommunities and Infonnation Network Policies" '

p.t.t n.Ïãt"u, Èxecutitc Director' U'S' National Commission on

Libra¡ies and Informatio:l Sclence

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (6)

Come Learn How To Use TheLibrary's Computer Catalog!



É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (7)

LB. ,:0ct,ober 7, l99t

Senate eomnitÈee on the LibrarvAnnual Report

the Annual Report of the Library Committee ie delayed, aa hae beenÈraditional, in order to include Èhe attached Appendix on CollectionDevero¡xnent during the preceding fiecar year and the newry budgetedsubject fund allocatione for the current academic yeer.

Although the Campus Ad¡niniEtration and the DeVor Committee onCa¡npue Budget Strategry have made and are continutng to make valiantefforts to euatain the Library, the Library's poeition remains¡lrecarioua.

OveraII, Expenditures on Library l,tateri.ale, which have been facingenoËmouE price increases by the publishers of eome Journale, decreaeedby lt laat year and increased by 2.3t thiE year. The Operating budgetfor the library hae been cut Eeverely and expendiÈuree will fall an66tinated 3.2t t,hiE year. Including both library matariale andoperatlone, the total Library Budget roee 4.9t laet year and fell 1.41for thig yeari ag shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Library Haterials and Operatino Exoenditure

1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 I99It92( Budgeted )


Llbrary ltâterial3 s5,990,598 56,423,37L S6,384,571 S6r530,026Percent Increase: 8t 7.21 -lt +2.3t

operating BudgeÈa s11,204,350 sL2,L39,572 S13,097r863 5L2,679,674P€rcent fncreage: 8.3t 7.8t -3.2t

Total Library L7 ,I94,948 L8,s62,943 L9,482.434 L9,209,7oo7.9r 4.9r -1.4r

r?9t of thig waâ for Personnel and 21t for expenses and equipment in1990/91.

baudgeted anountE in thiE case lnclude non-recurring funde, (5250 Thou.for ¡,feteriala and an egtimated 52.2 m operaÈing) for comparabiliÈy.

With resoect to Èhe MaÈerials Budoet, Èhe Librarv ConunÍÈtee has:

(1) Initlated ldentification of the publlshere charging exorbttantprtce increaeee (ElEevier, Gordon and Breach, Springer, Pergamon,Plenum, etc. ) and joined wiÈh Eeven other maJor reEearch librarieeIed by Joeeph Roeenthal, Director of Librariee at UC Berkeley Èo

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (8)

identify facurÈy who are members of their editorial boardE. weask your help in discussing pricing practicee with theeepublishers, and encouraging your colleaguea to help if contactedby Èhe Aseociation of Research Libraries. Karen schmidt iEcoordinaÈing the effort for this campuE (3-1054).

l2l over 5200,000 worÈh of journal subecrlptions have been canceledthis year, and the Library fund managerE have eubecripÈione wherethe price increases have been Èhe moeÈ exorbitanÈ under continuingactive review involving Èhe faculty in the field.

(3) A set of criterla for use in developing alrocatlons has beendeveloped (see Table 2) so Èhat allocations a¡nong eubject fundsand libraries do noÈ reflect merely historical budgeÈ levels butinetead reflect servlce to the reeearch and teaching prioritieE ofthis Campue in an oPen and objective faehion. Theee will continueto be refined as experience is gained. There will alwaya need tobe judgment applied, but more open and objective criterta thanexist at PreEent should help to "red-flag' inetanceg where fundeare being ueed ineffectlvely aE well as areas where Èhere ie ahigher academic prioriÈy and more acute neede. Such criteria aremuch discuesed and generally recommended by the àmerican LibraryÀseociation (see ACRL'B new publication, "MeaEurtng AcademicLibrary Performance: A Practical Approachr" by Nancy Van Houae,Professor, Berkeley Library School).

Table 2Criteria for Allocation Amonq Subiect Funds for Llbrarv Materials

Effects of Price fncreaees (and exchange rate changes): In thepaEt year, a 75t reimbursem*nt of Èhese changes only for seriale,and normally lees than 100t.

Usage of the maÈerials land efficient utilization of staff).InÈer-library loan data (we are a net borrower) to locate areaBwhere our collection is weak.


Enrollment changes, particularly at the Ph.D. Ievel and new orexpanded degree programs. (Impact on the library budget ahouldhave been detailed in any new degree pro¡naal. ) Thie muet beweighted by the intensivenegg of library uee (e.9.,Lab-DiEciplines uee Èhe library leee intenaively, perhape, than doÈhe humanities).

Budget relaÈlve to peer institutions, Eo far ag this can bedeÈermined, including "preetige" conveyed by the particularcollection (e.9., Èhe Slavic Library, the Rare Book Room, etc. ).New publicaÈion media and innovatione laometimee available atlower, and sometimee aÈ higher coet).






É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (9)


Data !s now in the proceEs of being collected by CarI Deal and theCom¡nittee on ÈheEe and other indicators of each Iibrary,g effectivenesEto aid in further study of t,he under-allocation or over-ellocation areesthereby identified.

l.Iith respect Èo Èhe OperaÈinq Budqet the Librarv has:

(1) cut back Èhe hours departmentar libraries are open, and cut backother serviceg.

(2, Library Regtructuring and covernance isauee have had theconÈinuing atÈention of Èhe Senate Library Com¡nittee, which haemet with the Library Faculty Executive Committee and wiÈh Èhe ViceChancellor and Aeeociate vice chancellor abouÈ thie on eeveraloccasions. The Com¡niÈtee wishee to (1) have the normal Governanceproceduree obeerved, including Èhe normal 5 year adminiEtrativereview wiÈh no more than a 6 month delay, (21 Eupport the proceesnow underway to fi¡d a solution to this situaÈion, including thereview expected by the Committee of the new Etructure.

(3) An analyeie wae made of the potentlar cogÈ eavlnge thaÈ might berearized by merglng some of Èhe Departmental Llbrariee. rr waaconcluded that the aavings invorved wourd not be eubgtantialunleEg the ProfeeEional etaff and quality of aervice were reduced.

(4) The Broweing Room !n the Illini Union which wag slated for cloeurehas now been restored under a new arrangement wlth Èhe aeeieÈanceof Chancellor Weir.

(s) A etudent fee of S50 per year for the Lj,brary (like the borrowtngahead from studentE for repair of the Football stadium and ArmoryÈrack) has been Euggegted. rÈ ie being discueeed by the committeeaE one posaible meåna of arrevieÈing Eome of the financiar etrainon Che Library and on the Carnpue.

Senate Committee on the Library

Lawrence A. BergmanKaren L. Ca¡îpbellJennifer Frantzceorge GertnerW. BrenÈon HaIlDavid SangoneIbrahim SyedTom R. 9lard

Robert c. WengerttDavid F. Bisho¡l (Ex Officio)

Walter W. McMahon, Chair

rDenotes nonvoting staÈuE.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (10)


ANNUAL REPORÎ. Collectfon Developrnenc. Fyl991

A. LÍbrarl¡ Hacerfals Budget*

Itre total per:rnanent allocatton Eo the General Llbrary Materlals Fund forfiscal year t!$l ¡¡es S6.011.426. Ttrfs flgure represented no increase overfiscal year 1990. 0f these pertranent allocatfons, S3.717.8Fnas for serlalsand 52.293 .600 rsas for nonographs and general tiur"ry-.ãcills expenses,including blndlng, replacetrenEs, ecc.

The pertanenÈ allocatfons were supplenenÈed by addltional sqms fronother sources for flscal year 1991.

Foundatfon AccountsOther GfftsLibrary GranÈsBook SaIeRevolving AccountsNon-Library Sources

$216,653$ 19,662$ 46,903$ 5,735$ 1,172s191.088$481,213

* Flgures taken fron the June 28, 1991 Fund Sr¡nmary Report and fron che June30, 1991 Universiry Flnancial SÈatenents.

B. Collectlon Developnenc Acttvltles

The Collectton Developnenc cotrrllÈtea trec tronÈhly throughouÈ the acadenlcyear, wlÈh the excePÈion of August. Sfgnlficanc collectfon ãevelopnenractivÍtles lncluded the followlng:

1. BudeeÈ control. FolLowlng the prevfous year's procedure forcontrolling expenditures, serial allocacfons Ìrere locked in ac the prevfousyear's expendltures wich 15t added to perlodfcals, 1Ot added Èo contlnuaÈions,and 10t added co tronograph concfnuatfons for prfce lncreases.

It was essentiel ln a year 1n whfch there was no lncrease provlded forlibrary uatertals thac ttghc control be nainraÍned to avotd a deilclc. As aresulÈ of che zero fncreese, 580 serlal subscriptlons cosÈing $149,681 rserecancelled and Èhe nr:nber of nonograph titles recefved droppeã fron 53,711 in1990 to 45,698 in 1991, a reduccion of l5t.

2. Develooment of a ratlonale and eutdelfnes for budeet allocatfonsbased on camous orforities. lJork continued by an ad hoc cor¡mfttee whoseoriginal charge was esEablfshfng guidellnes under r¡htch prforfcles could befdentifled and establlshed for future allocaclons when a hfgh fnfh.rx of fundsinto the naÈerLals budgeÈ night cake place. Investlgaclon Ànd coupilaÈlon ofinfo¡maclon cont,lnued, and the proJecc r¿111 be cooplÀced fn the falt of LggZ.

3. Annual Book Sale. Ttre eñoung eErned was $5,735.

4. Ttte Natlonal Endowment for the Hr.manltfes Challenge Grant. Tt¡fs r¡as

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (11)


the firsc year the Lfbrary was able Èo use lnterest frou thts endor¡nen¡ fund,and $2,540 were allocaEed for presen¿aÈlon acttviries and $4g,674 foracqulsltions ln the hr.¡manitles.

5. TlEle IIC Proposels. 1r¡o TllEducaclon for che Screngthenlng Resear<funded. Funds sere arrerded for a proJecetelogtng, lndexlng and prese¡r¡atton rproJect for the retrospecÈÍve converslon of cataloging of L¿tln A¡nertcanmacerials. fr"_1qrfculÈure granÈ continued lnto lÈs fourth year and wasfunded 8È $174,766. Ttre Lattn A¡oerlcan grent a.{-Jnisterea by the Llbrary forfive llbrarfes tocaled $329,512, wlth rllfnofs, share seÈ eÈ $loo,9ol.

6. Ttre cooperatlve Ehree year CIC projecrfunded rn e_an Lrbrary er 994,425 was cornpl"tä¿. Ttreproject pr f brlrrle books Èhrough utcrofilning.

7 . Natf onal Endov¡menÈ for the Hr.¡¡oanf cf es Preserrtatf on proposal. Athree'yeer proposal for nlcroffln preserrraÈton of Argentlne, Br"zlllan andGerman llterature nes funded ac $487,717 vfth work sõheduled to begin ln chefall of 1991.

8.Awards were applled for fn Ff1990 and announced fn the srrnmer of 1991

a. CD'ROI{ Info¡nacfon SysÈens for Socfal Sclences andHr:nanitles . $11, 820.

b. CD-ROM Nerworking. 925,000.

c. CD-ROM InformacÍon Sysceos for Scfences and Engineertng.$9,705.

d, Increased Access to Library pC's. $12,000.

e. Docu¡ûenÈs Library--Access to Legi-Slace. gZ,601.

9. Cooperac'1ve acqulsftlons funds ar¡arded by the sÈatewtde CooperactveCollectlon l{anagenenÈ Coordfnaclng Con¡ÍÈcee for che acqulsfclon of näps andof naEerials related to European studles, llterary nanuscrfpEs, healÈh policyand adminlstracfon, Èoxfcology, blo-blbltography, and slavlc scudies$46,903.

10. Accessfne CARL IINCOVER. Ttre Llbrary partlclpated fn resEing CARLUNCOVER, an onlfne periodicals blbllographfc access systetr holding ovei 6,OOOtitles which features ÈfÈle page access to thelr contenc. Ttris fs part of astatewide proJecÈ ln r¡hlch the Library has located 28 te¡mfnals 1n hlgh,r""Iibrary slÈes Èo access CARL.

11. Accessfng the BRS Search S.r¡stem. Tt¡e nounting of Current Contents,the ERIC database, and six Wllson bfblfographlc databases was conpleÈed.Access on all publtc ter¡tnals permltted testing of che BRS systen. Thfs

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (12)


se¡i\¡ed as a Protot)æe for a stater¡ide eccess to thE ERIC database begfnnlng lnSepcenber,199l.

L2.a 11brar7 . ,_ .^^^ ;"rt;i:lïtl:ir::;:::"ï:"::å rtÍnplenencatlon Ín 1992.

13' Publfsher Based Approval Plan. A cornplete llbrary wlde revler¿ ofthe plan resulted fn lts restruccurlng for lnplenenÈation whãn funds becoueavallable.

III. Soeclal Collectfons AcouÍred

A number of excellent collecttons were added both through purchase andas gifts' A selectÍon of some of the trost lnportent ones Ls listed beros.

1' Purchase of a collecÈ1on of unpubllshed personal correspondencebetseen IJ.s. Menrrn, frfends, and others wich garley proofs,nocebooks, ecc.. 653 ftens.

2. Gift collectlon of archltectural drawings and sketches of HarrTFranklln Robtnson. 103 fcens.

3' Gifc collectlon fron Edward S. Held of seÈ end furnlÈure destgnsfor fil¡ns and archi.cecÈural drawtngs, 1920's - 1950,s. 552drawfngs and 11 nonographs.

4' Gfft fron Roger rrland of a collecEfon of nusic Eaterials, nocablypre-World War II vocal nuslc wtÈh nany ltens fron Denmark andSweden. 629 icens.

5. Gifr froo calvi.n L. owens of classfcal, J azz and popurarvocal/fnscrr¡mental nusic and novle sound Èracks . 2,I59 ltens.

6- Glft froo Rlck Rottet of l,OOg 78 rpn dfscs and 6 Lp dfscs ofclasstcal nuslc.

7 ' Gift froq Clara Rolland fn nenory of Paul Rolland of a collecrfonrelaÈed to Èhe teachfng of violfn. 1,27g fteus.

8 ' Collectlons acqufred and processed by the UniversfÈy Archfves wereÈhose of adulnisÈrecor and chenfsc Pâcer Yanlcrslch, dranatistPreston-Tuccle, physlologist Don DeVaulc, hiscorian Clark Spence,and vlolfnfsc Paul Rolland. Other collectlons processed includedaddftions to the paPers of polltfcal scientist Clarence Berdahl,planr blorogist Lindsay Black, kfnesfologist Alyce cheska,geologisr Ra1ph Grln, and lfbrarlan Icko lben.

More chan $3 utllion fn privaÈe funds were raised on behalf of che


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (13)


LÍbrary systetr. lvo specfal appeals reflecÈed in the Lfbrary's tocars are anendowuent ln the School of Llfe Sciences for the Biology Lfbrary Èo whlch$8'135 was added, and an endor¡ment ln the School of chãrnfcal Sctences for theCherniscry Llbrary shlch reached $133,160.

V. Prlorftfes for the Confng Year

1. ConpleÈe Èhe developnent of r

allocacfons r¡hfch would fnclude c¿¡Epusfron a full review of the allocaÈton p¡those gufdelfnes, once prforfties havewhich nost fairly represents Ehe needsresources provided to Èhe Library Eo Eeet Èhese needs.

2. Develop a bfbllographer's uanual co assure Ehat Èhe Ltbrary'scollectlon Eanagetrent pollcies are properly coomunicaced and coordinâtedthroughouÈ the sysÈetr.

VI. Summary Statemenc

The year rePorced here was not e good one for developtrenc of cheLibrary's collections. Lfbrary fund tranagers r¡orked under extretrely dffficuttcondtElons fnposed by the lack of any fncrease fn fundfng for prlce lncreases,and a sfgnlffeant serfals cancetlaclon progr¿¡.tr conÈfnued. ttre-healycancellaElon of serfals end Ehe lnabllfty of che Llbrary to acqulre needed newserlals and nonographs 1n alnosÈ all fields 1s havlng a debllliarfng effecÈuPon Ehe collectlons. lft¡ile the Lfbrary Èhrough fts office of DevelopnenÈ andPubllc Affairs, as well as through lts aggressive granÈ efforts enJoyàa grearsuccess Ehls year, oucsfde fundlng cennoc and should not be looked-.ior, Iooffsec a serfous absence of adequace state fundlng for che collectfons.t'Iichout an adequaÈe fncrease in fuÈure fundfng, boÈh lnsÈrucEfonal and faculcyresearch needs wl11 conclnue Eo suffer.

CarI ÌJ. DealDfrector of Collectlon DevelopnenÈand Specfal CollecEfons

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (14)

New FBR Browse Capabilìty

As of 0ctober l, we are now capable of browsìng Authors and Series inthe FBR Authority File in the same manner tve are used to brows'ing Top'icaìand Geographìc Subject Headìngs.

The following js a ljst of new commands to use jn the FBR AuthorityFìle.

B SET js for series titles. Enter all or part of the series.TRY ENTERING: Lecture notes in mat

B AP 'is for Personal Authors. You MUST KEY IN A COMMA when you enter aname. TRY ENTERING: Cummìngs, E or Twain, Mark

B AC j s for Corporate Authors.ïRY ENTERING: ldalt Dìsney

B ATU is for uniform titles (titles of works) that are not associatedwith a person's name.

TRY ENTERING: Bible or Reynard the Fox

These same types of searches can also be performed jn the subject fjle tolocate headjngs to works AB0UT personaì authors, corporate authors, anduniform t'itles.

B SP works the same as B AP.

B SC works the same as B AC.

B STU works the same as B ATU.

There js no need to ever enter a truncation symbo'l (#). The systemtakes care of th'is for you.

It is important to note that the system wììl browse on only thebegìnnìng element (subfie'ld a) of an authority heading. So, for exampìe, tobrowse for corporate entries under Unjted States. Army you should enterB AC United States and then cont'inue to browse through the list untiì youreach those headings subdivided by Army. Hopeful'ly we will be able tocontinue work'ing on this aspect of the system.

Happy Searching !

(8. Henigman)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (15)


FBR Maintenance and AISS are notv working together to test a programthat can do some types of g'loba1 changes to the FBR Authority File.- Theprogram is designed to make changes in text as weìl as correct'errors intagging and coding. During the test period (so far) we have made thefollowjng changes to subject headings:

No. of Hdgschanged _

u. s.Pol . & govt.Parodies, travesties, etc.Hi st.Descr. & trav.Bibl.Sl ovaki a

Addresses, essays, ìectures

United StatesPol itics and governmentParodies, imitatìons, etc.Hi storyDescription and travelBi bl i ographySlovak Republ ic

was eì imiated





46,7 40

Eventually we hope thjs program wilì become part of our routine workflowso we can contjnue to make corrections to those problems which are toooverwhelming for a person to do manual'ly. Anyone that has suggestions ortest examp'les should contact the CPAC representative for their council.

(8. Henigman)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (16)

t27I E?5b419?l:41 IOFY ?


Urbana- Charnpaign

No. 4L, October 14, 1991Ttrfs issue edited by: Llnda tlicklund


Main LibraryUndergraduate Llbrary

Departmental Library Services FacultX Meetfng

There wfll be a Departnental Library Se¡r¡fces faculty meetfng on Friday,October 18, 1991 at 3:00 p.n. in Roon 223 Gregory Hall.

(Bart Clark)Security Guard

The LÍbrary has once again hlred a student security guard Ëo patrol theLibrary during the evenlng hours. The securtty guard's schedure 1s asfollows:

Sunday - Thursday 7 p.n. - 11 p.rn.11 p.n. - 1 a.n.

To sr¡mmon the sécurity guard in the LÍbrary you may call hfs/her beeper#L66L42, waft for the beep and then leave e ¡¡essege. You may also call thecirculatfon offfce aE 3-2934 and leave a message for the guard.

(DelorÍs Holirnan)Speech and Hearing Sclence Collectfon

Itith the transfer of the Department of SPEECH Al{D HEARING SCIENCE from rheCollege of IAS to Èhe College of ALS, the Library's SPEECH Al{D HEARING SCIENCEcollection has been physically transferred fron Èhe Education and SocialScíences Lfbrary to the ApplÍed Llfe Studies Llbrary. Ingulrles and referencereferrals can be made to the Applted Ltfe Studies Library.

(Mary Beth Allen)Predícasts

Bill Dawe of Predicasts w111 give a presentatlon on "The Use of Predicasts forBusiness and TechnÍcal Reference" on Frlday, October 18, fron 1-3 p.m. in 435DKH. Anyone interesÈed 1s welcome to attend.

(Linda C. Smith)

Gift Book Processing

There has been prelimÍnary discussion about departnent llbraries sendlng giftbooks directly to AutomaÈed Systems fnstead of Acquisitlons. Until thedetails of thÍs procedure are worked out, please continue sending gÍft booksto AequÍsitions, 246 Library. If you have any questions, please contact KarenSchnidt, 3-1054.

(Karen Schnidt)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (17)

Missfng Prfnter

The Lfbrary Business office is looktng f,or a EpsoN I{510 prfnrerSerÍal #0630203974. Ttrls printer would have been delfvered in rhe nonrh ofJune 1991. If you have ft or know who does, please call Rob Hfldreth, 3-4739.

(Rob Hildrerh)To Honor Eva Parfsf

Some of Eva's frlends ln Èhe Library have been thinking and talking about anappropriate way to remember her contrlbution to our lives and to the lives oflibrary users durfng her many years of work here. Eva enJoyed using referencebooks to help people ffnd infornatfon. IJe thfnk she nlght have liked to havesone basic sources purchased for the Reference Llbrary collecÈfon andbookplated in her menory. Her daughter, Maria, egrees. Eva had nanyinterests, lncludfng, for exa.mple, flowers, gardening, and travel. Jo Kibbeehas suggested that, sÍnce Reference ls planning to update and redevelop itstravel book collectlon, this night be a good area for books to be purchased inmemory of Eva. Contrlbutfons for reference book purchases fn remembrance ofEva Parisi should be made payable to UlF/Library Friends and designated forthe Parisi Memorial Fund. Please send donatfons to Lisa Boise in roorn 246ALibrary.

(Paula l.Iatson)

Term Paper Research Counsellns

Teru Paper Research Counsellng w111 be offered fn the Undergraduate LtbraryMonday october 28 - I.Iednesday Novenber 27. counsellng hours will be:

Sunday - Thursday 1-4 p.n.Sunday - Thursday 7-9 p.n.

Librarians, graduate assÍstants, GSLIS students and anyone wlth the necessaryexpertise are welcome to particlpate. If you are avaflable any of the abovetines, please feel free to volunteer. If you do not receive a sign-up sheetthrough camPus nall and are lnÈerested ln volunÈeering your tlne, pleasecontact Lfsa Ronero ac 244-377L by Monday October 21. For those who havenever volunteered for TPRC there wlll be an orlentatlon sessÍon on TtrursdayOctober 24 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.n. in Roon 251 of the Undergraduare Llbrary.

Your assistance r¡111 be deeply-appreclated by the students seeking help. TheUndergraduate Llbrary staff wlll also be on duty durlng those tfnes forconsultation if needed.

(Lisa Ronero)

Thank You

Thank you all for the klnd r¡ords and good wfshes expressed upon my rettrementfron the Universlty of Illfnols Library. A special nthank youn to those whocontrlbuted to rny camere gfft. IÈ w111 be a contfnuing remfnder of the goodwill and regard of ny fellow workers. And, finally, a note of appreclation ÈoBarbara Swain, Mary Jane Petrowski and staff whose thoughtful planning of theretirement party created a very speclal menory.

(Joyce IJaJ enberg)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (18)

Research and Publication Committee

The Research and Publlcaclon Commlttee invltes applfcatlons for funds Eosupport llbrary research projects. The next deadllne for applicatlons fs0ctober 21, 1991.

Upcoming deadllnes for the Research Board are November 11 and December 9.Upcoming Scholars'Travel deadllnes are Decenber 2, 1991 and February 3, L992.

In addition, tvo Call for Papers announcemenÈs appear ln this issue of LON,one frorn ILA and one from the City University of New York. ï'l:e CouncÍl onLibrary Resources and the Special Libraries Associatfon have recentlyannounced research grant programs; thelr press releases also appear in LONthis week. Please take advantage of these research opportuniEies!

(Tfna Chrzastowski)PRISM lJorkshop

There wÍll be two (idenÈlcal) workshops for the OCLC PRISM serr¡fce -- rhatwill replace the FIRST service we all know and love. The Èvo hour sesslonwill discuss the basic commands, the differences and uses for PRISM vs. EPIC,most effecÈive search straEegies in relation to costs, etc. Ready ReferenceCards wlll be distributed to each unlÈ at that tfme. Search Manuals will bedistributed as soon as thev arrive.

AII OCLC searchers should plan to aÈtend one of these sessions:

OCTOBER 22 (Tuesday), 251-8 UGX 4^IrtÈing Cllnlc), 2-4 PM

OCTOBER 23 (Wednesday, 251-B UGX <l.Irlclng Cllnic), 10o.-noon.

(David SÈern, DLS Online Refeience Selr¡ices Committee)

Librarians Experience Soviet Union Coup

Marianna Choldln (l'fortenson Professor) and Nancy Anderson (MathematÍcsLibrarian) were in the Sovfet Union when the historic coup took place there inAugust. They have agreed Èo share their experience wfch Èhe faculty and staffof che U. of I. Lfbrary.

This presentatlon, which will be lllustrated r¡iÈh slides, 1s scheduled forI.Iednesday, October 16 at 3 p.n. in rooro 251- B of the UndergraduaÈe Library.All nenbers of the library staff are cordially fnvited.

(Davld Bishop)

s15,ï00ùjAESeer.CÈ:gnAr,iT-*TaiFITABT'F,: The Special Libraries AssocíaÈion fs nakfngiËã;'avaitabl""ð- ",rpport

a research projecÈ tndertaken by a ¡rember of theprofession. Up to çf3,OOO r¡fll be ar¡arded to an apPlicant Eeeting SLA'sieseiarch Commiitee guidellnes. Grant proposals will be evaluated accordingro purpose and objeðtives, subjecÈ, methodology, quallffcaÈions of staff; costs'and tinetable. Research projects should focus on ereas specified fn SLA| s

research agenda, encompassing future technology fn the special libraryr currentuser Lssues, ¡¡easures of producÈivity and value' clfent user satfsfactfonrDeasurers, and staffing. For guidellnes of the grant pro$E:m, contact Ann

Thompson, SLA, ITOO Eiáhteenth St., N.W., l^lashlngton, DC 2OOO9-2508; 2A2-234-4700'

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (19)

Academfc Posltfon Open


A full Èlme Èenured posltion, opened OcEober 9, 1991, as a natLonel search.Applfcatlons and nomLnatlons w!11 be received untfl February 1, LggZ.Appolntnenc aÈ Associate or FuIl Professor. Salary $35,000 upward, dependlngon qualificatfons, experlence and appoinEnenÈ rank. Posltlon notice lncludeãin L. O.N,. this f ssue.

(At Drtes)

Support Staff Posftfons Open as of October 9. 1991

Half-time, Library Clerk II, ChemlstryFuIl cine, Library Clerk II, CfrculationFull tfne, LÍbrary Clerk III, EducationFull cime, Library TechnÍcal AsslsËant II, Africana

(Gfnny McCullough)

**************************************************************************OCTOBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Eastern Europe"

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council

"Gl ee C'lub"

"Ill inois Labor Newspapers"

"A Gathering of Notables, 1991"

" 0.| d llorl d ,loi ns New llorì d "

"Government Documents at a Glance"(through 0ctober 2)

Documents Libraryl,lal I case, soutll corr j dor

Archivesu Unjvers'ity Arch'ivesl,lal I case, basem*nt hal ì way

University Archi ves

Newspaper Library

Rare Book and Special CollectionsLi brary

Main Corridor

Fjrst Floor, South Entrance

(Library 0ffice of Deve'l,opment and Publ ic Affairs)*****************ìt********************************************************

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (20)

University Librarian David F. Bishopcordially invites you ro attend

the dedication of the new exhibit case

donated by Dr. C. Barber Mueller ('38)

honoring his University professors

B. Vincent Hall

Harley JonesVan Cleave

Waldo Shumway

Carl Shipp Marvel

V/illiam Cumming Rose

3:00p.m., Friday, October 25,LggLEast Foyer, Main Library Building

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (21)


Faculty Search Position Update

Search Search Search Search InterviewsOpened Extended closed cancel led Scheduleà

Rare Book BibliographicSpeci al i st 0l -04-9t O4-t 5-9t

Assistant LawLibrarian P0SITION FILLED

Japanese StudiesLibrarian 05-24-9] Og-3.|-91

Documents Librarian/Federal Technology i ^1 sept. 23 &Special ist 06-l l -91 Og-l 5-9t 27

Managing Editor (ABSEES) 08-Ot-9] 09-16_91 Sept. Z0

Assisrant Ediror (ABSEES) og-ol-91 09-16-9.t 3.1; t0, 15.

Assistant Slavic Librarian(Slavic Cataloger) 0g-02-91

Assistant Map & GeographyLl Drarl an 08-07-91 09-20-91 Oct.- 9

Devetopmenr officer o8-30-9.t 09-20-91 3.1å ,t , 22,

Head, Asian Library lO-09-91

Al DriesLibrary Personnel Office

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (22)


Urbana, Il I i noi s 61 80.|


Positi onNã'TTãb'TC:




Sal ary & Rank:

After Aprì'l ì, '1992. A full-time permanent position.Date Posted: October 9, 1991.

Reportìng to the Director of Area Studies, the incumbent isresponsible for the administration of the Asìan Library. Thisi nc'l udes : the supervi si on of the acqui siti on and catal og.i ng ofbooks and seria'ls in chinese, Japanese, and Korean; adminiitrationof the materiaìs budget and operat'ions budget; provision ofreference service to students and facuJty engaged in research inthe area; carrying out other admìnistrative tasks such as grant-writíng, supervision of circulat'ion activities, student woikers,and other duties as required. The incumbent is atso responsiblef9¡ the general direction of the south and þrest Asian cô'llect.ion,which is administered by the south and l,lest Asian Librarian.

The Asian Library is part of the Library's Area Studies un'it andpart of the General services Facuìty. The Asian Library consistsof the East Asian Division and the south and l.rest Asian Division.The.staff comprìses 4 FTE librarians, 5.75 FTE support staff a¡dstudent workers. The Asian collection contains over 260,00Ovolumes, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indic, Arabìc,Hebrew, Persian, and Indonesian.

Reggj_re.d: an MLS from an ALA-accredited ìibrary school or anãq[iva'tênt; working knowledge of Chinese or iaþanese; three yearsgxpgfience in an East Asian studies research library; demonstratedElS.lish language corrnnunication skills; ability to wórk effectivelywith a research-oriented faculty and student body; ability to workin a collegial environment; admìnistrative experience; auility tomeet university requirements for promotion and tenure. preferied:an advanced degree or strong academic background in Asiãn-ffidîEs;working knowledge of a second East Asian lánguage (chinese,Japanese, Korean); experience in East Asian ðollectiondevelopment; experience in administering an Asian studies library.

Librarians have faculty rank. Appointment at Associate or FullProfessor. salary $35,000 upward, depending on qualifications,experience, and appointment rank. Librariañs are faculty and mustdemonstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication,and university/professional/cornnunity service in oräer to meetuniversity standards for tenure and promotion.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (23)

ïerms ofÃþþõiñ-Fnrent:


Deadl i ne:

Twelve months appointment1' 24 wtpai d ho'l i days; 1 2 days annual si r

maximum of ?40 days) plus an add'necessary; paid health insurancedependents may be purchased); palUniversities Retirement System i:of staff member's salary is withlretirement); newly hired univers-the Medicare portion of Social Se

deducti on.

urbana-champaign, located about t35 mires south of chicago, is auniversity cornmunity of over 100,000 inhabitants, pìus a-siudentpopu'lation of over 35,000. The university of Illinbjs has anadministrative, academic and support staff of over lz,0oo. Manvdepartments and colleges have outstanding reputations-for reieärcfrachievement. The Library rglkq first in étze among stateuniversity libraries and third among aìl universi[ies in thecountry.

send letter of application and compìete resume with the names,addresses, and teìephone numbers of fîve references to:Al:len G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, university of Illinois!:Þtu.y at urbana-champaign, 1408_t^lest-Gregory Drive, úr¡ãna,


Illinois, 6180.|. Phone (217) 333-5494.

For maximum consideration, applications and nominations shou'ld bereceived no later than February l, .|992.


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (24)

IJniversity of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign


Photographic Services

44 Main Library1408 West Gregory DriveUrbanaIllinois 61801

217 333-3569

October 4, 1991

1o: The Library Scaff

From: Barbara Childers, CopyrÍghÈ Clearance CoordÍnator andSupenrisor of Library Graphic Senrlces, phone 4-0689

Re: Photographic Serviees

The Office of Prlnting Se¡ivices provldes prlnting and phoÈocopyingserr¡ices to the UntversÍty of IlIlnoLs at Urbana-Charnpalgn. Recenc1y, LibraryPhoÈographfc Sen¡ices became perË of Prlnting Serrrices. To avold confuslonwÍch Photographlc Serrrlces on l{righc Streec, whfch ls also parc of PrlncfngSerr¡ices, Library Photographic Sen¡Íces is now Llbrary Graphic Serr¡lces.I.ltrile the nane has changed, the senrices that have always been provided Èo theLibrary will conÈinue and continue to expand.

A large format copier co se¡r\¡e the needs of the nap llbrary has alreadybeen installed and we hope to exanLne and expand other erees ln the nearfuture

Printing Sen¡lces has also moved the Instructlonal Copylng andCopyrfghc Clearance operatlons Èo 44 l,faln Llbrary. Barb Ghllders, 4-0689,is Èhe copyrlght clearance coordinator and superrrisor of Llbrary GraphlcSerrrÍces. Greg Jones, 4-L455, ls Èhe lnstructlonal copying coordfnator.

ln ,r l:lr i rl (.*(¡,.',

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (25)

Computers Across the Curriculum:A Conference on Technology in lhe Freshmon Yeor


Mcry 29 - 3l ,1992

New Yoft CiVMorriott Finonciol Center Hotel

Designed for foculty, odministrotors ond reseorchen in higher educotion, the conference willhighlight innovqtMe opprooches to incorporot¡ng stote-of-the-ort computer technotogy intocuniculo ond pedogogy,

Presentotions ore invited thot explore the inclt¡sion of computer technology in oreos such osDevelopmentol Educotion, the Core Curriculum, Humonities ond Sociol Sciences, LibroryReseorch, Mqthemstics ond Sciences, ond Counseling ond Advisem*nt.

Ïhe proposol should summorize the content of your presentotion ond your oudio-visuol needs.It shoutd otso include informotion obout (o) your institution, (b) your opprooch to integrotingcomputer technology (including philosophy ond instructionol theory), (c) the benefits of youropprooch for first yeor students, (d) the specific hordwore or softwore you will demonstrote ond(e) the torgeted oudience. Presentotions moy ronge from 20 to 75 minutes, or moy beorgonized os o poster sesion. Pleose send three copies of your proposol, including both yourotfice ond home teleohone numbers,


Mqx Kirsch, ChqirComgtfen Across fhe CuniculumIhe CiV University of New York/O,llice ol Acodemic Corngrting555 Wesl57th Slreet/l4fh FloorNewYod<, ìfewYork læ19erÐ s4l{324

DEADLINE: November 15, l99l

The Clty Unlversity of New York, the Reseorch Foundotion of 'lhe City University of New York,the Notlonol Project on Computers orrl College Writlng, ord the NotionolTesting Network

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (26)


PR.ESS R.ELEASEFROM: Caroline À. Mitchetl_

Program AssociateOctober L, 1991

CLR Invites Proposals for FatL 1991 Cooperative Researcb progr¡rn

washington, D.c. under the readership of its new

president, w. David penniman, the council on Library Resources

will continue to offer the cooperative Research prograrn toencourage joint research by librarians and facuJ.ty nembers. The

deadline for submissions to the fall progran cycte is November I,1991.

Dr. Penniman, who assumed the cLR presidency in January, has

announced that in the future the Council will concentrate itsefforts in the forlowing four najor program areas: Human

Resources, Economics, Infrastructure, and Processing and Àccess.

The Cooperative Research Prograrn, which is intended to stirnulateco¡nmunication between faculty members and librarians and toassist librarians in developing research skills, will be

continued under the Hunan Resources progran area.

The Cooperative Research Progran supports studies that range

widely over many aspects of ribrary operations and serr¡ices.Examples of recently funded cooperaÈive research grants include

l,si \t \SS,\(:l lUSI:TTS.{\/t:NUt:, N \\/ , SUITf: tl }\\'..\sl llN(ìT()N, t) (ì l¡r¡ìl(-l ¡ ¡7TF,t.l:f'l l()Nfj (lùl) .tsì.74?.t FAX (trrt) .tsì.(,JttìßlT\LT: (;l-lì ä;( ì\\/[ j\/\l



É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (27)

-l222 CLR Invites Cooperative Research proposals. . . Oct. L, 1991

rrPrelininary Music Thesaurus, and 'End user searching ofMEDLINE. rr Grants have been awarded to librarian-faculty teams inall geographical regions of the U.S. and Canada. Recipients have

included librarians from a wide variety of libraries (includingarchives, corlege, state, and academic and research J-ibraries)and faculty members from schools of ribrary and infornationscience as well as other disciplines.

Grant applications must be subrnitted jointly by librariansand members of faculties in tibrary and infomation science or,when appropriate, other pertÍnent disciplines. proposal_s shouldshow evidence of institutional support for the work to be done.

Each proposal shouÌd include the folJ.owing: a brief abstract; a

description of the proposed work; curriculurn vitae of each

investigator; anticipated duration of the worki assessment of thepotential utij.ity of research results; detailed budget; and plansfor disse¡ninating the results.

Grants are av¡arded twice each year, in the spring and farr.The deadlines for submission of proposars are Àprir 1 and

November 1. rnquiries and proposars should be addressed to:cooperative Research, council on Library Resources, LTgs

Massachusetts Avenue, N.w., suite 313, I{ashington, D.c. 20036

(Tel. 202-483-7474).


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They're fun to do and fun to vles¡

l+r+ Poster sessi ons of f er you an easy , i nf orma I lray to sharewith colleagues the results of your successful programs,innovative projects, great ideas, and pertinent research.

tr* Enhance your: vltae, visibi I ity, vast publ ication I ist andvalue to I ibrarianship.lrfr You can do a poster session on any suÞject related to

I ibraries.** Poster sessions require you to create a graphic

"buI letin-board"-type dispIay ready to be mounted on a 4, x8/ (approx. size) board. Dlsplays may include photographs,i I lustrations, graphs, text explanations, and handouts.Presenters host their display fro the L L/z hour sess¡on.

,rfr sessions are scheduled for conference on March 1g and 1g.

r+* The presenter of the best poster session wi ll receive a \free ILA Conference registration.

*rr Deadline for receipt of applicatlons is December z, tggt.


Norman VogtHead, SerIal s DepartmentUnlverigty LibrarlesNorthern Il I inolg UniversityDeKalb, Illlnolg 60l1Sat5/75,3-9A72

FAX At5/75,3-2003

Poster session comrnittee: Lori Belr, syrvia Brandow, DollyJones, Norman Vogt.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (29)

Collection Developnent Corn'nitteeMinuÈes of che MeetfngSeptember 17, 1991

Present: Rosle Albritcon, M. Balachandran, Norman Brown, TinaChrzastowski for Nancy Anderson, Carl Deal, Merri Hartse,Deloris Holiman, Jo Kibbee, Susan Klingberg, Sara de Mundo Lo,Bfll McClellan, Larry Miller, 8111 Mischo, Dennis Norlin for BeÈsvl.Iilson, Maria Porta, Karen Schnidt, Karen l{ei and Mitzf l{illíans

I. Announcements:

1. Carl Deal welcomed new members to the corn'nittee and explainedthe charge and responsibilities of the cornmiütee.

2. C. Deal announced some of the special activitÍes that thecommiEtee will pursue in the conlnï year, i. ê. , developguidelines for special funding from campus sources, andsubnit results of budget allocations survey.

3. C. Deal announced that Gary Brown, the Library's Faxonrepresentative, will speak on serials price increasesand answer general questlons on thls matter and theinternational serials sltuation. All fund managers andlibrary faculty members are lnvlted to ettend, on Tuesday,Septenber 24, 1:30-3:00p.m. in Roo¡¡ 384 of the Arnory.

4. C. Deal announced that Dennis Norlfn will give e presentationto the conmlttee on copyright and non-print nedfa aÈ thenext meeting, on Tuesday, October 15, 1991.

II. Serials Cancellation:

Karen Schnidt reported on serlals cancellatlons. She dlstributed andexplained the following reports: Unlque Sþrial Cancellations: FY 91 and Fy92; I'faster List of FY L99L/92 Serial Cancellaríons A/O Sepr. g, 1991;Serial cancellatlons for which credit is Received, FY 1992; and AnountCancelled by General Diseiplfnes FY87-FY92.

The Committee discussed past procedures on serÍals cancellations;several new ideas were suggested for developing standards and policies, andfor retalning archival copies. B. Mfscho suggested the development ofstandards or a poliey procedure for sertrals cancellatÍons. J. Kfbbeesuggested that archival copÍes of selected serfals be retaÍned fnReference. cornmittee agreed that fund Managers should discuss theimplications of developing standards and polfcies on serials cancellations inÈheir council neetfngs. Further discussÍon of serlals pollcies, prloritiesin cancellations, and procedures for establishlng guidellnes will contÍnuein next meeting.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (30)

III. OÈher:

c. Deal distrtbuted GuÍdelines for NEH chalrenge Granr. Theseguidelines included the NEH definition of hrgnanitles as stated in the NEHdocumentaEion, An Ove¡¡¡fev of the Natlonal Endonment for the Hr¡nenfties l" ... the term hunanfÈfes includes, but fs not linlted to, the study ofthe following disciprines: hÍstory; philosophy; languages; lingulsties;literature; archaeology; jurisprudence; the history, theory, and criticismof the arts; eÈhics; comparatfve relfgfgon; and those aspects of thesocial scfences that enploy historical or phllosophlcal approaches. "

The conmittee dlscussed this definftlon and lts relevance to thesubJeets whlch are ellgible for NEH funding. Other key apecÈs of theGuidellnes lncluded: funds for rnaJor purchases will be reviewed andselected by a comrnlttee forned for thfs purpose; records of all orderswill be centralized through the AssistanE DirecÈor for Special Collectionsand PreservaÈÍon; funds will not be co'n'nitted to permanenE serialssubscriptions; and only naterials known to be avallable will be purchased.

The neeting \¡ras adJourned, to meec on October 15, 1991.

Rosie L. Albritton

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (31)

Ad¡ninistrative Council

October 3, 1991


Present: D.F. Bishop, J. Hood, D. Montanel1i, R. Surles, p.watson, D. Holirnan, A. Dries, s. Lo, M. Barachandran, w. Mischo,M. I^iilriarns, M.J. Petrowski, J. Kibbee, s. Bekiares, M. Hartse,R. Burger, K. Wei, A. Wajenberg, B. Sandore, K. Schnidt, N.Brown, and M. Landis

1-. Council of Deans

D. Bishop.reported on the councir of Deans rneeting of Lo-2-1991. Key topics of discussion vrere the pros and cons of theearly retirement prograrn which has been proposed and theguidelines for the Target of Opportunity Prògran for recruitingninority faculty. Deadlines for reguesting funds through the tópprogram are: December 10, 1991; February L, 1992; and ttarch 15,L992. Bisþop suggested that the.Library shourd nore vigorousrypursue.this program. À1r Librarians are encouraged to ãiscuss-with Bishop and their Director any potential TOÞ candidates ofwhom they know.

Each college has also been asked to provide a statement onthe inpact of this yearrs budget shortfarl on its operations.2. Withdrawal Policies and procedures

M. Landis led a discussion of the t¡ithdrawal policy.rrcheckmanrr shourd be changed to rrseriar check inr, witrr tnatchange, th9 policy tras accepted. Record keeping is not addressedin the poricy. À. wajenberg agreed to have óatãloging poricyAdvisory committee review the guestion of record cñanges \necessary for withdrawal and make reconmendations as Èo how theyshould be handled.

D. Bishop, who is chair of coDSULr this year, stated thatcoDsULf is reviewing aIJ. withdrawal policies iince their use wasrgcolnmended by the Boss Space Analysis. CarI DeaI, in cooperationwith the state Library, is looking into ways to improve ourability to discard naterials once withdrawn.

There was discussion of the concern that we wirr begin tomake corlection decisíons based on space, rather than on what isbest for the collections, and that is not how we want collectiondecisions to be made. The seventh stack Àddit,ion has beenrequested and is a top priority building for the campus.Guidelines for selecting naterial for remote storage have beendeveloped and tested with three serectors. They are ready forinplenentatíon as soon as remote storage is provided.

K. Schnidt suggested that we should also have a policyregarding t'barteriDgt', exchanging our duplicate ¡nateriars ior

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (32)

things that are missing and things that we need.

4. In-House COPE Sunrey

M. Balachandran reviewed the staÈus of the COPE / EvaluaÈionof Library services surveys. The target week for arl surveyswill be october 20 -25. The one page in-house satisfaction withcurrent visit survey will be done on the following dates: Sunday,october 20 fron 3 to 4 p¡n; Monday, october 2L frorn 8 to 9 pm; añaTuesday, october 22, from 2 Eo 3 pn. Arl public service unitswill distribute the sun/ey fom during each of the three hours.Forms will be color coded for date, buÈ wirl have to be stanpedin each unit with the Libraryrs name. Instructions on theprocedures will be sent to each unit. rt is suggested that anexisting student ernployee be hired for the three extra hours todistribute the questÍonaire if it is not convenient for theeïisting staff to do it. The additional hours will be funded byLibrary ad¡ninistration.

5. New Business

D. Bishop reported that the Directors and the ExecutiveCommittee have independently developed Iists of Fy1992 goalswhich will be presented at the next Àdrninistrative Councilneeting.

M. Balachandran asked for clarification of the EnergencyProcedures. If patrons do not leave the Library after the alarmsgo off, staff are noÈ to re¡nain inside, but are to leave. Staffshould NOT lock the doors behind then.

D. Holiuran reported that the Security Guards wiII have abeeper - # L6I-I42. They will work from Tprn to llpro in the Mainbuilding and from llprn to lam in undergrad from sunday throughThursday.

Fund managers statements will be distributed at the end ofthe week. They will not incLude any budget transfers. Transfersshould show up in the next bi¡nonthly report.

l{. Mischo announced that errors in the current IBIS softwarewill be corrected in the nelt version which will be available nextweek. The nerrr version will also have call number and locationinfornation. The success of IO+ has increased the demand forterminals.

Monday, Octobet 7,1991 at 8pn the second Mortenson lecturewiII be held.

On Thursday, at the Board of Trustees meeting John Bardeenrsfanily will present his rnedals and papers to the University. Thepapers wilI come to the University archives.

M. Williarns asked if the LÍbrary is taking advantage of

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (33)

Faxglrs dupricate exchange program. This is an online risting ofdupricates avairable for exchange. K. sch¡nidt wirr rook in Éothe program.

s. Lo asked {or a su¡nmary report of R. surles port of thefaculty concerning earry retire¡nent. of the el peoþre erigible,11 had arready announced retirement plans, and 24 oLhers werereached during the ti¡ne period available. Eight of thoseexpressed some interest in the possibility of early retirement.6. Next meeting : October L0.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (34)

Executive Committee Minutes

Meeting of September 17, 1991

(BaIi, Bishop, Bopp, Davis, Friedman, Kilton, Landis, Maher, Schmidt)

The two topics for consideration before the Corunittee were as follows:1. Library mediation issues following the recent meeting with Vice-

Chancellor Berdahl.2. Library's progranunatic goals for Fy 1992.

While it was agreed at the outset that an hour each be devoted to the twotopics, it turned out that the governance issue occupied the meeting for theduration.

Bishop provided his understanding of what transpired during the meeting withMr Berdahr. rt was his view that there was an agreement that (a) TheUniversity Library and the Executj-ve Conrnittee would work on a proposal for aone-faculty model for the faculty's consideration; (b) A concurrent revlew ofthe existing administrative structure will take place; and (c) Decisions onsearches for positions of directors will be postponed to a later date. Therehras some disagreement in regard to (b) above.

Many conmittee members e:q>ressed that there v{as a need for an assurance to thefaculty about adherence to the University statutes and that the meeting withthe Vice Chancellor did not resolve this issue. One member said that noverbal assurances will be enough, but what was more important was to have astructure with procedures in place to ensure such assurance. It was pointedout that such procedures exj-sted now. Some members felt that verbal åssuranìet¡tas acceptable. Bishop was not sure that he could give such assurance becauseof the difference between general and specific issues. He said the real issuewas not David Bishop but the responsibilities of the University LiJcrarian inlibrary decisj-on making, and what constituted consultation prior to decisionmaking.

one member recarred that back in L9a7 /aa, a lot of work was done in thestatutes in regard to the role of the University Librarian and that facultyhas a clear idea that the statutes have not been followed. It was alsopointed out that whire both Bishop and the faculty disagree on theinterpretation of these statutes in relation to some past decisions, thematter of who was right has not yet been adjudicated, which would haveresulted from a filing of grievance rather than a resort to mediation. Therewas disagreement over whether mediation implied acljudication.

Bishop talked about his understanding of his role & responsibilities under theUniversity statutes. Unlike other deans, he is not called "the agentrr of thefaculty. He is responsible to the University faculty at large. His dor:bleaccountability necessitated a differentiation between things that areadministrative and thj-ngs that are faculty in nature. Some members d.isagreedwith his inte4>retation. Bishop pointed out that in the past, he had tried to.involve as large a group of faculty as possible in arriving at a consensusbefore decisions were made and that he had not excluded the E:<ecutive

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Conunittee from these topics, nor had he prevented them from bringing up issueson their own for discussion.

Bishop said that there bras no question that a large research library Iike ourshas to have an administrative hierarchy. One of the things this library hasnot done well in the past has been the delegation of responsibility downwards.No decisions are made until the University Librarian makes them afterconsultation and advice. He stressed that in his view, we need consultationnot because !'re were faculty, but because we need good decisions. Betterdecisions can be made via an administrative structure rather than facultystructure. Some members felt that groups like Administrative Council orCollection Development Cormnittee, which is composed of administratorsf werenot well-suited to provide faculty input.

Bishop said he was not willing to abandon an administrative structure, infavor of running the library via the Executive Cor¡nittee and withoutconsultation through administrative structure. He would rather like toconsider what is consultation and how it is done. If consultation is bringingup issues and asking for feedback, he would have no problem with that.However, if it means running a parallel system or abandoning consultativeprocess through the admi-nistrative stmcture, he has problems with the idea.

At the request of one member, Bishop and the Corunittee discussed briefly theexisting procedures for faculty evaluation which differs from service toservi-ce.

No conclusions were reached as to the next step towards resolving themedj.ation issue. The discussion wiII continue at the meeting scheduled forOctober 1, 1991 at 3:00 pm.

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October 1. 1991

Present: BaÌachamdran, Bishop, Bopp, Davj-s, Kilton, l¿¡rdis, lfaher, schmidt

I. Bali handed,¡ut draft copies of t-he minutes from the Sept. 17 meetirEl. Theser¡ill be reviewed by Committee members and revised if necessary at the nextnreeLing,

II, Dav'id Bishop asked the el-ected rnembers what they saw as the current statusof the mediation process. A lengthy discussion ensued, dr¡ring which issuesraised in t,he previous Executive Committee (EC) meeting were mentioned, alorq!with iLens discussed in the EC's meetin€l with the Vice Chancellor. It wasgenerall,v agrerrl bhat the prev'ious EC meetinC had been frank and productive withregard Lo the identification of areas of disagreement, but that no issues hadt¡een resoÌved. Some elected members erpressed the opinion that an outsidemediator was needed. David Bishop indicated his desire to see progress occurs()ort on this vital matter. It was decided to devote one more 2-hour meeting todisc-ussion of the issues r"-hich divide the faculty from the llniversity Librarian,before returnir¡g to the Vice Chancellor or pursuing other options. It r^rasfurther agreed that each EC rnenber woul-d prepare a list of irnportant specificmatters on w-hich the degree of agreement/disagreement should be explored, andat a meeting to be held on October 8, from 1:00-3:00, these rnatters woul-d bediscussed' with a nn><imun of 15 minutes to be devoted to any one issue. Thismeetingr it was hoped' would produce a list of areas where agreement appearspossible, amd another list where existing differences appear irreconcial-able.

III. David Bishop reported that he and the direetors have generated a list ofgoals for the Library to pursue ín I99t/92. He asked the EC to generate its ownlist of goals. The EC came up with 10 such goals. After reviewing this listand the directors' list, a¡rd eliminating goals that the Library is alreadypursuing or can't realistically accomplish this year, a conbined list of 8 goalsFras agred upl)n. These 8 were then arranged in priority order by the EC. Davidwil-I go over this list with the directors and then present it to theAdninistrative Cor¡ncil, for discussion there and input by atl Library faculty.

IV. In response to a question, David Bishop announced that 2 IRRC librariansare now working in the Reference Library, while the other 2 have rernained inIRRC. The two who have been transferred will retain their faculty status inDepartmental Library Services for the remainder of the academic year. Thetransfer of these librarians to Reference led to a brief discussion of staffingneeds in other libraries which rernain to be addressed.

\¡. The need. for a fax nrachine on the 2nd floor of the l,lain Library was brieflyd.iscusserL. It r\,as ¡rcinted out bhat fax machines in departmental librariesoutside the |4ain Library woul-d also be desirable.

W. The next regular neeting of the EC will be on October 22 at 3:00; however,as mentioned above, the EC wiII have a special meeting on October 8 to try tomalte progress on the mediation process.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (37)

E?7 5-r><I ?95h41P?l:4? C0py z


OCT 181991 urbana-chanPafgn

.,- ,--,¡9rs No. 42, October 21, 1991u'uxo^'"i\-uHntúpntct'l Thfs issue edlted by: Linda l{icklund

General Services Faculty Meetfng

There will be a General Serr¡ices Faculty Meeting on Frfday, October 25 at 1:30p.n. ln Room 66 Library. Agenda lteus include:

1. Policy and Plannlng connittee report and recommendationsconcerning GS faculty documentation

2. Organizational and Personnel Issues(Paula l.Iatson)

Security Guard - Correctlon

The beeper nunber of the student securfty guard r¡as Lncorrectly publfshed inÈhe October 14 Library Office Notes. The correct beeper nunber fs 161142 notL66L42. Please note the correclion.

(Library Business Offfce)

Evaluation of Barton Clark

The DLS Advisory Cor¡rnittee has conpleted the mandated five year evaluation ofBarton Clark that was lnltiated ln June of 1991. Based upon favorabledocr:mentation and upon its otrn deliberatlon, the DLSAC has recommended toDavid Blshop that Barton Clark's appolntment be continued.

(Departnental Library Services Advisory Cornmittee)

Special Collectfons

The Specíal Collectfons Office has available the followfng:

Encyclopedia A¡nericana 30 volunes, L987Books 1n Print 8 voltrmes, 1989-90.

If any library can use these call Vincent Golden at 333 -2943.(Vincent Golden)

Undereraduate Library

We have two VanÈage CCTV Systens that we placed ln reading rooms 3 and 4 L.L.

l.le got them fro¡i Päul C. Reinert, Superrrisor of Ser:¡ices for SensoryAccommodations Division of Rehabirftatlon Educatlon services.

Also Inside lllinois did an article and Èook sone pic'tures of our new CCTVsystems. l.Ie encourage faculty staff and students to come use these.

(Sharon Hershbarger)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (38)

Just a RenÍnder

The Shlpping Department & l,fafl Roon fs not responsfble for your personal na{l.A recent lncrease has forced us to publfsh Èhis reninder. The staff ofShipping and the l,lafl Roon have been fnforned uhat they should not sign forany incoming na1l, UPS, or express Èhat fs of a personal naLure. It has beenour exPerfence that none of the delivery serr¡ices wfll enter beyond ShippÍngto attemPt a delivery to an individual and regard a refusal to sign as arefusal by the addressee.

(John Shr¡mard)

Library of the Health Sciences

The Library of che Health ScÍences, although on the Urbana campus, is a partof the Unfversity of llltno1s at Chfcago. For this reason, full holdings forthe Library of the Health Sciences ln llllnet Onllne w111 not be found in theUrbana database. (HSX records 1n the Urbana database do not represent theLibrary of the Health Sciences holdlngs conpletely or relÍably. )

The Medical Center database should be checked for the location of USX, whichÍs the synbol for the Library of the Health Sclences-Urbana.

1. If uslng the interface, choose the optfon to search other llbraries.2. If using LCS in eonmànd mode, add /HC (or ,MG for detalled searches) tothe search statexoent.

3. If using FBR, add $MC to the search statement.

Alternatively, holdings for the Library of the HealÈh Sciences-Urbana rnay beeasily found uslng LUIS, the online caÈalog for the Unlversity of Illinois atChicago. LUIS can be reached through a campus computer account and theInternet. Please call the Library of the Health ScÍences-Urbana at 3-4893 foran instruction sheet.

(Vfctoria Pifalo)

Chancellorrs Parents Fund Beneffts the Undersraduate Librarv

In March 1991, Chancellor Morton t{. l.Ieir inítfated the Parents Fund which hasbeen creaÈed expressly to provlde addfÈional resources to enrlch theundergraduate experÍence. l.Iith funds generated to-date, the UndergraduateLibrary recently received $25,000 to develop an interactive work station thatwill be located at the entrance of the Undergraduate Library. It will offerstudents an orientation program that w1ll utÍ112e muslc, photographs, graphicimages, narration and text.

Throughout Èhe coming years the Parents Fund interactive work station willoffer undergraduaËe students fnteractive nulti-rnedia versions of a widevarÍety of blbl.iographic instructfon courses and programs.

lle have Just been informed that Library services for undergraduates will be arnajor thrust of the L992 ParenÈs Fund drfve. l.Ie appreciate the high prioritythat the chancelror places on the Library sy"t"ri.loan

M. Hood)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (39)

Tïo New Mortenson Fellows

Please welcome two newly-arrived l,lortenson Fellows. Lindfta Bubsl, from theNatlonal Library of Albanfa in Tirana, wfll be with us for slx nonths.Lfndita is one of the ffrst--lf noÈ che very firstt--Albanfan naÈionals tocome to thfs country for an extended stay as a visiÈlng scho.lar. l,Ie aredellghted to heve her ac Èhe Unfversity of lllfnois. Although based here,Lindita wfll also visit llbraries ln other perts of the country during hersËey.

Evgenfl Kuztnin Ls a correspondent for Litereturnaia gezete, a leading SovietnewsPaPer based fn Moscow. He ls here for three weeks of a six-week visit toÈhfs country, supported by Mortenson and the Internacional Research andExchanges Board. As a journallst, he has taken upon himself the cause ofculture in general, and of libraries Ín partfcular. During his stay in theU.S. he hopes to learn as much as possible about Amerfcan lÍbraries; he iswriting a series of articles for his paper that wíII then be collected inÈo abook. Evgenii fs accompanied by his wÍfe, Irina Shubina, a concert pianist.

Next week EvgeniÍ will gÍve two talks on c¿rmpus. On l{ednesday, October 23, at4 p.t. he will speak on nCultural Policies ln a Fragmenting Union." Thistalk, co-sponsored by Mortenson and the Russian and East European Center, willbe held in 101 Internatfonal Studies Building. On Thursday, October 24, hewill nake an informal presentation on the currenÈ state of journalism,censorship, and cufture ln the Sovlet Union at the Prograp for the Study ofCultural Values and Ethics (909 l,I. Oregon, Room 201). A light luncheon willbe served following the talk, so Íf you would like to come, please callBarbara Duncan at 244-3344 to confirn. (Both talks will be in Russian, withtranslation; Evgenii does speak EngIish, however!) Everyone is welcome toattend these events.

(Marianna Tax Gholdin)

Suooort Staff Positlons Open as of October 16. 1991

FuIl tine, Llbrary Glerk II, CirculationFull tirne, Library Clerk III, Education

(Ginny McCullough)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (40)

*******************.*******************************************************()CTOBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Legi-Slate: Now at a L'ibrary Near You" Documents Libraryl,lal I case, south corri dor

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council Archives" University Arch'ivesl,Jaì I case, basem*nt ha'l ì way

"Glee Club" Unjversity Archives

"Ilì inois Laborl{ewspapers" Newspaper Library

"A Gathering of Notables, l99lu Rare Book and Speciaì CoìlectionsL'ibrary

Main Corridor

First Floor, South Entrance

(Library Office of Development and Public Affairs)**************************************************************************

"0ld llorld Joins New lforld"

"Government Documents at a Gl anceu(through October 2)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (41)

Supponr SnrF


(servlce Tl¡ne as of 0g-31-9ll

&nvtcE JTnr Awnnos

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (42)

'Lfi¿ ßoørl of f*tees,frí¿nls utl Staff

ofCñnmpøAn 9u6fic Liírøry ü I"formation Center

corlinffy inr¡ite you

to øttenl ø

føreuteff fuceptíon

to fionor

futnaff ß. to[cCø6e, Liírary Director

on Monlay, tfi¿ tuenty-first of Octoíer

from four unti[ si6 o' c[o c (in tfte Iu[ía fr, ßumñonn Aulitorium

Cño*pøAn eu6[it Liírøry ü Informntion Center

505 Soutfi. fo.nlotpftCframpùgn, Iffinoís 61820

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (43)


Drug and Pharmaceutical Information Resources (MLA Accredited Course #902)

January 16,1992, Urbana, Illinois

Deadline for Registration: December 16' 1991.


Pre ferred Mai ling Add¡ess


Enclosed is registration payment: $90.00 (I-TLS Members) $120.00 (others)Make check payable to Lincoln TRAIL LIBRARIES SYSTEM and mail, with regisrraLion form to:

LTLS CE Registration, 1704 V/. Interstate Dr., Champaign, IL 61821.NOTE: A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 35 registrants can be accommodated for this course.

Register early! Course materials will be sent upon receipt of regisualion.

Non-ho[rt Org,U.S. Postage

PAIDPermit No. 12

Champaign, Illinois


: Suppoillng llbrcry cooperclton h Eost Cenhot ttttnols

ì7U W. lnteßîdte Orive o Choñ1po¡gn. lil¡nols ó1821



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É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (44)


January 16,l99Z8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Jumer's Castle Lodge, Urbana, Illinois

Rcgistraúon fee:$ 90.00 (LTLS mcmbers)S120.00 (others)(lncludes MLA course marcrials, 8.0 CEUcont:lct hour recogniüon, lunch, and refresh-mcnLs)

Bonnie Snow, Biomedical InformationSpccialist at DIALOG, will bc the insrruc-tor for rhc Mcdical Library Association'scontinuing education course #902 (for-racrly CE 310) "Drug and pharmaccuticalInformation Rcsourccs." This all-daycourse provides an introduction to search-ing thc pharmaceutical literature, as wcllas rcfcrcnce interviewing, instruction onscarch strategy formulation, and collcctiondcvclopmcnt. Participants will rcccivc acopy of the MLA text (written by Snow)antl 8.0 CEU contact hour credit recogni-Lron.

This coune is open to librarians through-out lllinois and tìc Midwcst and is spon-sorcd by Lincoln Trail Libraries Sysrcm incooperation with the East Central IllinoisConsortium of Health Scicnce Librarics.

Thrget Audience:Hospital and hcalrh scicncc insritution librari-ans, as wcll as acaclcmic and public and spcciallibrarians who providc medic¿l referçnceservice.

(NOTE: A minimum of l5 rcgisrrans witl bcrcquired in ordcr to offcr ùis cou¡se and amaximum of 35 will be acceptcd.)

Learning Objectives:-To povidc an int¡oduçtion to undcrslandingdrug nomcnclaturc and'b scarching pharma-ccutical literaturc.-To leam how to conduct the medical referenceinterview and to formulate sea¡ch sfatcgies.-To providc hins on pharmaccuúcal collccriondcvelopmcnL-To cnable refercnce and health sciencelibrarians to share expertisc in a recognizcrlprofcssional dcvclopmcnt sclting.

Agenda:8:00 a.m.8:30 a.m.

l2:00l:00 p.m.4:30 p.m.

Coffce & RegisrrationMLA Course #9m-

Bonnie Snow, PresenterLunch Bre¿kMLA Cóu¡sc #902, conrinucdAdjournment

Course Instructor and Text:Bonnie Snow is author of the MLA coursc textDrug Information. A Guide to Current Re-sourccs (1q89). Shc has raughr several MLA-accrcdited courscs and is currcntly cmploycd asBiomcdical Informaùon Spccialisr at DIALOG.She livcs in Philadclphia. The rcxr will bc scntto attcndc¿s upon rcccipt of rcgistraúon.

Accommodations & Thavel:Champaign-Urbana is scrvcd by Amtrak andWillanl Airporr. A limitcd numbcr of roomshave bcen rescrvcd at Jumer's Castle Lodge forCourse ailendees. Attendees should make thei¡own room rcscwadon dircctly as soon aspossiblc, but no larcr lhan Dccembcr 23,l99l(menúon that you are au.ending this workshopsponsorcd by Lincoln Trail Libraries Systcm).Convcntion room ratcs arc $57.00 (single),$64.00 (doublc), or $49.00 (governmenr agcncyrate, which must be mentioned when makingreservation.) Contact: Jumer's Castle Lodgc,209 S. Broadway, Lincoln Square Mall,Urbana, Illinois 61801, (217) 384-8300.

Additional Information :This workshop is sponsorcd by Lincoln TrailLibraries System, in cooperation wirh rhe EastCcnt¡al Illinois Consortium of Healrh ScienceLibrarics. Lincoln Trail Libraries Sysrcm is amultitypc library coopcrar.ive serving I l0academic, public, school, and special libra¡icsin ninc cast central Illinois counties. Forfur$cr workshop information contact:Conti nui ng Education RegistrationLincoln Trail Libraries SyslemlTOl V/. Intcrsratc Dr., Champaign,IL 6t821(2r7) 352-W7; FAX: (2r7) 352-7 r53

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (45)

0nì ine Catalog Technical Cormittee

ìl'inutesOctober 3, l99l

Present : Beth Sandore , Barbara Hen ì gman , Arnol d l.lajenberg ,Karen hlei, Cathy Sal jka, t.r|innie Chan, Bjll M.isðho,

Prograruner's Report (Cathy Sal ika)

Current No. of Records in I0 / ILLINET Online (includes entire state)

Bibl iographìc 7,584,798 Key 7,667,266Authority 8,977,898 Link 5,862,149Hoì di ngs 7, 575, 991

Cathy handed out a summary of the newFBR. We are now capaóle of browsingseries in the same way we are used toinclude B AP for personal authors, Bpersonaì names as a subject, B SC forSET for seri es ti tl es.

browsing commands now available ìnthe authority file for authors andbrowsing subjects." New commands

AC for corporate authors, B Sp forcorporate names as a subject, and B

Cathy noted that the authority file has 20,000 less headìngs than lastmonth due to the success of the authority file sweeper.

CJK records for Plrt of last year are stìl'l not jn LCS. Cathy wìll checkon the progress of loadjng these.

Problems with last weeks FBR load have been corrected. Some FBR recordswere inadvertently ìoaded with incorrect language codes.

Phase 3 Update (8. Henigman)

The Phase 3 Desìgn Subcommjttee of the ILCSO Operations Commjttee jsproceeding with the task of mapping the data now in LCS jnto the new filestructure. Thìs process wjll not change the way Lcs looks and works,however it will gìve the programmers and mainteñance staff moreflexjbil'ity for loadìng and updatìng data. One of the issues djscussedwas the process of moving caìl numbers from LCS to the new fjle structure.tl.jt hoped !!qt d.ocuments numbers (i.e.SUDOC) can be sorted differentlywith a new SPS type search that will allow these numbers to sort better.Arnold will ask CPAC for examples of SpS prob'lems.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (46)


B. Sandore noted that some of Urbana's prefìxes need to be clearlyestabl 'i shed as strippab] e or nonstri ppabì e. CPAC wi I I revi ew the currentprefìx l'ist and determine what changes need to be made.

Di al -up Ports

Beth announced that Urbana is ready to convert dail-up ports to MIL0as soon as possibie. AISS w'ill try to have the conversjon take place onNov. 3.

The comm'ittee discussed the current way l'tlL0 handles authors and Cathyreviewed proposaìs now in consideration for improv'ing the problems ofusers gett,i ng zero h'its wi th author searches. The proposaì s i ncl ude amethod of retriev'ing hits when the user has entered a last name and twojnitials. Prompts wil'l also be added to screen disp'lays to encourage theuser to enter an authors name 'in inverted order.

The next meeting wìlì be Thursday, November 7 at 2:00.

(8. Hen'igman)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (47)



OnLine Catalog ådvisory- Con;¡itteet{INUIIES

October 10, 1991

Present: Betsy wirson (convener), Janifer Thornpson, Beth sandore,Nancy O'Brien, Bill Mischo, Beth t{oodard

Not Present: Àrnold Wajenberg, Sharon Clark

oFFrcrÀL Al{NotrNcEt'IEltr oF ro PLUS: ocÀc discussed when anofficiar public announcement of the avairabitity of ro pruswourd most appropriateJ.y be made. Àn official announcementwould entail: 1) hanging the IO PIus banners; 2) IO plusposters on MTD buses; and 3) press releases. OCÀC suggestedearly November as the announcement period and directed convenerBetsy wirson to forward its recommendation t,o the universityLibrarian for approval.

SIBCOüüITTEE RÈPORTS: The chairs of the five OCÀCSubcommittêes made status reports:

a. User EducaÈion: Nancy O,Brien reported that thesubcommittee is finishing user handouts on subjectsearching and known-iten searching in rBrs. These handoutsshould be ready for distribution in early Novenber.The subcomittee is also working on an instructional handoutfor printing and displaying search records. The Co¡u¡nitteediscussed the need for user documentation for IBIS dialaccess users. Currently, Mentor is available to dialaccess users; in the next few nonths a new, improvedversion of Mentor will be available. Given thisanticipated change, OCAC agreed that it was best towait until spring semester to develop user aids fordial access.

b. Measurement and Evaluation: Beth Sandore reported that theSubconmittee has summary statistics from the initial surveyand some interesting patterns have energed. She alsodescribed that some of the survey questions provedproblernatic and arnbiguous. The Subcommittee is workingwith the Survey Research Lab to develop some validreplacernent questions. The next round of data collectionwill take place February 3-L6, 1992, which directlycorresponds to the first tine period.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (48)





c. Interface Design: Bill Mischo reported that fnterfaceDesign and User Education Subcommittee members would beforming focus pairs to review components of the interface.Mischo discussed bugs in the Ínterface for the ERICdatabase and for the author search in BRS and Wilson. Theversion of the interface to be distributed within a week orso will address the bugs. Mischo also provided that theBRS plurals feature can be overriden by using thecommands set plurals = off.

d. 'Staff Training: Beth Woodard reported that the staffmanual is close to cornpletion. The manual includessections on Current Contents, ERIC, and the Wilsondatabases.

e. Pubticity: Janifer Thornpson reported that sample copies ofthe IO PIus fact sheet and bookmark have been sent to alllibraries. ÀddiÈional copies are available throughPhotoservices. She has colored IO Plus nasthead paper forinternal use.

JOIIRNAL LfSTS FOR IO PLUS: O'BrÍen requested that lists ofjournals indexed in each database be nade available to eachlibrary. Miseho will provide Photoservices with lists forhlilson and BRS to be made available to interested líbraries onrequest. O''Brien will pursue a comparable;list for ERIC.

DISC VEIÍDII{G: O'Brien is pursuing the possibility of makingcomputer discs for downloading available through vendingrnachines

IlfltERFÀCE FOR REt{CftE ÀCCESS: OCÀC discussed how a dÍal upversion of the library's interface could be nade available topatrons. One option would be to allow users to download theinterface from UX1 or \/}{D machine. Currently, the Library doesnot have an account on the UXl. OCÀC reconmended that Wilsonpursue approval for setting up such an account.

NIIÆ DIÀL ACCESS STAtit*: Sandore reported that effectiveNovember 3, users dialing into the online catalog using 333-2494, would be able to use MILO (the nainfrarne interface).Access to MILO via UIUCNET may or may not coincide with thedial access availability date.

NEXI HEEIING: November L4, 19917.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (49)

,t27I ?95b4l99l ¡43



Campus Charitable Fund Drive

The Library and Graduate School of Library and Infornation Science togetherhave gone beyond 50t of thelr goal of $17,000. In a year with no salaryincreases, Tou have shown your compasslon and carlng fot your local, stete,and national connunlties. Thank you to all who have partieipated so far. l.Iestill have several weeks to go; sectlon leaders are remfnded to turn in yourpledge cards to Linda lrrlcklund or Susan Beklares each Thursday.

(Susan Bekiares)

Demonstration of OCLC First Search

The LÍbrary w111 hosc a demonstration of the end-user (publlc) interface forthe OCLC system that has recently been released. The UIUC Library does NOTsubscrfbe to thls servlce, this session ls slmply an lntroduction to theservice.

DATE: October 30 (Wednesday)TIME: 3:30-5PMPIACE: UGX Writing Clinlc (251-8)

(David Stern)

GEAC Update

InplementatÍon of the GEAC Àdvance serials check-in systen has been delayeduntil early next yeer. Ilhen check-in on GEAC begins, Acquisitlons will stopusing Checlqan for check-in purposes. We understand chat many of you rely onChecknan for current serials check-in infornation. I.lhile GEAC w111 not beirnmediately accessible to departmental libraries, Acqufsitions w111 make everyeffort to provlde an alternatlve source of infornatlon for you durfng theinterim, whether through e contect person fn Acqulsitlons or printed reports.Please conÈect Betsy Kruger (4-207L) if you have any questfons.

(Betsy Kruger)Acquisitions Order Clerk

Acquisicions has e new order clerk, Kathy Danner, who assumes her dutiesOctober 28. Orders for all new naterial can be senÈ to her attention, 246Library. Her number Ls 4-2073,

(Karen SchnidE)Mutual Benefit r lfe

Copv of article concernine Mutual Benefit Life


þ!g,, Nerr Jersey, Oct. 11, 1991, 1s available(3-26s4).



No. 43, October 28, 1991This issue edited by: Linda I.licklund


ôcT 2 5 lsel

u N rvqRs,rrY-,9I" llkl ÈR''

thet appeared Ín Sundal¡ Star-from Sara I-o, 425 Library

(Sara Lo)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (50)

Humanicles Presen¡atlon ProJecE Begfns l.lork

After several years of plannlng, we are pleased co announce that theHumanitles Preser:\¡atlon ProJecc is fully underway. Funded by the NatlonalEndorsment for the Htuanlties, the proJect will produce preser:\retlon andservice mlcrofllns for approxf.nacely 4,500 brictle books tn Argentine,Brazilian, and German ltÈerature. The project, was developed by a sub-comrnittee of the Preserr¡atlon Committee and has beneffted from the advfce andassistance of many persons throughout the library.

Following noÈiflcation of funding in August, 1991, we have been engaged in ayear-Iong, but qufte successful, search for proJect staff. We are pleased cohave atÈracÈed three hlghly-qualffled individuals. Please welcome DavidGilbert (ProJecE Librarian), I'fary Jo Zeter (Assistanu Projeet Llbrarian), andDonald Todaro (Graduate Asslstant) to che Llbrary. Slnce starting work thlssemester, we have refined procedures, developed software, and begun selectJ.ngbrittle books from the Stacks. By the end of October, lre wÍll be sending thefirst few dozen books to the rnicrofllro vendor Ln BeEhlehem, Pennsylvanla.

P1ease feel free co stop by the proJect office (429 LLbraty) or call(4-7604) 1f you r¡ould like to learn more about the proJect.

(Wlllian J. Maher, ProJect Dlrector)

Support Staff PositÍons Open as of OcÈober 23. 1991

Half-tlme, LÍbrary Technical AsslstanÈ I, Muslc(Gfnny McCuIlough)

***************************r(*************************************rr********OCTOBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Legi-Slate: Not,t at a Library Nean You"

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council

"Gl ee Cl ub"

"Ill ino'is Labor NewsPaPers"

"A Gathering of Notables, 1991"

)ocuments L'ibraryWall case, south corrjdor

Archives" University Archivesl,lal I case, basem*nt hal lwaY

Latjn American LibrarYMain Corridor

UniversitY Arch'ives

Newspaper LibrarY

Rare Book and Special CollectionsLi brary

u Li f e H'ithout Coì umbus: Peop'l e of Lat'inAmerica before the Conquest"

(Library Office of Development and Public Affairs)


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (51)

Supponr SwFF


Lavonda D. Dorsey - 5 yearsLlsa G. Gtbbs - 5 yearsVincent L. Golden - 5 yearsBetsy L. Karberg - 5 yearsMarllyn T. Llndholm - 5 yearsScott E. l,lann - 5 yearsElsa M. l.llller - 5 yearsBetty L. Pope - 5 yearsNadyaVlnokur-5yearsGracle L. l,larren - 5 yearsShella H. llllllams - 5 years


Betty J. Albert - 35 yearsVlrgtnla l4cCullough - 30 yearsJean H. Dawson - 25 yearsDelorls A. Hollnan - 25 yearsEllzabeth Bannlassadt - 20 yearsKaren K. Kalser - 20 yearsMary E. Capes - 15 yearsKaren l,l. Dudas - 15 yearsYera lilltchell - 15 yearslúllllam E. l{apler - 15 yearsDuyen Thl l{guyen - 15 yearsRlta A. Palmer - 15 yearsChrlstlna K. To - 15 years

(servlce Tlme as of 08-31-91)

&nvrcL JTnr AwnRDs

Julta K. tfatklns - 15 yearsAnnette K. Brandon - l0 yearsKathy S. Callahan - l0 yearsDavld Ù1. Chapman - l0 yearsHarry R. Hendershot - l0 yearsDesera K. Johnson - l0 yearsZona l'1. ileler - l0 yearsl'lardell J. 0'Brlen - l0 yearst{llltam E. 0gg - l0 yearsRlchard A. Palmer - l0 yearsSusan C. Strong - l0 yearsLeatha t'1. t{llllams - l0 yearsl.llchael A. Clnker - 5 years

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (52)

Faculty Search Position Update

Search Search Search Search Interviews0pened Extended Closed Cancel led ScheduledT'itl e

Rare Book B'ibl i ographi cSpeci al i st

Japanese StudiesLibrari an

Documents Librarian/Federal TechnologySpec'ial i st




04-t 5-91

08-3t -9t

09-l 6-91




Assistant Editor (ABSEES) 08-01-91

Assi stant Sl avi c L'ibrari an(Slavic Cataloger) 08-02-91

Assistant Map & GeographyLìbrari an 08-07-91

Development Officer 08-30-91

Head, As'i an Li brary I 0-09-91

Nov. 4, 5,& l4

Oct. 10, .|5,

& 16

0ct. 28 &

30; Nov. I

Oct. 9

Oct. 2ì, 22,&23

Al DriesLibrary Personnel 0ffice

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (53)



You'Fe Invi[ed

To telebr'âLe

l00th AnniveFsät-yof.


lv{ondayNouembeF FouFth2:ü0 - 3:3t p.m.

Levis Cen[eF Lobby

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (54)

Yor¡ are fnr¡ited to .ãttendtb.e

Fal I Brown Bag Speaker Series

SPonsored bfrResearch and Pr¡bl icati<¡n Cor¡nittee

f eatr¡ring

Novenrber 6. 1991113 DKII L2 NOOIV I O'CI,OCK

Professor Jana Bradlêy, GSLIS

"Bureaucratic and Individr¡al l(nowl edgein the Pt¡bI ic Senrice Departnent

Acadenric Ëibraryi An Exploratory


Decenrber 4. 1991113 DKH L2 NOOw l o'CLOCK

Professor Greg Newby, GSLIS

"Nehr Forrns of Hr¡nan-CqrputerInteractions"

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (55)

sE)"T By:llt Llb Compurer Sysr ;10-18-91 ; 3:13P}l : 2172447396- t 0F I 2t7a211u0398i# 2/ 2



Art Institute of ChicagoFilm Centcr Auditorium

280 South Columbus DriveTtursday, Novcmber 14, 1991

10:00 a.m.. 3;30p.m.

10¡00 - 10:30 Rcgicurticn rnd Coffec

10:30- 11:00 [ntrodr¡st¡oû to thc Fon¡mUpdrto oa ILêSO CoEü¡Uõ - Rich¡rd Chri¡tro¡cn

tl;00 - 12:45 ILLINBT O¡linc Røructurh¡ sxl Phr¡c III - Dot ìltrrod rnd Qrtùy Srlikr

12¿45 - 2t0O Lutrch - On Your olr¡

2:N - 2t45 ÍLLINET O¡li¡c Trblc MrÍntco¡ncc - Mel Frr¡ell

2t45 -itl0 Opó Di$ursion - Bclindr Scck, Modcntor


ILCSO TECHMCAL SEN,VICBS FORI'MArt Institurc of ChicagoFilm Centcr Auditorium

2E0 South Columbus DriveThursday, Novembs 14, 1991, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Rcgistration Fee: lË Charge

(Ptc¡¡e Uæ A Scpantr Rr¡ûtredon Fonu For Euch lndlvidud)






Retu¡n Complctcd Form¡ by Novcmbcr t, 1991, tol

Illi¡oi¡ Libnry Conpubr Systrmr Ofñco205 Johngorv¡c C.trtro5û2 E. Joùr StrÊ.rChrmpelgn,ll 61t20

ofFÆ( ro: 2L712Æ:1596

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (56)


L'f t,S 2-ith r\NNIVIìllS,\lìY l'OllUll: lìural Librurie.s in Trrnsit¡on:Challenges and Opportunities for the 90's - Novcmbcr 13, 1991, Chanrpaign, ll)inois

De.rdline for receipt of registration is November 12, 1991.


Posi tion (s)

Li brul',{nsti tr.rtion

l)hone & FAX

Enclosccl is registraLion j:l¡,rncnt:

--S15.00 (LTLS ltlcnrbcrs)


530.00 (othcrs)

lrlail pl¡'nrcnL, rviLh rcgistration, tt'r: CE Registration, Lincoln T¡ail Libraries S;-srcm,

1704 W. Intcrstate Dr., Charnpaign, IL 61E21.








Non-Profit OrgU. S. Poslage

PAIDPermit No. 12

Champaign lllinoisSuppotllng l¡btoty coopercllon ln €osl Cenlrcl lil¡nols

1707 lt/ lnletsloleOnve , Chompoign. l|¡no¡s ó1821

Address correc,ion requested

!̂oåoóõ:ñ Lncon








\ Rr 45







Matl¡s -=>E,:otÉ


/t ,Þs EgP:2o û)o




ooo ez =oo='P Ã,>fl -- ñ

:ai ig sË#ii ==3 ag i

'ãä Ëå '1

¡g rH ë ädú

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (57)

I.TI,S 25th ANNIVI'RSA RYFOIìUM:Rrrral Libraries in Transition:Challenges and Opportuniticslor the 90's

November 18, lgil9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Chanccllor llotcl lnd Conyenf ion Ccrrtcr.Chanrpaign. Illinois

Rcgisration fcc (inclurlcs lunch):S15.00 (LTLS mcmtrcrs)S30.00 (otJrcrs)

Thc cnvironrncnt for mnl librurics in IIli¡roisis changìng. Sccrctary of Slltc (ìcorgc Ry:rn has

dccìarcd thc wcll-bcing of Illi¡lois nrrirl lilrr¿rricsto bc a hi.qh priority conccm for his rulnlinisrra-tIon.

'[hc challcngcs facing rurll librlrics lrrcnurììcror.ìs 'I'hc crosion of thc nrrrl ta,r brrsc, thc

historic <rvcr-rcliul'rcc on rcal cstatc tlxcs ftrr li-trrary [urrrling, alld thc incrcasing cost of'¡rrovitl-rng scrviccs :rrc placing rnounling, prcssuics (rn

thc ability of rural Iibrarics lo contillr.rc currcntlcvcls o[ scrvicc. Thc ncc<ì ftrr rcccssitrlc:

facillLics, computcrizcd rcccss to rcl¡rotc collcrc-t ions, lnd llford:rblc tclcconrrnun ic¡ I ions p I í! c,]s

substantial ad<litional strain on alrr:lrly IirnitcrlrcsourccS.

Yct, mral librarics, cvcn thc r¡rost nrrxlcst,play an inr¡;ortant rolc trs sorrrccs of locll prirìcand local comntunity ccntcrs of culturll, rccrcir-tion:rl :rncl cducational infurnlation. As nrcrnlrcrsoI resourcc shuing nctrvorks, lu:al rLrral libraricsmust firsI bc strong cnoLrgh to nrcct l<rcal nccrls,for thc succcss of nctworks <lcncn<ls uDon

lncmbcr strcngth.

This workshop rvill cxplorc thc issucs

inrpacting on rural librarics in lllinois, u,illdiscuss thc potcnti:rl for ncw partncrships and

crcativc nppronchcs to coopcration, and will offcrsuggcstions for local conrrnunity action.

Kcynotc spcakcr Don Dillman is Prolcssorof Rural Sociology and Dircctor o[ thc Social ancl

Economic Scienccs Rescarch Ccntcr at Washing-ton Statc Univcrsity, Pullman, Wirshington.Othcr cxpcrts in rural dcvclopnrcnt :rnd rurallibrary issucs who will dìscuss spccific arcas ofconccnì inclutlc Profcssor l)on Uchtnrann. hcad

of thc Univcrsity of Illinois Coopcrativc Extcn-sion Scrvicc; Brcnt Crossland, Prcsidcnt of thcIllinois Library Association; and Don Rcynolds,Assistant Administrator of thc Ccntral Kirnsas

Library Systcm and thc Chair ol thc Small and

Rural þihrarics Committce of thc Prrblic LibraryÂssociation.

As part of thc LTLS 25th Annivcrsaryl:orunr scrics, workshop participants will havc thcopportunity to idcntily priority conccms forrnccting rural library dcvclopmcnt necds in a

rnullitypc coopcrativc library systcm sctting.

'l'urget ¿\udience: a

Litrrary sttlf, trustccs, and community lcadcrsintcrc:;tccl in issucs impacting rural librarics anrl

thc univcrsal acccss to infornlation irl rur:rl arcrs.

Lcarning Objectives: ____a

-To iclcntify major socictal, cconornical, govcrn-rncrìtal, and informatir)n acccss issucs irnpircting

:l:,1" Our,',t o[ library scrviccs offcrc<l in rural

-To rcccivc an updatc rcport of thc work of.Sccrctary of Statc Gcorgc Ryan's Rural LibraryI)ancl.-1'o suggcst cducational and action-oricntcclstratcgics for librrry planncrs to adclrcss thc shortlunrl lonq-tcnn challcngcs facing rural librlrics.--fo providc un opportunity for parLicipants to

sharc and prioritizc issucs facing librlrics in thc

ncxt rlccadc irr rcgrrd to providing rural lihnrryírcccss to informrtion in a multitypc coopcrativclibrary systcnì sctting.

r\genda ________a


8:30 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

9:30 a.rn

I l:(X) ¡.rn.

I l:30 a.m.

l:00 p.rn.

l:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Coffcc and RcgistrationWclcomc and Introduction o[Spcciirl Gucsts-Jan Ison, LTLSExccutivc Dircctor:

Bridgct Lanront, Dircctor,Illinois Statc Library

Thc Honorablc Gcorgc Ryan,

Sccrctary of Statc and S¡atc

Librarian (or dcsigncc)"Community Nccds and thc

Rur;rl Library in thcInformation Agc"-KcynotcAtldrcss by Professor Don Dillnr¿rn"Thc lllinois Coopcrativc ExtcnsionScrvicc and thc Potcntial forCoopcration in Mceting RuralInformation Nccds"-Profcssor Don UchtmanllLunchcon and Participant Focus

Group Discussions"Thc Modcm Rural Library:A Virill Link in rhc Srarc ancl

Coopcrativc Nctwork"-Brcnt Crossland"But What Do I Do Now?: Thc RuralLibrarian As Community Lcadcr"-Don ReynoldsAcliournmcnt

a__ ___ a_,.,_ __è___aL____ a__ _. _a

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (58)


Date Issued: 0ctober 28, l99lApproved by: Vjce Chancellor for Academjc

Affai rs

CAMPUS ADl'4INISTRATIVE MANUALPersonnel Pol iciesSection IX/C - 19.1

Page I of 2


Faculty Members |'|ay Request An Interruptjon 0f The probationarylq.jo9 {Tenure_Roììback) For various Reasons And Appeat-À õäñìát0f A Rollback Request.

. Probationary.pqriod faculty_members_ may request an jnterrupt.ion of theprobationary perìod (tenure rolìback) for various reasons.

- Duri!9 the prqbatìonary period, circ*mstances may prevent a facuìty memberfrom performing_those duties necessary to attain the-stature expected ofUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty within the time frame of theprobationary period. The

asreement approved-uv thÀ Þiðsi¿ent of the u'j';;:iii"inåttñ.'liiåi'lrä::l"nAìthough tenure rollbacks are never automatic, they ãre granted'jn the bestinterest of the Univers'ity and its facuìty to promôte anð tenure faculty of thehighest quality in methods and manners that are fair, equitabìe, and humane.

Tenure rollbacks may.be granted fon reasons includìng, but not restr.icted to,disabiìity, extended and/or severe illness, or obìigat'ioñ'to a member of thefamjly or household, or cjrc*mstances beyond the coñtrol of the faculty member,such as admjnistratjve error. Faculty members and unjt heads shoul¿ nät wait torequest a rollback until the probat'ionary period is about to expire, but shouldrequest_a rollback whenevelit becomes clear that cjrc*mstances, consistent withthis-polìcy, will impede the faculty member's progress toward achievingindefjnite tenure. Unit heads who recognize the ñeed for a faculty meñber torequest a tenure rollback are encouraged to djscuss this policy wìlh him or her.Uni t heads are encouraged to expì a'in to al I facul ty membei.s the avai I abi I j ty ofthis.policy, and faculty members should feel free to approach their unit heãdsfor jnformat'ion concernìng thìs poìicy or with jndividi¡äl requests for rollbacks.

Exceptional circ*mstances may warrant the granting of a rollback for morethan one year.

. Requests for tenure rollbacks must be jnitiated jn writing by the facultymember and recommended for approvaì by the department head/chãir/schooì d.ireltor,the administrative officer of an jntermedjate unit (if applicabìe), the dean ordìrector, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affajrs, the Vice President forAcadem'ic Affairs, and finaììy the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Allrequests for tenure rollbacks will be rev'iewed and considered carefuìly. In mostcases' one consideration will be the faculty member's progress toward tenureprìor to the occurrence or circ*mstance that may justify the rollback. A request

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (59)


Date Issued: 0ctober 28, l99lApproved by: Vice Chancellor for Academic

Affai rs

CAMPUS ADMINISTRATIVE MANUALPersonnel pol iciesSection IX/C - l9.lPage 2 of 2

on the part of a facul ty member does not guarantee that the request w.i ì ì beapproved.

.__If the request for a tenure rollback js approved, the Campus Lega'l Counselwill prepare a special agreement regarding the terms and conditions-ofapPg'intment. The agreement_will specify the reasons for the tenure rollback andwjll clearly state the faculty member's new tenure status. It will be ciiðulile¿for all the appropriate signatures.

If a faculty member's request for a tenure rollback is denied at thedepartmentaì or unit level, the faculty member may appeal that decision by askingthat the unit advìsory or executjve committee review'the request and make .itsrecommendation to the unit administrator. If, after that review, the unitadministrator stjil denies the request,' the adminjstrator must forward thedecision and supportìng documentation to the next level administrator for reviewof the procedures used by the unjt.

If the reviewìng administrator finds that the procedures used by thedepartment or unit were unsatisfactory, the originat'ing unit must réconsjder the9a:9. If the procedures were satisfactory but the reviewing adminjstratorbel'ieves that denial of the rollback requires such action, [hen the reviewingadministrator shall consult with the originating.administrator about the reaõonsfor the rollback denial. Although the originating administrator retainsdjscretion to deny the rollback, one purpose of tñis consuìtation js to insurethat gross dìsparitjes do not arise among departments in granting roììbackrequests.

If the denial of the rollback is at the Campus leveì, the Campus Promotjonand Tenure Committee will serve as the reviewing committee and thä Vice presjdentfor Academic Affairs wil'l be the administrator io review the procedures.

. At any pojnt in the process of appeaì, the faculty member may consult with ortake a formal grievance to the Faculty Advisory Committee or the Senate Committeeon Academic Freedom and Tenure.

Quest'ions should be directed to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for AcademicAffairs (3-2i59).

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (60)


338 Henry Administration Building,506 South Wright Street, Urbana, lllinois 61801


October 2L, L997

TO: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

FROM: Stephen K. Rugg, Associate Vice Presid eú l'(E""-:'Ú $g\

SUBJECT: Position Announcement

The Illinois Library Computer Systems Office a subunit of the UniversityOffice for Planning and Budgeting is currently advertising for a Library SystemsCoordinator. A copy of the job description is attached.

If you or your colleagues know of qualified individuals who would beinterested in this position and whose backgrounds match our needs, please share this'announcement and job description with them.

Thank you for your assistance.


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (61)


Function of thc Po6ition

This is an acâdcmic ptofcssional pocition in a ccntr¡l administration officc cupporting statcwide library cnmputers)6tcmE lnd 6cn¡iccs, hcadquartercd and administcrcd by thc Uniwrsity of lllinois.

Charactcristic Duties and Rcsoonsibilitics

As a libnry qrtcms coordinator, prwides initial uscr oontact on opcrational issues, for both ncw and cxistingpan¡c¡pant institutions.

Sc¡vcs as the primary @ntect on operational mattcrs for mcmber librarics, including problcm analpis andrÊsolution, ¡cporting and rnonitoring projcct ¡tatus from inccption to complction.

Undcr the di¡cction of thc Dir€ctor/Associatc D¡rccton

a. Assist6 with uscr education and training projccts, as assigned.b. Assists with uscr documcntat¡on projccts, as assigncd.c. Othcr rlatcd projcct¡, as assigncd.

Scrves as a liaison to thc AISS library sptcms programming staff, rrpr€scnting spccific uscr ecnicc intercsts endstatcwidc nctwork mattcrl.

Minimum Oualifications

1. Mastc/s degrec from an Al-¡r acc¡cditcd library school.2. Minimum of two ycars cxpcricnce using an automatcd cataloging or cirtulation system.3. Onc year of post-MI.S cxpcriencc in a libnry or library-rclatcd organization.4. Erpcricncc using a bibliographic utility, or a microcomputcr or rnainfri¡mc.bascd sptcm requiring

automarcd library skills.5. Strong intcrpcrsonal, oral, and writtcn communication skills.6. Dcmonsrratcd ability to c¡ork wirh minimal dirtct supcrvision.7. Strong crcativc and problcm-solving skills.E. Valid drivcl,s liccnsc (ln-Statc trawl of approximatcly ?,U?SVo timc),

Additional Desi¡ablc Oualificarions t5 2 3 'ì'\

1. Erpericncc with ILLINET Online (LCS/FBR).2. Expcricnce with databasc maintcnancc.3. Expcricncc with library automation uscr cducation and documcntation.4. Working knoÍlcdgc of thc OCLC cataloging subsystcm.5. Working knowlcdge of IVARC format.6. Working knowlcdgc of microcomputers.7, Expcriencc in a ¡csourtc sharing or nctwork cnvi¡onmcnt,

Position Classification

Thc lllinois Library C,omputcr Sptems Coo¡dinator is a lull-time acadcmic/professional position rcquiring servicefor twelvc months with onc month's vacation annually. Salary is dcpcndcnt upon qualifications and is cxpccted to be in thcrange of $23,000 to S25,000.

Beeinnins Datc

Ay¿ila b lc im mcdiatelv.

Application Procedurcs

For full considcration submit a lettcr of application, curcnt rcsumc, and three lcttcrs of rccommcndation byDcccmber 13. l99l to:

Illinois Library Computcr Sptems OfficcVoUnivcrsity Officc for Planning and Budgcting

338 Hcnry Administ¡ation Building506 South Wrighr Srrecr

Urbana. lllinois 61801


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (62)

T.fTNUTESGeneral Sen¡ices Àdvisory Conrnittee Ueeting

October 4, 1991

Present: Chan, Engel, Kruger, Rinkel, Stevenson, $latson, Wei

Àbsent: C1ark, Schnidt

cSAc aötivities during Paulars sabbatical were reviewed. paulareport,ed on the highlights of the Directorst meeting and reviewedthe status/progress of the nediation process.

Administrative transfer of two IRRC líbrarians to Reference wasdiscussed.

There was then a long discussion of the need for General Servicespolicy documents in a variety of areas and a review of the policyand Planning Couunitteers progress in developing then. It wasagreed that the P&P Committee as constituted last year should bereconvened and be charged with the following:

1. fdentification and establish¡nent of requirements formaintaining itself as a continuous functioning co'nnittee. What,steps need to be taken to assure that the conmittee continues tofunction from year to year vithout a break? Should the bylaws beamended or should cerÈain procedures be established?

2. Provision of a sumnary of its work up to this point in tine.3. Cornpletion of the final draft of a travel policy to bepresented for approval to the faculty.4. Identification of priorities for policy development.

Since this is a heavy charge, the GSAC agreed that the p&pCommittee, while it should convene as quickly as possible, needsti¡ne to address these issues properJ.y. Tr{o General Servicesfaculty meeÈings were set for the future: one on October 25 atL:30 p.m. and the second on Novembet 22. The P&P Cornmitteeshould be prepared to address the above items at the meetingscheduled for November.

A review of its progress would be appropriate on October 25.

(I{innie Chan)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (63)

Executive Committee MinutesOctober 8, 1991

Present: Balachandran, BishoP, BopP, Davis, Friedman, Kilton, Landis,Maher, Schmidt

The minutes of the Sept - 77 and Oct. I meetinge etere reviewed andapproved as altered. As a point of information, the elected membere of theEiècutive Committee (EC) reviewed thej-r plane to meet with the Chairs ofthe Senate Library Committee and the Senate Council to bring them up todate on the mediation proceaa; the elected EC aleo expects to meet with thejoint faculty departmeát"t advisory comnittees and with the libnary facultyin the near future.

Bfshop dietributed a draft of hie and the Directore' reaponae to a

request for j-nformation from the Cope Cor¡mittee; this draft will bediãeueeed at the oct. zz Ec meeting. Bishop urged that any couìlnentsconcerning the responee be forwarded to him by oct. 11.

A revlelon of the Library'e Action Plan for L99L/92 waa dietributed;this edíted draft reflected ehanges auggeated by the Directore for coneld-eratton by the EC. Seven iteme were placed in Priorlty order for thisyear'e work and flve iteme were lieted as currently ln the etate ofimplementation. The Comnittee reviewed the Plan and euggeeted aonealleratione, in particular, that the eoncePt of bulldlng a 7th stackedition not be lãst in the pugh for remote etorage. With EC agreement thisactíon plan wlll be presentèd to the Adminiatrative Council, and then takento the iaculty. Wheã conaeneue ie reached, Biehop wlth coneultation fromift" ôf""dtor'ã and the EC, wlII appoint an accountable pereon to takecharge of each PrioritY.

The remainder of the meetÍng wae epent in identlfying mattere fordiscuseion on whtch the degree of agreement'/dleagreement would be explored'Each EC menber had the opportunity to contribute itema of eoncern; it wae

agreed that the enauing discueeton would allow fifteen minutee for eachtõplc, and that every étfort would be made to aeaulre a balanced review- At'thé end of the al,lotted tlme period the iseue under consideratlon would beplaced into one of two categoriee: a) agreement between the EC and theUniversity Librarlan "pp"""ã

poeelble, or b) dtfferencee between the EC andthe Unlverelty Librarían appear irreconcllable. It waa agreed that itemefor dlecussioà wiII not be distrlbuted to the faculty until the EC haeexamined them.

Next neeting: Oct. 22, 3 Pm.

(Elteabeth Davie)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (64)

Adninlstratlve CouncilOctober 10, 1991


Present: D.F. Bishop, M. Choldin, C. Deal, D. Montanelli, R. Surles,P. I^Iatson, D. Holiman, S. Lo, M. Balachandran, I,l . Mischo, M. l^IillÍams,B. I,Iilson, K. Newsome, J. Kibbee, M. Mallory, M. Hartse, R. Burger,K. I^/ei, B. Sandore, K. SchmÍdt, N. Brown.

1. Announcements

I.rIe are looking into the reasonCouncil received both e-mail agendasagenda.

2. Action Plans

some members of Administrativesome received only the re-sent


D. Bishop distributed the proposed L99L/L992 action p1an. Criteria forinclusion on the list were: 1) item had to have reasonable chance of makingprogress this fiscaL yeat, 2) items had to affect a nrr.mber of areas, not befocussed in Just one area, and 3) the list had to be a reasonable length, nota "laundry Iist." The list, as dÍstributed, is a merger of lists created bythe Directors and by the Executive ComnlËtee. Items L-7 ate in priorityorder. The other items on the lisÈ are either underway and/or will require noresources other than staff time. (Note additional item 4.)

K. Newsome requested interlibrary loan be included as one of the sevenprioriËies. D. Bishop suggested that iC be included in IRRC's action plan.

There was a discussion of constreints on how the Library uses theanÈicipaEed operating budget increase. Since this money is coming from othercampus units, it has to be spenE in programmatic l¡ays. l.rle must be able toshow the services iE is providing.

D. Bishop asked that the proposed action plans be discussed ín councils,with a foeus on what might be nissing and whaE nay noÈ need to be on the list.

3. SPI's

S. Lo asked if SPI's will be available this yeat . The campus personneloffice has said that SPI's will be available for staff not in a bargainingunit. In Èhe Library thls is only 10 people. Possible awarding of SPI's hasnot been discussed. (Since this meeting, the campus has revised the SPIpolicy. )

4. ILL Charges

I^I. Mischo asked when a new ILL fee.schedule would be in place. K.Newsome replied that Ëhe ne\^¡ proposal has not yec been presented to BusinessAffairs or approved by them. It will take at least another month before thenew fee schedule is in place.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (65)

5. Intercultural Lfbrary

S. Lo asked 1f the Library had been consulted about the creation of theIntercultural Library ín the lllini UnÍon. B. Clark has asked Joyce l.Iright rolook inÈo lt and rePort. (AÈ a later meeting with the Directors, .t. Wrightreported that Èhls will be a small resource room available to studentorganfzatfons, which 1s nodeled after one that Union Board members saw whenvisiting the University of l.Ilsconsin.) The larger question for the Library isthaË a need may be surfaclng which we do not appear Èo be meeting, i.e.popular materials in forelgn languages.

5. Hertzberg Strike

K. Schmidt reported that the strike at Hertzberg-New Method Bindery wasnot having a critÍcal effect on Líbrary operations. (on Friday, oct. 11, itwas learned thaÈ the strike had been settled. )

6. Main-frame Interface

B. Sandore reported that AISS has targeted November 3, 1991 as the daEethat 333'2494 will switch to MILO. CSO fs worktng ro insrall sofrware whichwill allow their porÈs, fnternet, and 333-4000 to have access to Ëhe newinterface. l.le do noE have a date for that switch.

7. COPE User Surveys

M. Balachandran reported that the survey forns have been ftnalized. Herequested that each public servÍce unit call Lfnda llicklund no later thanOctober 14, to report the nu¡nber of current visit survey forms the unit willneed for each of the three disÈrfbutlon periods.

8. Fee for Benefits

D. Montanelli rerninded AdnÍnistrative Council members that startingJanuary 1, L992, staff will be charged (on a sliding scale) for benefitcoverage. The Personnel Office will put Ínformatlon Ín LON as a remÍnder.

9. Next meeting will be October 31, 1991.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (66)


These fcems are ln prÍorlty order

1. Develop ahd lnplement å plan for remote storage as en interfn solutlonuntll che 7th stack additfon is completed

2. Develop a nultl-year plan to provlde an adequate nrrmber and type ofonllne catalog ternfnals ln public ereas

3. Inpleroent securlty systens fn the Maln Lfbrary buflding

4. Develop a plan to provide staff assfstance ln the area of sysEernshardnare and softr¡are

5. rnplenenE the recor¡mendaElons of the catalogfng Task Force

6. Develop and lnplenenc a plan to read all or a portion of che stacks

7. Develop a systenatlc approach to adding new data bases to ro+

These lterus are fn the process of being inplenented and therefore arenot lncluded ln the llst above

1. Develop a plan for the lnplenentatlon of the GEAG systern

2. Convert all microform reader--prfnÈers to bond paper eoplers aÈ 10 centse coPy

3. Review the guidelfnes for arlocaÈfon of the naterfals budget

4. Develop a plan for IRRC that r¡fll: reestabllsh a sound ffnancfalfound¿tlon for Èhe unft; deEeriline goals and prforftles; andreaffl¡m the Llbrary's coomfÈnenÈ to resource sharfng

5. Plan for the use of oper:atfng funds reallocated to the Lfbrary throughthe caupus prlorlttes process

6. Begln long-range stracegic plannfng

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (67)

u?7I 295b4l99l:44 É0PY ?



Urbana - Charnpaign

No. 44, Novenbet 4, 1991ltris issue edited by: Llnda Garrett

1O0th Anniversary Party Honoring the Chemfstry Library .:'

You've invited to attend the 100th annÍversary perÈy honorlng the ChenistryLibrary (established 1891). lle will be celebraring on November 4, 1:00-3:-00PM in the Levis Center Maln Lobby. Speakers, refreshnents, toests an¿congratulatlons will be featured. The party also celebrates the greac successof the chenistry Llbrary EndowmenÈ Fund and ls our way of thanking allconErÍbutors. Endowuent Fund Chafr¡an Lester Coleman will present a check toTina Chrzastowskl representing the fund's current total--over $17O,OOO.Please come to help launch us into our second century.

(Tina Chrzastowski)

rllinoÍs state Genealoeical societv's 23rd Annual Fall conferenêe

The lllinois State Genealogical Soclety's 23rd Annual Fall Conference was heldin Chanpaign on October 25-26. Among the featured speakers nere lllllian J.Maher and Carollm Jane Ç¡mmsn fron this library. AIso es pert of the program,Diane Carothers conducted a tour of the Unlversity Library on Thursdayevening, October 24. Instead of the antfcipated 30-35 people, there were g¡¡on the tour--perhaps a record for the slze of any lfbrary Èour. Jane l.Iiles,Nancy Romero, and John Hoffnann made brfef presentaclons about their ereasdurÍng the tour. (Diane Carothers)

LibrarJ¡ of the Health Sciences--Urbana Aruard

The Library of the Health Sciences--Urbana, has been awarded a contract forçL5,794.48 by the Natlonal Library of Medlcine. The proJect, whlch Ís one offifteen to receive fundfng, wfIl provide GRATEFTL MED training and circuirlibrary sera¡ices to health professÍonals in Edgar, PiatÈ, and Ford counties.Additionally, Ehe proJect wÍll gather data on the fnformation seeking skillsof rural health professionals. Victorla Pffalo fs the príncipal investigator.

(Victorla Pifalo)


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (68)


The Graduate School of Library and Infornation Science w111 sponsor a half-dayworkshop on using the InterneE on ltrursday. November 7, from 1:OO-4:00 pM in435 DKH. The workshop is open to GSLIS faculcy and students, library faqulty,and other interested persons in the unl.verslty conrnunity. Toplcs to becovered include the structure of BITNET and Ehe Internet, the use ofdlscussion grouPs and electronic Journals, remote eccess to online catalogsand other network resources, the electronic acqulsitfon of docr:ments and,software from remote archives, and reference r¡ork on Èhe Internet. Theworkshop will begin wÍth a lecture denonsÈration cornponent that will run from1:00 PM to aPProxinately 2:30 PM, with the rest of the afternoon devoted, tohands-on practice on the conputers in the GSLIS Learníng Resources Lab.Temporary sign-on privileges w1l1 be nade avallable for partfcipants qrho donot have accounts on Alexia (the GSLIS network). there w111 be no charge forthis workshop, but we would like for parÈlcipants to register Ln advance sowe'll know how meny peoPte to expect. I.Ie can only acco'¡modate about 25people, but wÍll schedule a second session at a later date if fnteresÈ is highenough. You can reglster by contacting Curt McKay by phone (3-3280) or E-¡nail(nckay@alexÍa. 1is . uiuc . edu) . (Brett Sutton, Asst. Professor)

Map & Geography New AppolnÈment

The Map & Geography Library 1s pleased Eo ennounce the appolntment ofMs. Barbara l.Ieatherall as Asslstant Map & Geography Lfbrarian. Ms. i.Ieatherallrecently received her M.L.s. fron the unlverslÈy of Kentucky and hasexperience working wlÈh rnaps et the Unlversity of Clncinnati and the ColoradoSchool of Mines. (David Cobb)

K.orean Books.There are 5 boxes of books in various subjectConsulate, by Dennis Searsrs desk. If youdepartmental library or stacks, please placã aIocation. They wiII be there until November 15.

areas donated by the Koreanwould like any added to astreamer in it and mark the

Vincent Golden

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (69)

**************************************************************************NOVEI'IBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

rar r ..,3:':i;il'.:;:iå;i"Campaigns from the Advertising Council Archives" Universìty Archìves

l.lal I case, basem*nt haì 'lway

" Fraterni ty and Student Ru] es " University Arch'ives

"llomen in Sports and Physical Education at the Univers'ity ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 1870 - 1950u First Floor Corridor

(Library 0ffice of Development and Public Affairs)**************************************************************************


Ful I time,Ful I t'ime,Ful I tìme,Half-tìme,Ful I tìme,Half-tìme,

Li braryL i braryL i braryL ì braryLi braryLi brary

Clerk II,Clerk II,Cl erk I I,Clerk II,Clerk III,Techni cal

Acquì si t'ionsCi rcu ì at'i onI RRC


Acqui sitionsAssìstant i, Music

( Gi nny McCul I ough )

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (70)


Çopies of the follodng rntices for prufess'ima'l library posìt'ions are available in the LibraryPersonrel Office for ¡our rev'iqv. Please feel free to stop by, Roon 127, to revìsv theseannounc€nEfits.

Tìtle Place

Fþad of the kience and Erg'ineering Library

l-lead oF tie Cataìog kparürent

l'þad of the Reference Departænt

Ass'istant Head, Reference Departrcnt

Assistant Head, Departænt of Spec'ialCol leqtìons

East Asiat'ic Deoartæ¡t l'lead

Head, 1ç¿iu Services Departænt

Director of Mrinìstrative Services

Erglish and Theatre ard Drana 9ójectSoeci al i st

Curator of lova l,lqlen's Archives

Head, Resource Services Deparürent

Governænt Docurents L'ibrarì an(L'ibrarian I or II, posit'ion approvalpød'in9)

Phys'i cal Scì ences/l'lathgnat'i cs Li brar.i an

ReFererrce/User Educatim L'ibrari an

Univers'ity of AlabanaTuscalæsa, Alùana

Un'iversity of AlabanaTuscaloosa, Alabana

Univers'ity of AlabanaTuscaìoosa, Alabana

Brom UniversityPlrcvidence, Rlrcde Isl and

University of Cal'iforni aLos Angeles, Caììforn'ia

Univers'ity of ColoradoBorìder, Colorado

trnry tJniversityAtlanta, Georgia

ûrory l.JniversityAtìanta, Georgia

IrÉ'iana [JniversìtyBloqrington, Ind'iana

Unìversity of lovaIova City, Iova

Johns Flopk'ins UniversìtyBaltinnne, Maryland

Mich'igan State UniversityEast Lansirg, ltichìgan

Univers'ity of ttlotre DareItlotre Daæ, Irdiana

Ohio State UnivensityCoìurhrs, Oh'io

Closìrg Date

Novsrber ì8, l99l

Novsrber 18, l99l

Novenber 18, l99l

Decenber I, l99l

Decerber ì, l99l

Decerber l, l99l

Janiary 15, 1Wz

Novenber 15, 199'l

Decenber 15, l99l

Jaruary 15, .1992

Oper until filled

Novenber 15, l99l

Novúber 20, l99l

0pen until filled

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (71)

Busiress/Ecomnics Refererce Librari an

Catalogen (Onl ine Processìrg Un'it)

Cataì oger ( ltbrngraphs )

l-lead, Acqui sìtj ons Deparürent

l-lead, Coì lection Develogrent

fra'inirg Coordinator

Circuìation Librarian

univers'ity Librarian ard D'irector oFLibraries

l-þad, Reference and Informatìon Serv.ices

Latin Ærerican Serials Cataìoger

l-þad L'ibrarian, Chani stry Library

fusi rBss Reference/Col I ect.i m Deveì oprentL'ibrarian

Unìversity Archivìst

Cataloger, Serials Cçy Cataìoging andRecords tvlaintenarne

Engììsh Bibl iographer and Coord.inator

Tean Leader, Hunnnit'ies/Soc.ial SciercesCataìoging

University of ftlalìcmal{onmn, Oklahma

Universìty of Okl aircmaNonmn, Oklahqna

University of 0<lahcmallonmn, ftlahma

Universìty of CI<lahcma

Nonmn, ftlahcma

Univens'ity of Okl ahcmaNonmn, ftlahma

Purdrc lJnivers'itytlest Lafa¡ette, Indiana

PurdLe univensityl.lest Lafqyette, Indi ana

Un'iversity of SaskatúewanSaskatæn, Saskatchevan

Uni vers'ity of TenrBsseeKrnxvìl'le, fenrBssee

University of TexasAr.rst'in, Texas

Universìty of TexæArstin, To<as

Virginia Poìytedrnìc Inst.itr¡teand State l.lnìversityBlackshlrg, Virgin'ia

Vìrgin'i a Poìytechnic Institr¡teand State l./niversityBlacksburg, Virginia

Virgìnia Polytechnic Institr¡teand State lJniversityBlackshlrg, Virginia

Vìrginia Polytechnic Inst.itr¡teand State Un'iversityBlackshng, Virgin'ia

Virgin'ia Poìytechnìc Inst.itr¡teand State LJnìversìtyBlæksburg, Virginia

0pen untìì fiìled

0pen tntil filled

0pen unt'iì filled

Open until filled

0pen untìì filled

Novenber 2.l, l99l

January 1, 1g92

January 15, 1992

Open unÈìì filled

Open urt'iì filled

Opøt untiì fjlled

Opm untiì filled

Open until filled

0æn urtil filled

0pen until filled

0æn until filled

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (72)

l'lead, lfunanities/$c'ia'l Sciences L'ibraries Wæhirgton State Unirærsity Decqber 16, lgglPullman, uæh'irgton

, Sfgqr L'ibrarian, veterìnary washingtm state universìty Decenber 6, l99lIv,ledica'lÆhannacy Lìbrary pullrmn, Wash.irgton

Al Dt^'ies

Lìbrary Personrel 0Ffice


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (73)

University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign

Office of Printing Services

Library Graphic Services

44 Main Library1408 West Gregory DriveUrbana. IL ó1801

October 30, 1991

2r7 244-0689277 333-3569277 244-7455217 244-04L4 fax

One of the newest'services at Librarv t

format copies with the Xerox 5080. The S0á0documents quickly and inexpensively withoutIt can reduce images to 45 percent and enlargeAdditional generations of copies can provide e5080 was placed in 44 Main Library to allow ¡copies of maps and large documents without l

To provide better servic€, here is the information we will need to know when yourequest large format copies:

* the number of copies for each original

* the percentage or size at which each original should bereproduced

Please be aware of the following considerations for large format copies:

+ The current price for large format copies averages $.60 per square -

foot. The cost per square foot is reduced for multiple copies from oneoriginal.

+ The 5080 has three rolls for loading bond paper, vellum, or film.The widths available for bond paper are 18, 24, and 36 inches;vellum and film are available in 24- and 3Ginch widths. A cassettetray holds 11 by l7-inch paper.

+ Customers must trim copies for making multiple generations. Thisguarantees that they receive the images they want.

+ Customers must pay for eadr generation of enlargements orreductions. We will try to keep the number of generations to aminimum, but the calculations are the customer's responsibility.

We look forward to providing you with large format copies and hope thatthis information will help us do that more easily and efficiently.

lir ,.lî-' i. i t", \¿-/

Barbara S. ChildersSupervisor, Library Giaphic Services

lì[r (,:(,

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (74)

The Russian and East European Center,the Department of History, and the

Mortenson Professorsh ipinvite you to a talk

"What's Happening in Soviet Archives',


Mortenson Fellow andGeorge A. Miller Visiting Professôr

Efim PivovarProrector of Academic Affairs,

the Russian state university for Humanities

Tuesday, November 12, noon-1 p.m.428 Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (75)



L. Rinke1 reported for the Po1icy and Planning Conrnittee: itwill have a summary of the past yearrs activity to report to theGS facuJ-ty on October 25¡ a draft travel policy document isnearly ready for presentation to the GS Facultyt it reconmendedreappointrnent of Kruger, Stevenson, Rinkel, Miller, and Stuart tothe P & P Cornnittee for 91-92. GSAC approved thatreconmendation.

2. Specific faculty personnel issues were discussed.

3. As part of the general discussion on connittee work andpolicy documentaÈion, cene Rinkel raised the possibility ofestablishment of additional standing for the GS faculty, forexample, Bylaws, Grievance, Appointnents, Promotions and Tenure.This possibility should be discussed by the facutty at large.4. The agenda for the GS faculty neeting on October 25 wasrefined.

(Rhoda Engel)



Chan, R. Engel,Watson (chair),

Kruger, G. Rinkel, R. Stevenson,Wei

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (76)

Minutes of theDepartmental Library Services Advisory Committee

Present: Porta,

The status of the promotion and tenure papers currentÌy inpreparation was reviewed.

Five requests r¡rere received from DLS faculty to attend the AIIertonConference and approved.

The composition of the search committee for the Classics Librarianposition was discussed. This position wiII become available infall L992,

An agenda for the November DLS faculty meeting was developed. Thefocus of the meeting will be on service activities of DLS faculty,including such topics as recruitment of ninorities, FacultyFellows, and' Senate involvement.

The use and efficacy of the Tar(et of opportunity program torecruit minority faculty nembers were commented upon briefly.The DLS budget nay require further cuts later in the fiscal year.If further budget cuts are necessary graduate assistant positionswill be shifted from one unit to another rather than hiring to fillany newly vacated positions.

Procedures related to counter .iob offers were discussed. The DLSACurged that policies need to be articulated and that this issueshould be referred to David Bishop and the Executive Connittee.Priorities related to the 199L/92 Action Plan for the Library vrerediscussed. DLSAC enphasized the need to incorporate the findingsof the COPE surveys in order to address Library needs identified bypatrons and others.

The next meeting of the DLSAO wirl be at 3 p.m. on November 6 in428 Main Library.

October 23, 1991

B. Clark, E. Davis, D. NorIin, N. OtBrien, MP. Stenstrom

(Nancy O'Brien)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (77)


Beginning Sunday, November 3,I99t, several changes will occur with the number 333-2494--ILLINET Online dial access. You may now also use an additional telephone number--333-8269--to dial in to ILLINET Online. Both phone numbers will provide access to the samesystems. Communications settings and database access information is provided below:

Phone Numbers: (217) 333-2494; (217) 333-8269

Settings: Baud rate: 300 - 4800Duplex: fyllParity: evenStop bit: 1

Data bits: 7

Emulation: VT100

When Connected: Press <ENTER>

At Terminalselection screen: Select 5 -- VT100

At Access Menu: Bpe: For Access to:

B <ENTER> LCSIFBR (Mainframe interface; tull-screen mode)

C <ENTER> CARLUnCover (current journal index; full-screen)

oldio <ENTER> LCS/FBR (command mode; line mode)

To Return to From: TVpe:access Menu:

LCSÆBR (Mainframe interface) x <ENTER>

CARL UnCover //bye <ENTER>

oldio .logoff <ENTER>

To Ingoff& hang up: at =:-> prompt, type #### <ENTER>

Note: those using PC communícatíow software (e.g., PROCOMM) will need to change settingsand automatic logon files. Illinois Search Aid software will be updated within 2 weelc. Thereis no need to call for your update--you will receive it automaticalþ.

Users experiencing problems with connecting may be referred to the Telephone Center..333-8400. (BethSandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (78)

ro+FAcr$ lNovcnbcrrtlfl &veprlo+Føsfr€ær!

New Version of IO+ Interface Being Distributed

As of Wednesday, October 29, a new version of the IO+ Interface was being distributed toall public IBM PC and PS/2 terminals. In addition to the improvements noted below, author \

searching has been revised, and now yields more comprehensive search results.

Interface Now Links lVilson Citations With LCS Call Numbers

The new version of the IO+ Interface now provides LCS call number and library locationinformation for journal titles in all six of the Wilson databases.

CARL UnCover Now Available at all Public IBM PS/2 Terminals

Another exciting feature enabled by this version of the IO+ Interface is expanded access tothe CARL UnCover periodical citation and abstract database. CARL UnCover can now besearched from every public PS/2 terminal.

Sending Search Results Through E-mail to UXA Machine

When sending BRS search results through electronic mail to an account on the UXAmachine, you must include the full address: [emailprotected].

Call the Library Telephone Center with Questions and Comments

If you have a question or a comment about availability or searching on BRS, LCS or FBR,or CARL, please call the Library Telephone Center first, 333-8400.

(Beth Sandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (79)


Urbana- Chanpalgn

No' 44' November 11' 1gq1This issue edfred bvt

t??t 295h4

Deoartmental LibrarJ¡ sen¡fces Facultl¡ Meet 1991:44 t:oPY ?

There wiÏlUe'bp¡¡rtrn! on FrÍday,There wÍ,IlUr:bp¡¡.grpgpartnental LÍbrary Senrices faculty neertngNovember 15, 1991j'áË 3,:00 PM fn Room 215 Gregory Hall.3¿Q0 PM fn Room 215 Gregory Hall.

lvil'l , .t : lg.q/ Agenda.U/v¡ v, ^

¡ /r.,ì'"1') , l



renafnder of the neetlng will be devoted to e progrem on serrrice toUniversfty by Departmental Library SerrrLces faculty.

a. Faculty Assistance Program - Dennls Norllnb. RecruiEnent - Joyce llrightc. Faculty Fellows Program - l,lary Jane Petrowskfd. Ttre SenaÈe - to be announced

(Bart Clark)

CD-ROtf Update

The list of CD-ROM products in the Unfverslty of lllinols Llbraries 1s nowavailable fron Graphlc Sen¡lces es a recurrl-ng form (UGL-108-91). Correctionsto this list can be sent to Mery Jane PeÈrowski ([emailprotected]).

(Mary Jane Petrowski)

Self-Guíded Library Tours 1n Chinese

Self-guided audiocassette tours of the Main and Undergraduate Libraríes arenow available in Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese versions. Tour materÍal maybe charged out at the Infornation Desk on the second floor of the Main Libraryor at the Media Center on the Upper Level of the Undergraduate Library.

(Mary Jane Petrowski)

Exhibit Cases Available

No exhibits have been scheduled for the flrst floor exhfbit cases for Januarythrough August, L992. Please call (3-4163) lf you would lÍke Èo mountexhibits in the new cases purchased through the generosity of the LibraryFriends. The Mueller case is also available. (Norman Brown)



2. Thethe

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (80)

Research and Publication Com¡¡ittee InvlÈes Apolfcatfons

The Research and Publlcation Cornrnlttee fnvites applfcatlons for funds tosuPPort lfbrary research proJects. The next deadlfne for applications isNovenber 18, 1991.

Upconing deadlines for the Research Board are November 11 and Decenber 9.Upcoming Scholars' Travel deadllnes are Decembet 2,1991, and Februaty 3,L992. (Tfna Chrzasrowskl)

Documents LÍbrary New ApoofnÈment

The Docr¡ments Library 1s pleased to ennounce the appofntnent of Raeann Dossettas Documents Lfbrarianr/Federal Technology Speclallst. Ms. Dossett receivedher MLS fron the Unlversity of llllnols. She hed an internship ac rheCongresslonal Research Serrrice at the Llbrary of Congress, worked 1n IRRC as aGraduaÈe Assistant, and has worked in the Documents Lfbrary fn a temporarypositlon for two-and-a-ha1f yeers. (Susan Bekiarfs)

Bulletfn Board Avallable

the Documents Llbrary has a Bullettn Board (the cork, not Èhe electronicvariety) to give.aney: 4 feet wfde by 2 feet hfgh, on 4-lnch legs, doublesided. If you are interested, call Peggy Remert, 244-2060,

(Susan Bekiares)

Bindfns Trio

Hertzberg Bfndery fn Jacksonville, Ill1nois, has cordially invited the staffof the UIUC library Èo be cheir guests for the day. I{e will tour the Bindery,see their pernabinding, hard blndlng and special consenration eree. Ttris tripwill take place Tuesday, Novenber 19, 1991. Bus trensportation wfll beprovided. The bus w111 depart from the Main Library parking lor arapproxlmately 7:30 At{ and return before 5 PM. Anyone lnterested in going onÈhis tríp should call the Blnding Department au 3-L997 to resenze a seat onthe bus. Requests wlll be honored on a first-come, flrst-se:r¡e basls.

(Ltsa Gernan)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (81)

Use of CRL for Interlfbrar.v Loan

Cited fron CRL's Newsletter, lgçgg, May-June, 1991.


The Center filled a record number of lnterlibrary loan requests (28,221 fills)for 140 member institutions during fiscal year L989/90 rhe nrrmber of fil1swas up 14t compared to fills 1n 1988/89.

VotÍng menbers (71t of the total menbershlp) received 93t of rhe fflledrequests; associate members (13t of che Eotel nenbership), recefved 5t; anduser members (16t of the totel nenbershlp), received 2t. ltre nr.¡mber ofrequests ftlled for each voting nember ranged fron a high of 2,486 to a low of523; for associates, fron 325 Eo 62; and for users, from L2o to 22.

Menbers wtth the nost f1lled requests during L989/90 are lfsted below. Thesethirty Ínstitutlons eccounred for 38t of all nenber fills.

Voting Associate User

1. Illinofs, Urbana-chanpaign l{estern KenÈucþ stete Hfst: society, lJr

2. Chlcago Battelle Monsanto3. iJisconsin-Madison Merquette U.S. EpA4. l.finnesota-Twin College of llilllan

Cfties and Mary Kraft, Inc.5. I.lashington (Seattle) SI,l Mlssouri State Valparaiso6. Coh.r¡nbia IL Insr. of Technology NIOSH (Ohio)7. Texas A & M Florfda Arlantic KI, Inc.8. Brfgham Young Eastnan Kodek Lake Forest9. cornell New Ha.npshfre phf lllps petrorer¡m

10. Rutgers rndfana state cul{y Graduate school(Carl Deal)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (82)


Faculty Search Position Update

Search Search Search Search Interviews0pened Extended ct osed cancel'led scrrÿùt ãä-

Rare Book Bibl iographicSpeci al i st Ol -04-9.|

Japanese Studies

04-1 5-9t

08-31 -9.|

'10-'t 5-91

L i brari an 05-24-9'l

Assistant Editor (ABSEES) P0SITI0N FILLED

Assi stant S'lavic Li brari an(Slavjc Cataloger) 08-02-91

Assistant Map & GeographyLibrarian POSITI0N FILLED

Deve'lopment 0fficer POSITION FILLED

Head, Asi an L'ibrary 'l 0-09-91

Nov. 4, 5,l3 & 't4

Oct. 28 e30; Nov. I

Al . DriesLibrary Personnel Office

**************************************************************************NOVEI'IBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Current Events" Documents Libraryl.laì I case, south corr.idor

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council Archivesu University ArchivesllaìI case, basem*nt haììway

"Fraternity and Student Rulesn University Archives

"l,lo1gr_r. in.sports and physical Education at the university ofIllinois, urbana-champaign - lgTo - 19s0" First'Fioor corridor

"Inaugural exhibit in honor of professorsB. Vincent Hall, Har'ley Jones Van Cleave,l,la'ldo shumway, car'l shi pp r'larvel ,' Muel I er Exh j bi t case

East Foyer

(Ljbrary Office of Deveropment and pubric Affairs)************************************************************ìr*************

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CDC Non-Print Subcommittee Awards

The Non-Print Subcomrnittee of the Collection Development Committeemet October 31 and made the folLowing awards:

For Africana: Yeelen, $350.00Finzan , f295.00

For Commerce 2 , $495. OO

For Education: Mama Coca, $149.00



Consuest of Mexico, $149.00Archive of tLre New World, $149.00

History: Cannibal Tours, $350.00

Latin Àmeri.ca: Commodities: Free Markets, $400.00Commodities: while qoF$220. OO

n the 16

For Map and Geography: Shape of the Wor1d, $495.00

For Mathematicst of Mathematici

For Undergraduate Library/Media Center: Interactive Videod,isc

TOTAL: $5,350.00

The Subconrnittee aLso agreed to begin work on a survey of how non-print items are handled at locations within the uruc Library.Results will be used to establish standa¡dized policies anAprocedures.

The next round of competition for non-print awards is January 15.Questions a^bout the Non-Print Fund should be addressed to DênnisNorlin, Med,ia Center , 3-2640, DNORLINQUIUOIID.

(Karen Schmidt)


Fu'll time,Ful'l time,Fu'l'l time,Haì f-ti me,Fuì ì time,Ha'lf -time,

L i braryL i braryLi braryLi braryL i braryL i brary

Cìerk II,Clerk II,Cìerk I I,Clerk II,CJerk III,Techni cal

Acqui si ti onsCì rcuì ationIRRCIRRCAcqui si ti ons

Assistant I, Music

(Ginny McCullough)


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (84)

The Russian and East European Center,the Department of History, and the

Moftenson Professorsh ipinvite you to a talk

"What's Happening in Soviet Archives,,


Mortenson Fellow andGeorge A. Miller Visiting Professor

Efim PivovarProrector of Academic Affairs,

the Russian state university for Humanities

Tuesday, November 12, noon-1 p.m.428 Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (85)

The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk:

"Makerere University:Library Revitalization

Through Twinning"

Mitzi WilliamsVet Med Librarian and

Mortenson Fellow

Wednesday, November 20, I99INoon-L p.m.

Writing Clinic, lJndergrad Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (86)


elf-guided audiocassette tor¡rs of the Main andUndergraduate Libraries are now available. Tor¡¡cassettes, cassette players and tor-r¡ route maps

may be charged out at the Inforrration Desk on thesecond floor of the Main Library, or at the MediaCenter on the Upper Level of the UndergraduateLibrary every day they are open, until an hourbefore closing time.

The Main Library tor¡¡ takes approximately 25utes, and the Undergraduate Library tour, on

the the other side of the cassette, takes about 20minutes to complete.

University students, faorlty and staff must leavethei¡ crrrrent University I.D. when they charge outa Library tour. All others who wish to take this tor¡¡must leave a driver's license or other fonn ofidentification.

For more information øbout theseself-guided tours, please call:


or the MEDIA CENTER at333-2667

Þ{ arll

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (87)

in theUnivensity of lllinoisLibnaries

AGRICULruRE UBR,4RYAgribusiness.USAAgnæla (Silær Plaltcr)Biological and Agricultural IndexCensus Test Disc II1982 Cmsus of Agrioilture lSlata Hall)

BECKIYIAN LIBR tRYMedlinePsycl*tScie¡rce Citation Index

BIOLOGY LIBPÁ,RYBiological AbstsactsLif e Sciences CollectionMedline

COMMERCE LIBP"á.RYABI InlorsrAccounting and Finance DatabaseASI/SRI MastsfileCompustatDatextPAISStandard & Poor's Corporate Text (70K, anrud rcprts)

EDUCATION I,IBR.ARYC¡ogs Culhr¡al CDERICPsyclJt(Siloa Platta)SociofileUNDocummts

ENGIIVEERTNG LIBR,4,RYCompendexComput€r LibraryPC-SIG Library: Sha¡ewa¡e for the IBM PC and compatibles


GOVERAN4EIVT D O CIIMENTS LIBRARYCensus Test Disc IICounty and City Data Book A Statistical Abstract SupplementCountyStatisÉcsPopulation StatisticsToyic Release Inveîtory

HEALTH SCIENCES TIBRARYMedline (1985- )NAHL (Nu¡sing and Allied Health Lite¡ah¡re) 1983-

I-AW LIBR,4.RYCongressional Master File I (7789-1969)Congressional Master File II (f97G. )LegalTrac

TIBR.^4.RY SCIENCE ¿IBRáRYLibrary Literatu¡e

MAP T GEOGF.,APTilY ¿IBR/4RYSuper Map (U.5,, Stnt¿,C-ounty,7980 Censrc)APRS (ztørhl Photograplry Sumnury Recoril System)



REEERENCE ¿IBRáRYAcademic Index (Inþ tmc ll)Disserta tion AbstractsMLA BibliographyNewspaper AbskactsPAIS

¿IT\TDER G P-{DUATE I,IBR,AR YApplied Science and Technology IndexA¡t IndexBusiness Periodicals IndexBusiness New$ankEducation IndexGene¡al Science IndexHumanities l¡dexI¡dex to Legal Period.icalslnloTrac (G¿n¿ral Paiúials Inda: Audmtic Líbary Edition)

Q Stetions)MLA BibliographyNewsBankReader's Guide to Periodical Literatu¡eSocial Sciences Index

I^rNTT¿ERSTTY HIGH SCHOOL LIBIIARYhformation Ftnder (World Bæk Encyclopedia)


WOMEN'S SruDIES LIBRAI<YWomen: Partners in Development

ucl- t08-9 I Rnised 1019'l

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (88)

University ot lllinoisat Urbana-Champaign

OT:ETCE OF THE CINNCS,I¡RSar¡lr¡d ¡ùinisbatim tuil¿irg

October 31, 1991

TO: DeaE, Di¡ectas, ard Oeparærn Heads

FlCl¡f: Richard F. l{ilson, ChairCcry¡ter F-\¡d Àatvisc:f Ctrilnitt€e

IOPIC: Octrçr¡ter n¡rd nequest fø hcposal.s

Ife Ccqrter nrd afilrisory Ccn¡riEtee is solicitirq ¡lrqlæafs fcfrlnfirg begimirg i¡ Jr¡Iy, L992. Úte ccmittee's ovelridirry objectitrais to idertify ard sqæor+, pojects that use ø¡r¡ter tæårnlogies toenha¡æ i¡rsEr¡ctiqr. T?tis gern!:al objectine nay Þ aoocrçlished in arn¡nben of walzs, iJchdi¡g }r¡t rrcÈ, resEict€d to i¡seasi¡g EU¡denCaccess, r+ElaA:n¡ e+LiE¡Iênt ard sofEmre, cr i¡rstallirg ræÈlm|<s.

ßE L99213 CcqS¡ter Ftld bdqet, wilf be S1,640,000. Of this,$725,000 dleady fns been cmitted, eit¡er to sçct tlte ræ¡ri¡gneeds of e*abli.sh€d projects (e.9., údent EÉtæ fc¡r tle IllinitJlriør site) , G to spread ¡najæ eqriltpqt p¡C¡ases in a fsdepartents or¡er 2-3 years. $erefæe, ap¡rruci.wrt€Iy S9151000 rci¡sfor allocaLion. ûte Cc¡¡¡nitte i¡rtenfs to ccmit rcst of this mrq¿ øtâ tuFFCUErirg t'asisi trcner¡er, scne penîarp¡È allæations nay be mdesrtrere tlle need is ocqellirg.

In rerriarirg pceosafs, the c@iEtee witl give priøity toprojects with tÌe follcnrirg ôaracteri.stics:

1. À qrrilæirg case is nade that tle quali{ of eù¡catiø isi¡govea t¡rq$¡ use of ocry¡ters.

2. Sbllent aæss to ccupt¡Èirg is ent¡arped.3. 6sts are shared with colleges cr depaffis.4. hojects hrifd on suæssfirf ocí.sÈj¡g gejecÊs c pilctt

tests.5. Þiojects shcxv eviderpe of beirg part of a deparffial

or æIlege pla¡r; similar or ccqarable pjects sts¡fdbe øtsolidated utrere possiÞle.

Úre CcnrnittÆ wiU. reject ¡rcpæa:s that fait to aa*ress adequatelythese iss¡es.

*********************************************************************SPffiiAL ltlt TO DEPARII'{EI.II HEâDS: fhis reqr.rest i.s rrcrt, beirg m"ited toi¡dívidual faorlty ranbers. Please disEilr¡te to aryiateirdividuaLs ard ccmnittees in yo.r departent,.*********************************************************************

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (89)

Deans, Di¡ecta's, ard ÞarænE lþadsOctÞ 31, 1991Paqe frþ

t¡e CcmiEtee wants the eqr¡ifnÈ tåat it æarrds to be r¡sed.UsaEe data reræal Linited r.¡se of tÌte e$Litrcnt, for sc¡æ pojects atcer{ai¡ ti.trEs of the day, ueeJ<, or senesÈer. Ihe Ccnnittee erm¡ragesirrvestigators to de\relcp a pJan ütat mkes cprLinal. r¡se of eqrriFæqt.Fø exaçIe, a Oeearærtaf site that is reser¡ed fæ parî, of tìe dayfor shdents in specified cqrses ni$Ë be cperr at otlnr ti¡res to anysb.rCer¡t i¡ tl¡e college qr dt cary¡s. tte ¡chriscr:f orryti.ttær-uderstards tl¡e æsÈ irçIicatiqr of srö anãrgsæ¡Ès ard is willi¡gto lelp.

Àttaffi, 1 li.sts üE qrresÈiøs tìat st¡cr¡ld be addressed í¡ agceæaf . A }rdgEE, fer is also i¡cltded (Àttadænt 2) . trris fcttshculd be Lrs€d to i¡Èicate tÌre fr¡lds reqt¡esÈed fäcn tåe ocnçr¡ter F\:rd;the ñ.¡rds ccn¡uittæd to tÌÞ goject È,y tåe +osøi¡g deparümlÈ,college, or sttrer Écn-tres; ard any perrrarprÈ ñrrds receir¡ed pevicuslyfrcm tte acsq¡ter F\¡rd. sæeprE wder \¡er:f special ci¡'cr¡sÈarpes, cEAcwill nd, povide ñ¡rdi¡g for tåe follcnirg:

Faorft1r release ti¡re.$¡mer salaries.S4plies, sr¡dr as palxèr, tås€r girrten cartridqes, ald ÞRC!,tsubaipÈ,iqrs.nerdelirg of laboratæ12 sits.Pemarer¡t, bcfnical/afuinisb:aÈive sçcrE, staff .

À11 prcpæals shanld be sufmiÈtæd to üE ællege dean's office sotåat tle dean can rank pncposals fi¡cm the æ1Iege befo¡re serdirg t¡enon to tl¡e 6¡niEtee. Please linit ppæats to 3-4 pages. ßÞltyccpies of eadr ppæaI shculd be s¡l¡d'Eted to the ComÍÈtee b'yJannlnt 24, ].:992. ffiast, yo.r college offiæ for infonratiqrreæ¡¡¿irg yor dean's cÉilr dÊarrli:æs. IIE Gutittee i¡rterds to ¡nakedecisions by tbe e¡d of À¡ril, L992.

In tlre past, there las been sæ cor¡ñ¡siø abcut the role of tlreOcrrqr¡ter Furd Àdvjsc¡f @mittÆ (CFAC) ard t¡e role of tÌ¡eEdr¡cational fþd¡rptogies Board (gIB). BoÈh ccrmittees s€d< to i¡çrot/ei¡sEr¡cÈiør tlrno.gh use of ccry¡ter tædrnlogies. Ore of t¡e kgfdifferences, lrcnever, is tåat ttÞ EIB is pa¡{.io¡Iarly irterested ini¡tsErrctioral i¡rpræ¡tion a¡d !¡as fæ¡sed nudr of its ñ.¡rÉi¡q on ø.¡rsedevelcgænE, effcts or pilcÈ, sttdies (usually requiri¡g fsær tìan 10ccs¡Fters), r,ùrereas CFhC has been npre corperned rritå iJrplenentaEionprojects (gernrally i¡\rolvi¡g me tlan 10 uadrires).

If ycu Ìrave any çIrestíims reær¿i¡g specific Ccmittee gt¡idefi¡Esc policies, contact, æ or qf assi.stanl, Jeff l(ælci, at 333-4238. Ifycu reed instn¡cÈional desigr cr tæctrrical assi.staræ witÌt yorpnoject,, contacÈ tìe Educatimaf Teårnlogies Àssi.starrce gllcl4l withi¡the Office of Instn¡ctional Resorces (333-6419) c eegø1¡ lGser at(244-O54o) within tlre CcngrCirg ard Ccr¡n¡nicatÍcn Senriæs Office(fonerly CSO) .





É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (90)

Àttad@rt 1ocqr¡Èer Fìrd P:¡ct¡æals:o¡estiæs to be À&ess€d

tre @ittee asks that ycu ræryqd to tle qtsEists listd be.lc¡rtl¡at a¡e relernnt to ycrr mæaf. Please limit yur tdal respdtseto 3-4 p4ps plus tÌe hdEEt, smar1f.

1. Goal,s: vùat are t¡te æaLs of t}re poject? Ibt dÉ tlris pjecÈrelåte to depa¡ærtal æ cotlege ccuçr¡ti¡T pfans?

2. Sbde¡¡t lryact: Ibr mny shdents will be affeded I'y t¡eproject ead¡ sæsÊer?

3. pedoægical Iryact: Ib{ wÍll i¡¡stustiøt arà'/æ learnirg beenl¡arrced'?

4. Àæssi-bility: !{i11 the rescr¡rces be dd'icatdoalr.rsively to yur goject æ rrill it þ sha¡rd with dhers? If. sttared, dü r¡trcm ard Ìror will st¡arfug be mnaEed?

5. Use: llcr mny hcr¡s per ueeJ< wilt ttp oq¡ter site (c poject)fæ ntridr ]rcr¡ are re{g¡esùi¡Tt ñ¡rrliry be reserved fæ sü.råents inryecified ccrrses; be arailable fæ use hy any sbdent i¡ tlteAeearæ¡t! ø college; be at¡ailable fcr use tV ar¡y sü.rCenÈ qrcaryls?

6. Ilriçercss: !ürat aa¡ar¡taEes dæ 1ur poject offer tl¡at ldrtdrrcrt,-be pæsi-ble (1) tl¡rcu$ baditical i¡strucÈian G (2)tlucr¡$ r¡se of crther ¡niq¡occry¡ter sites in yur college cAeparæ¡n, or cn calçrs?

7. Îiæt¿ble: Please i¡rlicate tìe staqes of develcgnent ardüætabfe fæ lzor P6ojecÈ.

B. Spaæ: Please i¡rticate wtse 1u-r will lete tùe eqtLiFIÈ beirqrequested, as trell as t¡crrr any air co'rliÈiøtirg, eledrical polp¡,or other rdelirg rneds will be ¡æÈ'?

g. Rea¡¡3.i¡g 6sts: Please elçIain the reolrirg cperatimal ar¡|¡naintenaræ costs fcr 1rclr poject ard fw tl¡gf rriU be cottetd.nequests fcr ¡rai¡rtcnare fiûds strculd specify ü¡e rnuber ard ld¡dof -uadri¡es to be cor¡ered ard t¡e !,,ay i¡t rdttictt mi¡tenare oostst¡ere calcr¡latæd.

10. RdEet: Please fill cr¡t tlre erplæed h¡dget sheet, ccupletely ardattadr a detaited li.st. of itÆ ard costs used to prçaæ theh.rjgeÈ,. Be g.ue to i¡rticate all sqpøt frcm tl¡e depar@nf,,college, cr external souroes, ard any ñ¡ds pariosly ararded Eyt¡e ocrqr¡ter Fl¡d to yor pojest qt a pemarnnE (reo.mi¡g)basis. If ycu a¡e reqr¡esÈi¡g r.eo.uzirg ñ¡rdirg (nq'e than qeyear) to correr reolrirg æsts, yor strculd jt¡stify t}1is rqtæst.otìeruise, ñ.rdirg will be ¡r!\ricted m.ty fcr ore year.

11. E\ralr¡atiør: Please i¡dicate any effotts yan hatre mde toerralr¡ate yqr poject (if it has been i¡ plaæ fæ at least ayear) q. frcu eval¡atiqr pJans (if it is rer). Ilcnt wiII yor l(rtcßt

if yctr pojecÈ tns been suæsftil?

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (91)


Proþct Name

Principal Investigator(s)






Budget ltem Computer Fund Department' College' Olher" Previous CFAC

(Provide detail on a separate sheetl Request Commitment Commitment Sources Commilment

Non-R¡currlng Corlr:EquipmentSoftwareFurnilure and SuPPllesSecurityRemodellng N/AElectr¡cal Seru. E Alr Condltlonlng N/A



Rocurrlng Co¡lr:Graduate AselslantsTechnlcal SupPort SlaffFacully Release TimeSummer SalariesEquipment MalntenanceSoftware UpgradesSuppliesOlher





. Departmontal and College financial commitments to this project must bo reviewed and approved.

.. Include support received from other organizations (e.9., outside vendors).

... Include any commitmonts of recurring funds awarded by CFAC in previous years.

Department Head Dale Dean Dale

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (92)


October 2I, 1991

Present: R. Burbank, R. Engel, V. Gorodinsky, B. Henigrman, C.Hiester, F. Howse, G. Hueting, M. Landis, J. Lee, F. Mansfield,c. Penka, L. Romero, A. Wajenberg, K. !{ei, J. Williams.

1. Barbara Henigrman discussed recent planning for Phase III ofthe merger of the Online catalog. During the fÍrst week inOctober, a ne!,, progr¿rm vras added which looks in the 019 field forobsolete OCLC nr¡mbers and merges duplicate records in FBR. Atthe moment, this affects only current and. future records. In thenear future, the progr¿¡.m may be able to work on retrospect5.verecords. The program wÍll noÈ elÍminate all duplicaÈe records,only those whÍch have been Ídentífied by OCLC.

2. Barbara Henigrman described the methods used to replace LCSshort records wíth OCLC records in FBR.

949 DEL ( caII no. ) l*a FBRDEr,uc** *949 FBRDELuc**949 IGNO #A FBRDELUC##

In addition, .the use of 949 REP(calI no. ) noÈ only corrects LCS,but automatically wipes out Èhe corresponding short record inFBR.

3. The programmers are now testing a program which will allow the949 field to replace an OCLC record number with itself. Thiswill allow us to update the CIP records which appear in FBR.

4. The Administrative Council has asked that CPAC develop apolicy on record keeping for withdrawals. CPAC agreed that thepolicy should state that a permanent record of all titles bekept. Bibliographic records for wíthdrawn titles should not beín FBR and need not be available online, but should be readilyavaÍlable to the library staff. How these records wiII be keptwill change with the changes in technologry.

As long as we have LCS, we can cancel our holdings in OCLCand FBR and keep the LCS record. !{hen Phase III is completed, \rrewill no longer have the LCS record to keep.

We agreed on several points we would like to see Íncluded Ína policy statement:

The reason for withdrawal should be noted: lost,condition, etc.

Replacement volumes should not reuse the coIry nu¡nber ofa lost volume, in case the lost volume returns.

When a multí-volume work is withdrawrr, the holdingsshould. be reduced to a sumrnary statement.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (93)

A record of the location of the withdrawn item shouldbe kept.

"" ;îI;åi:,,x:'Ëil:""3Í';"i"*iilå:åH""il:ilu"ilEdescríbed in a srunmary statement, unless they arereferred to in another note, such as one guiãÍngusers to a microfilm record for earrier vórumes]

Martha Landis has offered to draft a poricy statement forreview by CPAC.

5. The list of the prefixes used with Dewey and LC call nu¡nberswas distributed. Councils are asked to review it to be sure it isaccurate and comprete before implementation of phase rrr.6. Arm staff are looking for bad SPS searches. If an SpS resultsin a strange message, send a copy of it to Arnold.

7. Arnold has revised the thesÍs copy slip to reflect changes inthe MÀRC format and fixed fÍeIds. It is available from tibraryGraphic services, order no: REiv z00N-10-91. The books copy sripwas revised earlier, Order no: 2tA-A-ï].REVS/91. Revi.sionË-tor -mg-sic, â-v, and computer f iles witr be prepared by. the MusicLibrary, Undergrad, and the Education Library.8. Technical Bu1letin #194 describes some changes in the IIARCforñãF-

Fíe1d 586 is a special notes field for awards.Fierd 538 is used for technícar detairs note in the a-v

format.Field 539 contai,ns the coded fixed fíerd i.nformationpertaining to a photographic reproduction and is usedin conjunction with a 533 note.

NorE: !{henever a 533 fíerd is used, the fixed fíeIdshourd be encoded for the oríginat, not the reproductÍon, exceptfor the Repr. erement, which is encoded for thé reproduction. -

f. includes guidelines forco1 ibrary of Congress. This istheir way of preparing cataloging for rocãl colreõtions, such ascorrections of pamphlets. we can use the same method fórcatarogíng such collections here. we will use encoding level r;LC uses encoding leve1 7.

Discussion of Burretin *53 witr contÍnue at the nexrmeeting.

10. New busi.ness:Fred Mansfield, noted an example from Prism Ín which the 9CLC

records sort united states after university. Apparentry, thÍshappens because ocLc stores the record as uS, but displãys itspelled out.

Next meetÍng: November 18 at 9:00 a.m. in 428 Library.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (94)


Accompanying material Dec 9ø

Added copies Nov 84, Sep 9Øclassified differently May 85

Added entriesauclio/visual material Feb 87corporate bodies that issue series Aug 86linking fields May 89

AISS Mar 87, Apr 87

Analytics Nov 83holdings in LCS May 88, Feb 9Øseries entries for Aug 83sets Apr 89statistics June 87vs. cat as sep Jun 85

Articlee, Initial Apr 87, Oct 88French Feb 89

Asian lanugage materialsLaw books Sep 86

Audio-visual material. added entries Feb 87

Authority records Aug 85, Sep 85, Mar 86provieional records Sep 86in-procesa records Jan 87

Bibliography notes Jan 89, Sep 89, Oct 89, Mar 9Ø

Biography subject headings Nov 89

"Bound with" cataloging Mar 87

British place names Sep 88

CalI numberscorrections Jul 84, Dec 87cuttering for init,ials Jul 9Ølanguage letters Mar 88, Feb 89, Dec 9Ømarkíng Jun 85of serials that change title Feb 83on order records May 88plaeement Apr 83prefixes Aug 87, Oct 89, Sep 9Øtexts with translation Dec 9ø

Capitalization: Breton, Gallegan, Lang d-oc Oct 87scientifíc names Mar BBVíetnamese May 88

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (95)


Cataloging vs. collection development decisions Aug Bb

CDROM databases Apr 89, Nov 89, Feb 9Ø

Chronological code (ø45) dropped Jun 89

Chronological subdivisions Sep 9Ø

CfP recorde in FBR Feb 89

Classificationauthors of belles-Iettres in more than one language May 86,Belles-Iettres entered under title July 86biography May 86, Feb 89college publications (C) Nov 83correlation with first subject Aug 87Dewey 2Ø Feb 89discographies Oet 83Greek and Latin authors of non-literary works Jan 88heade of state Aug 87individual author book number schemes May 86labor unions Jan 88multiple biographies or criticisms of Iiterary anthors Jun 87photograph collections by a single photographer Nov 88Romanian literature Feb 87Turkic languages Feb 89

Closed stacks Oct 84, Dec 88

Collection leveI catalogÍng Oct 91

CollectÍon without collective tÍtle Mar 9Ø

College catalogsprocedure for cataloging Sep 85

Composition fo_rm code (ø47 ) dropped Jun 89

Computer files Aue 87, Nov 89copy cataloging May 88disk characteristics Mar 9Øfile characteristics Mar 9Øfile name Mar 9Ø

Computer program (uniform title qualifier) Dec 87, Dec 9Ø

Conferenee headings with date in narne Nov 88

Conferencescataloged as serials Dec 9Ø

Contents notes Mar 87

Copyright date Mar 9Ø, Sep 9Ø

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Corporate bodieschanges of name May 9Øofficial position of body May 9Øqualifiers May 87, Sep gØwith "National" in na¡ne Jan 8g

Cutter numbersArabic nannes Sep 83conference publications Nov 83fairs and exhibitions Dec 83initials JuI 9Øselected literary works May 83schools classed in 378 -4-.9videorecordings of motion pictures JuI 88

Dates in imprint-copyright date Mar 9Ø, Sep gØ

Dates in imprint-printing date Oct 88, Oct 89, Sep gØ

Dates in imprint loose-leaf publications Sep 8g

Dates in personal name headings Apr 87, Sep gØ

Deleting biblÍoeraphic records from FBR July 86, Dec 87, oct 91

Del-eting reocrds from LCS usine 949 field Jun 8g

Dewey 2Ø Feb 89 Mar 89

Dífferent real names for one person Mar 89

Disk characteristics (computer files) Mar gØ

Dissertation notes Mar 89

Distribution of material for original cataloging Mar 82

Distributors Mar 9Ø

Donor notes and added entries for Jun 85, Aug Bb, Feb BZ, sep BZ,Mar 89

D:plicate records Sep 87, Dec 87

Edition statement for multi-voI. sets Oct 88

Edition statement supplied by cataloger Dec 87

Encoding level 5 records Feb gØ, Mar gØ

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File characteristics (computer files) Mar 9ø

File name (computer files) Mar 9Ø

Fixed Field - Reproductions Oct g1

French cataloging in OCLC Sep 88, Feb 89

Geographic names Sep 88

Germany Mar 91

Gift records in LCS Jan 89, Jun 89

fcelandic personal names Mar g1

Illustrations Jan 89, Mar gØ

Incomplete publications Dec 87

Incomplete records Feb 89

Incomplete etatement of responeibility Mar 9ø

Index notes Mar 9Ø

Indic nanres Nov 88

Initial articles Apr 87

Initíals repreeenting names Nov 89cuttering JUI 9Ø

Instrumentation code (Ø48) dropped Jun 89

ISBN numbers Mar 9Ø

LanguagesSlavic and Asian eataloging Nov 85designation ín notes and uniform titlee May 88

LC card numbers Jan 87

LC prelimÍnary records in OCLC Feb 9Ø, Mar 9Ø

LCS records for seríal analytics, Feb 9Ø

Linking fields May 89

Local notes Feb 87

Looseleaf publications imprint t{ates Sep 89

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Made-up collections Oct- 91

Manuscript collections Mar gØ

Masters' project video recordings Jun 89

Microcomputer software Aue 87

Microforms Oct 87serials Apr 89

Missing records (FBR & LCS) Feb 89

MS call number prefix Aug 87

Monographic series changed to serials Sep 89

More than one real- name for one person Mar 89

Motion pictures - uniform titles JuI 88

Multi-Iingual works blay 88

MuIÈipIe publishers Mar 9Ø

Names represented by initials Nov 89

NOT NEW records in FBR Dec 88

Notes - Awards Oct 91

Notes - Bibliograph Mar 9Ø

Notes - Changes of place of publication of serial Nov 88

Notes - Index Mar 9Ø

Notes - Technical details, Format Oct. 91

Numerals in foreign languages May gØ, Sep 9Ø

Numerals ín titles Apr 87

Order cards May 88

Performers and performing groups Dec 87

Personal nanue headingsaT¡breviated names Sep 86, Oct 87dates Apr 87, Sep 9Ødifferent real na¡nes for one person Mar 89distinguishing terms May 88Icelandic Mar 91initials Nov 89Parenthetical expansions Oct 87Phrase plus forename Aug 86

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (99)


Plates Dec AØ, Mar 91

Prefixes for call numbers Aug 87, Oct 89, Sep gØ

Preliminary Ievel recorcls in OCLC Feb 9Ø, Mar 9ø

Printing dates Oct 88, Oct 89

Printouts of theses Feb 89

Programming Mar 87

Pseudonyms Sep 88, May 9Ø

Publisher's name Mar 9ØBraneh offices Dec 9Ø

PunctuationHeadings Dec 87

QualifiersCorporate bodies May 87, Sep 9ØUniform titles for computer programs Dec 87

Rare Book cataloging Dec 88

Recatalogingmonographs to serials Jul 85

References for uniform titles. Sep 9Ø

References from names identical to other na¡nes Mar g1

Relator code droppecl May 89

Replacing records in LCS using 949 fíeld Jun 89

Revised editione choice of main entry Jan 89

Selections Mar 91

SeriaL analytíc records in LCS Feb 9Ø

Serial supplements to other serials Sep 86

Serial title changes May 87, Nov 88

Serials - closing entries Nov 88- change of format Dec 9ø

change of place of publication Nov 88Iinkíng fields May 89

- microforms Apr 89, Dec 9ø- translations (caI1 numbers) Nov 9Ø

supplements Dec 9Ø- titl-e added entries Mar 91

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Series added entriesall traced May 9Øpersonal authors Nov 83initial articles Apr 87

Series authority records Jan 84, Oct 88

Series converted to serials Sep 89

Series-like phrase vs- series heading Nov 9Ø

Series with fluqtuating introductory word Feb gØ

Series not mentioned in book June 87

Series qualifiertitle same as corporate heading Mar 88(unnumbered) Apr 87

Series title page Aug 86

Sets Analytics Apr 89

Short records in FBR - Deletion Oct 91

Statement of responsiblity fncomplete Mar gØ

StatisticsAnalytics June 87

Subfield w (AACR2 verification) dropped Apr 89

Subject authority records in OCLC Dec 87, Mar 88

Subject subdivisionsaddresses, essays, lectures dropped JuIy 86chronologieal subdivisions Sep 9Øyearbooks dropped (wit,h I exceÞtion) Aug 86

Subject headi-ng correlation with classification Aug 87

Subjects other than LC Apr 91

Subordinate bodiescontaining name of parent body (Type 5) Jun 86

Surname alone on t.p. Oct 88

Surname prefixesDutch authors Jun 86, July 86

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Technical reports Jan 87

Thesis cataloging Sep 84, Mar 87, May 88, Dec 88, Feb 89, Feb gØ

Title added entriesbracketed information Dec 9Øinitial articles Apr 87


numerals in titles Apr 87serials Mar 91titles beginning with $ Mar 83

Treaties, Iaws, e|-,c. Oct 88, Mar 91

Translation lettersByelorussian BY Apr 84collectione May 86seríals Nov 9Ø

Uniform titlesfor computer prograns Dec 87, Dec 9Øfor serÍals Nov 88for motion píetures JtrI 88for multi-lingual works May 88for selectionsfor translations of unpublished works Dec 87reference.s Sep 9Ø

Unpaged books Jan 89, Mar 9Ø

Unpublished worka -- translations Dec 87

Videodiscs number of frames Mar gØ

VideorecordingsMasters' projects Jun 89Subjects Sep 9Ø

Withdrawals Oct 91

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (102)


Present: D. F. Bishop, B. Clark, J. Hood, D. l,lontanelll, p. l{atson, D.Ho1irnan, A. Drles, S. Lo, M. Balachandran, ll. lllscho, M. I11111¡ms, B. I{ilson,K. Newsom€, J. Kibbee, S. Bekiarls, M. Hartse, R. Burger, A. l{aJenberg, S.C1ark, K. Schnidt, N. Brown, N. Aggan¡al.

1. Announcements:

a) D. Bishop verified that nenbers of AdnlnlstraÈive Cor¡nc1l membershad recelved the agenda via E-nafl.

b) The Library's Unlted l{ay canpafgn ts $1,700 short of irs goal.Please renlnd people to turri 1n Chelr contrlbuÈfons.

c) Library faculcy neetlng - Monday, Noveuber 25, fron 10-12 Al{ atLevis Center. õhancellor l{elr and Vlce-Chancellor Berdehl w111 beour guesËs.

2. Interllbrary Borrowfng Statistfcs:

The Library has learned that lt has been gfving an lnaccuraÈe count ofinterllbrary borrowfng. The dfscrepency has been caused by 1) systens andpublic lÍbrary borrowlng belng lncluded w1Èh UIUC borrowfng; 2) renewals beingincluded in the count; and 3) books being pfcked up fn person et the HealrhSciences Llbrary or requests that rrere never fflled. Cfrculatfon actuallyprocessed 33,386 borrows and Llncoln Tralls processed 22,4LL borrows. ThusUIUC is reportlng 55,797 ltens received fron other llbraries, rather than theapproximately 190,000 whlch show up ln the LCS counts. ÍJe wllI also send ARLa correctfon for prevlously reported figures.

3. L99L/92 Actfon Plan

D. Bfshop revfewed the suggested addftfons/changes whlch Hr:manitlesCouncfl and Soclal Sclences Councll recomended. He suggested thet using theyardstick of ndo-able thfs yearn meant that restorfng hours and raislngsalaries did not flt the tine frame. Ttre suggestfon to have the DevelopnentOffice carget departmencal librarfes for naming and endonments 1s underuray butwill not be part of our actlon plan.

There was considerable discussfon about readlng the stacks, wlth supportboth for a one-tlme and an ongolng progran. Ttrere was also considerablesupport for expandlng the shelf-readfng goal to large departmental llbrarleswhlch have both heavy use and open stacks.

Other fssues rafsed included irnprovlng people security, connectlng thenain Library (and Undergrad) to UIUCNET (a proJect which is undemay), and theneed Èo Íncrease and coordfnaËe llbrary instruction efforts, especially asÈhey pertaln to IO+.

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AdnlnistraÈl.ve Councf 1 -2- October 3t, 1991

Ttrere wes further discusslon of Ehe lnpact of the nelr general educetionrequÍrernents on llbrary instructfon and sen¡1ees. It wes suggested that theLibrary begfn Èo plan for those changes before they occur in fall , Lgg2.

D. Bfshop suggested that the long-range plan be dropped fron the lfstsince 1t !tÍ11 depend on what the organfzaÈfon looks like and that hes not beensett,led.

4, Fire Alarn Procedures

As a result of the two flre alarns on Monday, problens wfth theLibrary's current procedures ere belng reported. D. l{ontanelll distributedthe existfng Llbrary pollcy, whtch needs revLsfon. Ptease send her reports ofproblerns and concerns so they nay be lncluded in the revfsfon process. Keythings to remember ere: 1) leave doors unlocked, 2> reave lfghts on, 3) d.opg waÍt for patrons to leave.

5. SPI's for L99L/92

At the last neeting 1t was ennounced that nembers of the clerical endadnlnistratlve bargaining unlt would not be eltgible for SPI's. Slnce thenc¿l¡DPus Personnel Serrrfces has revfsed lts earller ennouncement and said thatsPils would be available. Because the Lfbrary budget fs very tfght, andbecause we Ìtant no defÍclt except fn IRRG, the Dfrectors have agreed towithhold SPI'S at thfs tl.me. Ttre sicuatlon srlll be reviewed ar the start ofthe sprfng semester to see ff the budget picture looks better. LTA's ere noteligÍble for SPI's; it 1s noÈ ln the LTA contrect.

6. Publiclty for IOr

B. I{flson reported that the publfcfty progra¡n for IO+ has begun. Ttrerewill be banners ln Undergred and the Second Floor of the nain Lfbrary, andposters in MTD buses. There w111 be a story in Inslde llltnois and a pressrelease has gone out. Unit heads have received a memo about handouts andbookmarks avallable'fron Llbrary Graphic Senrlces. Ttre sÈaff trafnfnghandbook ls almost ready and craining of trainers wtll begln shortly.

7, R. Burger requested e steÈus report on the nain Library na1l delivery. D.Blshop reported that there have been problens figuring out how to do a test.Due to space consEraints and security concerns, lt would be easier to nake apermanent, change (includfng some renodellng) than do the test. We will,however, be running the test for a couple weeks in the near future.

8. M. Hartse asked about Saturday lntersesslon hours. B. Clark and P. I{atsonwill have a decision on that, shortly.

9. S. Bekfaris asked about nícroform reader-prfnters. D. Bishop reportedthat we are going ahead, but nay have to scale back plans due to budgetarycontraints.

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MinutesGeneral Sen¡ices Àdvisory Conmittee

Novenber 1, 1991

Present: Chan, C1ark, Engel, Kruger, Rinkel, Schmidt, Stevenson,$latson

1,. Ànnouncenent was made of the libra4mide faculty neeting withthe Vice-Chancellor and the Chancellor scheduled for Novembér Z5at 10 a.m. at LevÍs.

2. Àctions on two specific personnel issues were reviewed.

3. There !Ías a general discussion of faculty governance issues.As a result, Karen Schnidt and Sharon Clark agreed to work ondrafting a search and Appointment Policy for the departnent. rtwas also suggested that csÀc courd devote part of its tiure totrworking conmitteesrr vrhere drafts of certain poricy documentsmight be developed and other issues upon which conmittee adviceis reqr.rired uright be addressed. It was agreed that, whennecessary, these neetings nighÈ be run by a nernber of thecommittee who would serve as a coordinator.

4. The Connittee discussed the candidates interr¡iewed for theposition of Slavic Librarian and fotnulated a reconmendation tothe search committee.

(Paula Watson)

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Present: P. Watson - Chair, P. Stenstrom, T. Ki1ton, M. DeSart,N. Lonchyna (for J. Block), M. Hartse, B. Henderson, D.Schnidt, J. Andrick

f. Progress Report,

Paula summarized the work of the co'nmittee to date andreconmended that a finar report be issued by the end of thecurrenÈ fiscal year. She noted that remote storage was #f on theLibrary Àction Pran for 1991/92. Particurarly in reference to!h. language of that priority iten which reads t,(to) Develop andimpleurent a plan for remote storaÇfê...tr¡ she added that thiËconmittee was close to finarizing the developrnent of a pran andthat hte are now at the stage where inplementaÈion must become thecentral focus of further efforts. The implenentation, i.e.,securing a remote storage site, will be the responsibitity ofboth library adninistrators and campus officials.

rn that regard, Paura reported that earlier this week, DavidBishop sent a letter to Davíd Dressel, Director of FacilityPlanning and Management (with a copy to vice-chancellor RobertBerdahl) stressing the serious space problen facing the ribraryand seeking Facirity Planning assistance in securing a remotestorage site. ÀÈtached to the letter was a singre-page spacedstatus statement which is incruded as an addendum to thesèrninutes. She also stated that collection space issues should beplaced on the agenda for discussion at the Àdninistrative Councilwill soon. .

In response to a question on what further avenues should beexprored in highrighting the space situatÍon, pat suggested thatthe matter be brought before the COPE Con¡nittee and Paula offeredto draft a letter to the designated individual. rn addition,David Bishop will be invited to attend a future connittee meetingand Tom suggested that the teaching faculty who regularty use thestacks be encouraged to help convey the sense of urgency tocampus of f icials. Merri ¡¡irr also arrange to visit the Dr^sCouncils to report on current conditions in the stacks, to learnabout the space situation in departmentar libraries, and to gainbroader input to the selection criteria docunent and other iãsuesthe conmittee is atte¡npting to address. Àrso the librarywidespace problem will be put on the agenda for a librarywide facultyneeting early in the new calendar year.

Merri and Natalia reported on the finat pilot projectundertaken by Àrt and Architecture in the quarto sections onDecks 1 and 2 East. These areas are extrenely crowded with bookson the froor in urany aisres. using an Àrss list of duplicatecopies, the selectors cornpiled a list of all books iaeñtifiea for

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remote storage to be distrÍbuted at a later date to art andarchitecture faculty for review.

Natalia stated that the list was comprised nainly ofduplicate copies located elsewhere in the UIUC system, works ofIesser known artists, and dated textbooks. In discussing variousmeans for involving the teaching faculty in the review ofselections for storàgê, Pat urged that each selector make ageneral statenent on what was selected in each area and thatthese separate statements be cornpiled and distributed to eachacademic departmentrs library committee. ft was suggested thaÈthis practice night ¡oininize inappropriate selections ininterdisciplinary areas and reduce the kind of problensencountered in the'earlier renote storage program when scienceselectors identified material of interest to historÍans fortransfer offsite. The tining of the conpilation and distributionof such a list was viewed as potentially problenatic, but it wasagreed that it was a useful idea. In general, the tining offaculty review is an issue which needs further attention.Another idea for involving faculty outside Èhe Library is to senda letter to heads of acadenic departments close to the tíne whenselections will actually be made and books moved explalning theneed for renote storage, its interirn nature, and the proceduresto be followed.

II. Tasks Remaining

1. Finalizing selection criteria. l¡ferri distributed copiesof the Draft Guidelines for Remote Storage Selection. Thiscornmittee wilL finalize the draft at its next neeting in twoweeks. The Selection Subcornr¡ittee will be neeting next week toconsider the draft as well. Paula indicated that a section onrrFaculty Reviewrr should be considered for inclusion or even as aseparate document. Bill suggested that we need to be aware ofselecting iterns for presen¡ation in this process as well. A bookcould have a fine cover but be terribly brittle and this concernshould be added to selection criteria.

2. Developing procedures for removing books from shelvesand changing records. Paula charged Merri with the task offorming a Logistics Subcorn¡rittee to begin addressing theseprocedures. It was suggested that this cornmittee include staffof large departrnental libraries involved in circulation mattersand also have representation from ÀRM. This subcommittee shouldinclude in its considerations the ¡rechanisms for direct transferof materials from departmental libraries to an offsite location.Also, appropriate steps should be taken now to begin the processof establishing rernote storage as a location in LCS.

3. Discussion of the work ahead for the Access and CostsSubcornmittees was postponed to the next full committee neeting,tentatively scheduled for November 15, 1991.


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Præent space to house the 5.25 million volumesThroughout the stacks, range.s are frlled to cUnless meâsures !o alleviate the continuefollowing adverse conditions will grow con


Collection dispersal c¡eates serious problems in the delivery of efficient library services; neededmaterials become more difficult to locate, books are misplaced, and the level of r¡ser and stafïfrustration rises.

Six thousand linear feet of serials have already been pulled out of normal call number sequenceto accommodate the growth of new books in these are¿s. An additional 3,000 feet of serials willneed to be relocated in a similar fashion during FY '92. Elsewhere, portioru¡ of the collectionactively used are housed in space never designed to accommodate library materials. Significantparts of the newspaper collection, for example, are located in the anic above the stacks (now off-limits due to æbestos contamination) and a basem*nt of the Law Building in conditions whichpromote decay.


Piecemeal relocation' and small+cale shifts are labor intensive, counterproductive, nnd veryexpensive.

By spring of 1990 some of the are¿s on Deck 4 East had become so ñ¡ll that books were jammedwherever they would fit on the shelves and piles of books up to four feet high had accumulatedin the aisles ivhere books could not be shelved at all. Froùr May, 1990 to February, !991, a

student work force completed the tæk of clearing the aisles and creating shelving space. At aninitial cost of $4,000, less-used materials were removed and relocated, and remaining books wereredistributed over the entire deck. Presently, three other decks are reaching the state ofdeterioration which will require mæsive intervention similar to the Deck 4 East project of lætyear. In a¡eas fitted with compact shelving, even the undesirable stopgap me¿sure of pilingbooks in the aisles becomes impossible.


New books and transfers from departmental libraries add about 70,000 volumes annually to theholdings of the central boolstacls.

Space availability in departmental libraries is finite and largely inflexible. A recent studyindicated that 17 departmental libraries have 40,000 volumes needing immediate transfer intothe stacks. Since the stacks areas for these call numbers a¡e frlled to capacity, these librarieswill have no alternative to boxing the books for storage-and boxed books are virtuallyinaccessible.


Unless relief in the form of an operative remote storage site is soon provided, access to thelibrary's holdings will be severely hindered for faculty and students at incresing costs to theuniversity.

Studies have indicated that over 707o of all volumes found in the stacks are in less-than-goodcondition. The stress of continued overcrowding will undoubtedly result in further physicaldamage of these items. To protect its central collection in the boolstacks and serve its clientele,the University of Illinois Library requires an operative remote storage site for 1992.

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IO+FACT* tNonnùtr'lt)l &ue pr IO+ Fø$äoa6tf

Many Citations From Which to Choose on Current Contents, lVilson Files

There are now over 4.6 million citations contained in all of the BRS periodical indexdatabases.

Sending Search Resùlts Through E-mail to Your Mainframe Computer Account

Electronic mail delivery time of BRS search results to your mainframe computer accountmay take from 10 minutes to two hours. Please be patient!

Improvements to ERIC Searching

Subject searching in the ERIC database has now been revised. These changes are nowrunning in the current version of the IO+ Interface, which was distributed last week.

Call the Library Telephone Center with Questions and Comments

If you have a question or a comment about availability or searching on BRS, LCS or FBR,or CARL, please call the Library Telephone Center first, 333-8400.

(Beth Sandore)

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t27 ST::<I 295b41??1:45 ËOPY 2 \'LIBRARY OFFICE NOTES


No. 45 , November 18 , 1991 ,-, Âr')rv¿¡tr,r¡r--1,¡

Thfs issue edlted by: Línda Gerrett (\r À '';-' r:'i'¡.'':'iY'-91,în

¿66t ç [ nnruFacultv MeetÍne - rr.i,_,,,+ r(J /..Lly¿Jtlll lHlThere will be a Library Faculty Meetlng on l,(onday, November 25 fron 10:OOarn tonoon êt the LevÍs Faculty Genter's thlrd floor. Chancellor lJeir and ViceChancellor Berdahl wlll aÈtend and r¡fll dfscuss fÈems of interesÈ and concernto the faculty.

(Davfd Bishop)

Donated Books on Dfsplay fn Acquisftlons

A new shipnent of donated books w111 be on dfsplay in the Approval Plans areaof the Acquisitlons Department unÈ1l Decenber 6.

(Dennis Sears)

Teleohone Books have Arrlvedt

The city and staff telephone dfrecÈorles have arrived. Please subnlt aLibrary supply card to Mike Clnker requestfng one telephone directory for eachtelephone located in'your unit. Íhese direcËories w111 then be delÍvered.Ihank you.

(Mlke Cinker)

High Stools Needed b.r¡ Consenratfon Unlt

The Panphlet Bindlngr/Book Repafr sectlon of the Conser:vatfon Unlt needs highsÈools to use at lts work tables. Please contect either Norma or Peggy at244-2053 if you have one that you do not need. Ttranks.

(Norma Linton)

Name Chanee:

Daisie Richardson ls now Daisie Richardson-Jones.

LON Deadline for Thankselving l¡Ieek

The deadlÍne is Tuesday, Novembex 26,5 PM, for subnfttlng LON articles forthe Decenber 2 lssue.

(Linda tllcklund)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (110)


The Undergraduate Library has sub:and is in need of a secoìd copy .l

much use that $re are unable -Èopersonal subscription to these t:aftgr they have read them or, if you know of teaching faculty whomight be willing to donate ttreir i-ssues, the undergrãáuate r,iËraiywould gladly take then. please send then to Éetsy Kar],berglundergraduate Library or carr 4-3762 for more infor¡uaCion.Arnerican FilmÀmerican History fllustratedÀmerican Journal of SocioLogyÀtlanticBlack CoIlegianBusiness WeekCar and DriverChicagoChildren TodayChristian CenturyChristianity TodayCommonwealConnoisseurConsuner ReportsConsumer,s DigestCosmopolitanCycleDiscoverEbonyEbony ManEsquireEssenceFiln ConrnentFinal FrontierGQGlamourGuitar PlayerInside SporÈsJet


Journal of General Educ.Ladies Home JournalLibrary JournalLifeMother JonesMotor TrendNation,s HealthNational GeographicNew ScienÈistNewsweekP.C. ComputingPeopIePlayboyReader's DigestRoad and TrackScholastic UpdateScience NewsSportSports IllustratedspyStereo ReviewTineTravel HolidayT.V. GuideU.S. News & World ReportU.S.À. Today MagazineVanity FairVoguet{orking Womanf{orld Press Review

(Lísa Romero)

Ful I time,Ful I time,Ful I time,Hal f-ti me,Half-time,Hal f-time,Ful I time,

Library ClerkLibrary ClerkL'ibrary ClerkLibrary ClerkLibrary ClerkLibrary ClerkLibrary Clerk

II, AcquisitionsII, CirculationI I, IRRCI I, IRRCI I , OCLC Cata'l ogi ng (AutomatedI I , Speci a'l Col I ecti onsIII, Acquisìtions

(Gi nny McCul 'l ough )

Servi ces )

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (111)

**************************************************************************NOVEI'|BER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Current Eventsu Documents Libraryl.lall case, south corrjdor

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council Archives" University Arch'ivesllal I case, basem*nt ha] l way

uFraternity and student Rulesu university Archìves

ullomen in Sports and Physical Education at the University ofIllinois, urbana-champaign - 1870 - 1950" First Floor comidor

'Inaugural exhibit in honor of ProfessorsB. Vincent Hall, Harley ilones Van Cleave,l{al do Shumway, Carl Shi pp l4arvel , and }li l l i am Muel l er Exhi bi t CaseCumnings Rose" East Foyer

"Chiang Ching-kuo, 1906-1988" Asian Library Display CaseThird floor corridor

"Books from Chien Coìlection and Illinois-TamkangProgram" Asi an L'ibrary Di spl ay Case

Third floor corridor

(Lìbrary Office of Development and Public Affairs)**************************************************************************

Facu'lty Search Posit'ion Update

Search Search Search Search InterviewsOpened Extended Cl osed Cancel I ed Schedul edTitle

Rare Book BibliographìcSpeci al i st

Japanese Studi esL i brari an

0l -04-91

05-24-91Nov. 4, 5,l3 & l4

Assi stant Sl avi c Li brari an(Slavic Cataloger) P0SITI0N FILLED

Head, Asian Library ì0-09-9.|

04-]s-91 I t -08-91

08-31 -91

A'l Dri esLibrary PersonneJ Office

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (112)

The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk:

"Makerere University:Library Revitalization

Through Twinning"

Mitzi WilliamsVet Med Librarian and

Mortenson Fellow

Wednesday, November 20, I99INoon-L p.m.

Writing Clinic, Undergrad Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (113)

The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk:

"Library and Information Scenarioin India with Special Reference

To University Libraries"

Lam S. RamaiahLibrarian

Central Institute of Englishand Foreign Languages

Hyderabad, India

Mondãy, November 25, I99INoon-l p.m.

428 Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (114)

Collectlon DevelopnenÈ ConnltteeMinutes of the MeetfngOctober 15, 1991

Present: Rosie Albritton, M. Balachandran, Norman Brown, TfnaChrzastowskf for Nancy Anderson, Carl Deal, Merri Hartse,Deloris Holiman, Jo Klbbee, Sara de Mundao Lo, BtllMcClellan, Larry MÍller, Dennls Norl1n, Maria porta,Karen SchnidË, Karen I^Ief., Mftzi lJillíams, and BetsyWilson.

I. Announcements:

Carl Deal announced that the coopereÈlve acquisltfons program (ICAMprogran) will be available to Illfnois libraries agaln this year. Details ofthe program will be sent to fund managers as soon as they are available.

C. Deal announced that NEH Gufdelines wÍll be dfstributed to qualifiedfund nanagers as soon as possible.

II. Presentatfon on Nonprint Copyrieht Issues:

Dennis Norlin gave a presenËation on nonprinÈ copyright issues. Heexplained Ehe lmportance of consldertng copyrlghc fssues at the UndergraduateLibrary Media Center. Htghlights of the presentatLon included: background ofthe UI llbrary copyright lssues assocfated wlth prfnt naÈerials; rlghts ofcopyright holder; definÍtion of fafr use; energing technologles and l-ssues;positlons of publfshers, producer, dfstributors; dlscusston toplcs a¡nongARL medÍa librarlans; curren! legtslative lnitfatlves; and the importance ofguidelÍnes. He also offered suggestlons for further dlscussion andinvestigation of copyright of nonprint materials.

]II. Serials Cancellation:

The cornmlttee continued discussion on prioritles for serialscancellation and the development of guidelines and policies. C. Deal read astacement prepared by the Physical Science and EngÍneering Council, in supportof establlshing core serials.

M. Balachandran submltted a statement to C. Deal lndfcating that themajority of the members of the Soclal Sclences Councll do not supporE the Ídeaof establishlng guidellnes for cancellation prtorities. The rnemo indicatedthat Ehe SSG is concerned that fund managers rcill lose flexlbilfty in dealÍngwith their faculty when consulting them before cancellatlon.

M. I^IiLliams reported to the cornmittee that the Llfe Sciences Councildoes not support the idea of establlshing guidelfnes for cancellation. ShesËated that the core collection idea is sllghtly dlfferent from cancellationguidelines, and that 1t would be difflcul-t to agree on'Ehe core,' list.

T. Chrzastowskf spoke as a representative of the Physical Science andEngineering Councll and supported the posiÈlon of the statenent from the PSEC.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (115)

The conmfctee dfscussed all recommendatlons fro¡n the vartous councflsand focussed on the lssue of duplfcatfons as a qonslderatlon ln nakingdecislons on core eollectlons for serfals. Further dlscussfon of serfalspolfcies, ptioritfes and the developnent of gufdellnes for core collecËionswill be contlnued aÈ the nexÈ treetfng. Menbers were asked to dfscuss thfswith thelr councils.

There was no. new busLness.

The meetfng wes adJourned, to meeÈ on Novenber 19, 1991.

Rosle L. Albrttton

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (116)

Minutes of ExecutÍve ComnitteeOctober 22, 1991

The Executtve Corn¡ulttee met at 3 p.n. on Octobet 22, Those present,urere: Balachandran, Bishop, Bopp, Davis, Frfedman, Kllton, Landfs, Maher,Schmidt.

The minutes of the Occober 8 rneeting were approved for clrculatÍon,although the 43 statements developed w111 not be Íncorporated. The ExecutiveCommÍttee w111 neet-from 3 to 5 p.rn. on the followlng daÈes: November 5 and19, December 3 and 17, January 7 ,

DavÍd Bfshop said that because the Library's response to COPE is not dueuntil early December there 1s addltfonal Elne to commenc. IÈ was agreed theremay be conments aÈ the next meeting.

The com¡nittee then Èurned iÈs attentfon Èo the 43 statements, to whichDavid Bishop added an additional seven statemenÈs. After correctlng Ehe text,a scoring systen was adopted and the conmittee proceeded to examine each ofÈhese points and to indicate agreement or dlsagreenent. Before the nextmeeting this body of material wÍIl be tallied and sorted into groupsrepresenEing the incidence of agreement/disagreement.

(Marry Friedman)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (117)

General Sen¡ices Faculty lr[eetingoct,ober 25, 1991

Present: Aggar*ral, Bekiares, Clark, Engel, Henderson, Kibbee,Kruger, Landis, Maher, ltfiller, Sandore, I{atson, !{ei

I. Announcements

a. The dedication of an exhibit case funded by a gift fromBarber Mueller of the class of 1938 will take place at 3:00 p.n.this afternoon. The case is located in the foyer between thecommerce Library and the EducatÍon Library.

b. Pau1a Watson introduced John Straw, Èhe Student Life andCulture Àrchivist. This is a pernanent position endowed by theHowe Foundation.

c. Pau1a Watson remarked on the revised Action Plan y¡hichhas been distributed.

II. Policy and Planning Co¡nmittee

At their last rneeting, the General Senrices ÀdvisoryCo¡nmittee charged the P & P Con¡¡ittee to (1) verify thatprovisions exist for its continuity to be naintained from year toyearì (2) present a sunnary of its work to the facultyr (3)identify needed faculty documentsi (4) prioritize preparation ofthese documents, and (5) recommend how work on these documentscould be accomplished expeditiously (e.9., through ad hoccommittees, standing conmiÈtees, etc.)

Larry MiIIer gave a progress report on the work of the P & Pcommittee. He mentioned that the Connittee had worked on a draftof its own charge, a fomal response t,o the Report of the Ad HocTenure Review Cornnittee of the Senate, a Statement onProfessional Developrnent, and has nearly cornpleted a draft travelpolicy. There was discussion on suggested ad hoc groups. Adiscussion document will be prepared for the Novenber 22 facultymeeting.

A concern raised concerning salary administration anddistribution for FY92 was briefly discussed.

IfI. organizational Issues

Paula Watson and representatives of the Executive Comnitteegave an update on current organizational natters.

(Lisa Boise)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (118)

IO + FA C T S lS Nonnbct, ll)l &wryr IO+ Fæ sñê€úslt

All Units Receive New Terminal Troubleshooting Guide

By today, all unit heads should have received a copy of the ILLINET Online InterfaceTroubleshooting Guide. This one-page (yellow) guide provides instructions Library staff canuse to begin troubleshooting before they call the Telephone Center. In some cases, you maynow be able to use this guide to resolve a problem without making a telephone call. Otherproblems will still neiessitate a call to the Telephone Center. Please send comments andsuggestions on the guide to either Sue Joyce at 224 Library or Beth Sandore at 220 Library.

Sending Search Results Through E-mail to Your Mainframe Computer Account

Electronic mail delivery time of BRS search results to your mainframe computer accountmay take from 10 minutes to two hours. Please be patient!

Call the Library Telephone Center with Questions and Comments

If you have a question or a comment about availability or searching on BRS, LCS or FBR,or CARL, please call the Library Telephone Center first, 333-8400.

(Beth Sandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (119)

{:}?7 =-r Hrtç5b4tc!Ðl É./l¿ ,-.-ìEì/ 'AI -t -tg ãTLt L.U! I ¿


Urbana- Chanpafgn

No. 46, Novenber 25, 1991Tt¡fs lssue edited by: Lfnde Garrett

Pavroll Notlce

Due to the Thanksgivlng Hollday, student tfme sheets for the L6 payperiod(Novenber 15-28) wfll be due in the Llbrary Busfness Office by 10 Al,f onl{ednesday, Novenbet 27, 1991. Ttrank you for your cooperatfon.

(Sheryl Gocking)

LON Deadline for ftranksgivlng l{eek

Ttre deadline fs Tuesday, November 26, 5 Pl{, for subnittlng LON articles forthe December 2 fssues.

(Llnd¿ t{tcklund)

OoeraÈÍon and Mafntenance lJorkers

All operatlon and Mâfntenance workers are requlred to wear clearly visfbleID's. If a worker enters a unLt wlthout an ID or you have any doubt regardfnghis/her conducting work ln your erea, notlfy the Llbrary Buslness Offfce, oE,if after hours, Unlversity Pollce.

Prior to proceeding with work orders 1n restrÍcted areas (Rare Book Roon,Lincoln Room, Mefl Roon and Archives), O & M ¡rorkers rr111 be required to checkflrst wfth Library Buslness Office persorurel.

(Sheryl Gocking)

Results of Rec.'¡clfng Program for Flrst Ouarter

Currently, the Mafn Lfbrery recycles an averege of 6,155 pounds of paper pernonth. Thfs, the result of your dai)-y effort, meen!¡ that each year over 210trees will be saved. In addltfon, the cardboard that your buflding generetesis separated fron Èhe other crash at the Unfverslty trensfer statfon, and thenrecycled.

Printed below are the nonÈhly toÈals for all materfals that your bulldingrecycled in the flrst querter of FY91 conpared to last flscal year:

F'Y91 FY9O



É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (120)

GOOD JOBI You are also doing a great Job of recyclfngesÈfnaÈe about 58 pounds per nonth.

Keep up the good r¡ork. Your envlronmentally-conscfousresources, energy and money. Try to chtnk of new waysknow if there fs anythfng we can do to help.

netal cans. hle

efforts help conserrreto recycle and let us

(Ttreresa l{. Beran)(Unlversity of Illlnois Recycllng Program)

Lincoln Trail Library Announces Contest

In August of uhis year, Jan Ison, Executfve Director, appofnted a com'nÍttee tolnvestigate ways to further help boÈh the Systen and fts member llbraries tobecome nore envfronmentally aware. The cor¡mÍttee--dubbed the Green Tean byLTLS staff--1s charged r¡lth nakfng recomrnendatÍons to the director of lnternalresource use and waste dlsposal, developing a progr¡mning guide onenvirorinenÈal concerns for the nenbership, and generally naking envfronmentallssues end their soluÈlons e pert of our "Global Connectlonn theme for theyeet,

As part of thls charge we would like to ennounce a contesÈ open to allenployees of all LTLS nenber llbrarles. In reviewing the parÈ1cularenvfronnental concerns of llbrarles, wê, of course, thought of the problens ofnagazine retentlon and dfsposal, and the qufntessential synbol of theseproblens came imediately to ¡nind. Therefore, tre ere proposing e contestseekÍng 101 Ttrtngs 'To Do l{fth an 01d Natfonal Geotraphic (other than givfng itto your local l1brary!). Our goal is to cone up with 101 ldeas and then ropubllsh the list ln the llbrary llterature. Ile are hoplng that È 1s obvlousthat we mean the Journal tlÈle to be synbollc; no disrespect fs lnplled.Prlzes w111 be awarded to boch the employee and the lfbrary subnltting thethree "besÈn ldeas as determined by an lndependent panel of Judges. Denco 1ssupplying 3 T-shfrts for the wlnning enployee and Baker and Taylor r¡tll donatecoples of the 1991 publicaÈfon, Your Resource Guf.de to EnvironmentalOrganizaÈions, to thelr llbrarles. Tt¡e contest ls wLde open--serious,lnaginative, and even somewhat silly suggestlons ere welcone.

To submiÈ ideas, fill out the form on the back and atÈach lt to your list offdeas. Each entrênt wfll be assigned a nr.¡mber for both thefr no-e and thelrsuggestions so Judgfng w111 be 'blfnd. " Each enployee subnittlng ideas shouldflIl out a form, buc only one fs needed no natter how nany suggestlons ereattached. Ttre followlng people have agreed to sen¡e as our panel of Judgesfor this contest:

Sara Tonpson, Llbrarlan, Illinofs Hazardous l{aste Research and InfornatfonCenter

Lisa Radke, Educatfon CoordÍnator, Connunlcy Recycllng Center, ChampatgnBob lowner, LTLS Mafntenence and Dfstribution Manager

Entrles should be sent to LTLS, Attentlon: Anne Phtlllps. Ttre deadline forsubrnÍssion 1s Decernber 20. 1991. Judging w111 take place the following twoweeks and winners announced on January 3, 1992. IJe look fon¡ard to hearingfron all of you.

(LTLS Green Tean, Anne Phillips)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (121)

f@l ìlhûorgs llo Do W[th An O[d Natlana| GeaEraphtre

Library Name

Employee Name Entry No. (LTLS will assign)

No. of suggestlons attached Date submltted

f@f ìlhlorgs llo Do W¡tûù An O[d Naî[ønal @oagraphte

Library Name

Employee Name Entry No. (LTLS will assign)

No. of suggestlons attached Date submitted

f@n 'Íh0orgs llo Do W[0h Aul @0d Naïlonal @oographîc

Library Name

Employee Name Entry No. (LTLS will assign)

No. of suggestions attached Date submitted

n@f Th[ngs lfo Eo W[0h Aul @0d Naîlanal @oographîe

Library Name

Employee Name Entry No. (LTLS will assign)

No. of suggestions attached Date submitted

î@n Thlorgs llo Do Wlth Am O[d Naîlanal GeoEraphnle

Library Name

Employee Name Entry No. (LTLS witl assign)

No. of suggestions attached Date submitted

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (122)

Corrections in New Directory

Priseilla Yu's BitneÈ code ts PRISIIJGUIUCVMD.Lois Pauschrs Bitnet code Ís PAUSCHGUIUCVMD.

******************:t*******************************************************NOVEI'IBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Current Eventsu Documents Librarylilal I case, south corr j dor

"Campaigns from the Advertising Council Archives" University Archìveslilal I case, basem*nt hal ì way

"Fraternity and Student Rulesu Un'iversity Archives

"llomen' in Sports and Physical Education at the University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 1870 - 1950n First Floor Corridor

"Inaugural exhibit in honor of ProfessorsB. Vincent Hall, Harìey Jones Van Cleave,l{al do Shurnway, Carl Shi pp }larvel , and Hi I I i am l'|uel I erCummings Roser

"Chiang Ching-kuo, 1906-1988u Asian Library Display CaseThird floor corridor

"Books from Chien Collection and Illinois-TamkangProgram" Asian Library Oisplay Case

Third floor corridor

(Library 0ffice of Development and Public Affairs)*******rt******************************************************************


Exhibit CaseEast Foyer

Ha:lf-time, Library Clerk II,Half-time, Library Clerk II,

0CLC Cataloging (Automated Services)Speci al Col I ecti ons

(Ginny McCul lough)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (123)

The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk:

"Library and Information Scenarioin India with Special Reference

To University Libraries"

Lam S. RamaiahLibrarian

Central Institute of Englishand Foreign Languages

Hyderabad, India

Mond ãy, l.[ovember 25, L99Ll.Ioon-L p.m.



Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (124)

RPC Presents

Greg ltlewhy"Neh/ Forms of.

HumaJt-tompuIeFlnf eFäc[ions"

Decernber 4lr[oon - I p,rar.,

lt3 DKH

Hello? Hello?

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (125)

Library Executi-ve CommítteeMinutes of the Meeting, November 5, 1991

Present: Balachandran, Bopp, Bishop, Davis, Friedman, Kilton,Landis, Maher, Schmidt

1 . The minutes of the October 23, 1991 meeting v¡ere approvedas amended.

2. The Commíttee discussed an October 31 letter from Sara Lorecommending the implementation of the position of associatelibrarian within individual library units of DLS. Bishopstated that the matter will be discussed and resolved by theDLS Advisory Committee to which the letter was also sent.

3. According to the University Library Faculty Bylaws, theExecutive Committee is to assure that there are three professorsfrom each service selected to serve on the special PTA committeeof full professors constituted to make recommendations on pro-motions to the rank of full professor. Full professors -alreadyserving as elected members of the PTA Committee are automaticallymembers of this special committee. The Executive Committee, withMaher abstaining, reviewed and approved the five full professorsrecommended to serve on the special committee who are not alreadyserving as elected members of the PTA Committee.

4. Bishop asked that Executive Committee members review thedraft of the Library statement to the COPE Committee and get anysuggestions or criticisms of the statement to him as soon aspossible.

5. The Committee continued its discussion of the "List of Statementsfor Agreement/Disagreement between the University Librarianand Elected Members of the Executive Committee. " Discussioncentered on the seven statements earlier earmarked for furtherdiscussion. Three statements hrere added to this list.

(Tom Kilton)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (126)


Present: D. F. Btshop, B. Clark, M. Choldfn, C.Surles, P. ltaÈson, D. Hollnan, A.Drles, p.M. Porta, L. llilson, K. Newsome, J. Klbbee,Burger, K. Wei, A. tlaJenberg, S. Clark, K.

Deal, D. Montanellf, R.Yu, S. Klfngberg, IJ. Misqho,S. Bekfares, M. Hartse, R.

Schnidt, N. Browr.

1. Announcements

Bishop reported on prellminaryinfornatfon system conducted by AISS,

2. Calendar of Events

discussfons concernfng the campus-wideCSO and the Library.

It has been proposed that LON contain a rreekly calendar of events. Ttrisproposal was revised to suggest Èhat the calendar be for a month into thefuture ' so PeoPle cen plan ahead. All those planning events and neetlngsshould notlfy the Library offfce, so that a calendar cen be created.

3. 1991 /92 Actlon Planr

Bfshop presented the ffnal verslon. Ite¡¡s 6 and t have been added as aresult of Adnlnistratlve Councll's dLscussion. Blshop n111 consult with thedirectors to ldentify proJect leaders for each ltem.

4. Ffre Alarm Procedures

Montanellf announced that she would be meeting with Ffre Chlef Meskerand Pollce Chief Dollfns to resolve igsues raLsed by the fire alarns. In themeantime, the Ffre Chief has revlsed the fire batcallon orders so that the allclear will be given using Èhe voice panel of the flre elarm system. Also,call 9-911 when sunmoning the fire departnent. [Note: The Ffre Chlef hasurged that the nanual pull-statfon be used flrst, lt wlll produce a responseeven faster Èhan a phone caIl. l

5. Mail Deller.v Experiment

Montanelll reported that payroll will be dellvered, not put in thetemporary nallboxes, for security reêsons.

¡t Èhe end of the trlel perÍod (Novenber 22), the experfnenÈ r¡111 beevaluated and a decfslon wfll be nade. rf natl plck-up ls the choice,permanent nail boxes will have to be constructed, and unÈ1l they areconpleted, mail senrfce wfll return to the old systen.

6. Remote Stores

Blshop reported sone optimism on Èhe possibfllty of the Lfbrary'sgafning some remote storage, hopefully by the end of thls ffscal yeer.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (127)

Adnlnf stratfve Councf 1 -2- November 12, 1991

7 . Interface l.lording

I'Iilson rePorted that pacrons ere conplaining about the r¡ording on theinterface abouÈ where books are to be plcked up. Hartse safd thet iÈ wasnecessary to ask sandore for a work requesc to change the wordlng, oncesatfsfactory languege was settled.

8. Transfers

Mlscho asked in whet erees Ehe stecks nes stfll taking transfers.Stacks eveluates each request lndlvfdually, but funda'nentalÍy cannot ecceptserfal runs.

Next Meetlng: Dece¡¡ber 12

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (128)

Novenber 14, 1991


Ttrc follovfng fteur arc fn prlorfty order

1. Develop and lnpletrenÈ a plan for renoÈe storegs es an lntertn solutlonunrll the 7rh sÈack addftlon fs conplered

2. Develop e nulcl-year ptan to provtde an adequate nr.¡ober and type ofonllne caÈalog te¡¡inals ln public areag

3. rnplenent security systens in the Mafn Library bufldfng

4. Develop a plan to provide staff assisÈance ln the area of systetrshardrsare and software

5. rnplenent the reconnendãÈions of the Gataloging Task Force

6. Develop and lnplenenc llbrary-wlde user educetfon for r0 plus

7. Develop and'lnplement e plan to read all or a portton of the stacks

8. Develop a syscenatic approach Èo adding new deÈa bases Èo r0 plus

9 ' Develop a docunent describtng the lupact of the nelr general educationrequfrenents on the Lfbrary's serrrÍces and collectlons andesÈfnate funds requlred to provlde enÈlcipated senrices andcollectlons

the followfng ltens arc in thc proccs¡ of befng fnplenentedand thercforc src not fncludcd ln thc lfst above

1. Develop a plan for the fnplenenÈation of the GEAG systen

2. Convert ell nicrofom reader--prlnters to bond paper coplers et 10 cencsa coPy

3. Revfew Èhe gufdelfnes for alloceÈton of the uaterfals budget

4. Develop a plan for IRRC thac s111: reestabllsh a sound financialfoundatlon for Ehe unit; dece¡¡fne goars and prioritfes; andreaffirn the Llbraryrs comrnftrnent to resource sharfng

5. Plan for the use of operatlng funds reallocated to the Llbrary chroughthe campus prloritles process

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (129)

Onl ine Catalog Technical Comittee

ili nutesNovember 7, l99l

Present: SharonCathy

C'lark, Beth Sandore,Sal i ka, I'li nn i e Chan

Barbara Henigman, Arnol d h{ajenberg,

Prograrmer's Report (Cathy Sal i ka)

Current No. of Records in I0 / ILLINET Onl'ine (includes entire state)

B'i bì 'i ograph i c 7, 635 , 689 Key 7 ,714,929Authority 9,022,758 Link 5,868,679Hoìdings 7,625,951

Cathy reported that some occurences of duplicate catalog records ìnFBR will be eliminated as AISS will soon be process'ing a program that wjlluse data stored by OCLC in the 019 field when it merges dupì'icate recordsin the OCLC database'.

It was noted that sometimes the 949 REP command fa'ils to eìiminate theshort uc record in FBR. l.le need to have some kind of written error reportfrom AISS when this happens. B. Henigman wì1.| talk to programmer KentWendl er about thi s poss'ibi 1 i ty.

Cathy reported there is a new version of the AISS FBR MaintenanceSoftware (ALATERM) ready for testing.

l'lIL0 Status Report

Dial up ports have been turned on to MILO (the mainframe userjnterface) s'ince November 3. Thjs includes all UIUC djal ports exceptthose maintained by CSO (currently using LCSGated). cSO will graduaììyswitch these ports when satisfactory software support js avajlable. TheTelephone Center is working on learning about different types of PChardware and software and will be available to assist UIUC patrons withsetting PC's for dial ing into the onl ìne cata'log.

AISS has several projects to ìmprove MIL0 ìn progress. These 'includespeedìng up the author search and work'ing on a special subsystem forsearching music materials.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (130)


GilK Record Status

AISS should have comp'leted loading of al'l UIUC's CJK records into FBR.Cathy and Barbara w'i I I check on th i s .


ilew Busi ness

It rya9 reported that for a seeond t'ime the program that loads recordsinto LCS has inadvertently f'lagged some engl'ish reõords as nonenglish.Automated services will work with AISS to help correct this problem.

The next meeting will be Thursday, December 5 at 2200 in 428 Libr,ary.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (131)

OCAC Measurement & Evaluation Subcommittee Meeting Summar!,12 Nov., 1991

The subcommittee met on Tuesday, November 12 to discuss preparations for the secondphase of data collection to study the level of periodical usage in the UIUC Library.

- Inclusive dates for Phase 2 of the periodical use study are:

February3-t6,1992These dates correspond directly to the time in the Spring, L991, semester when thefirst data collection took place.

- Revision of survey and data collection forms used in L99L was discussed.

- Data collection packets will be mailed in late December to all units whoparticipated last year.

- Staff briefing: as was done last year, the subcommittee will meet with variousstaff groupings to provide information about the Phase 2 data collectionduring early JanuarY (e.g., Administrative Council, council and area meetings,etc.).

- Two staff sessions will be held to review and emphasize the mechanics ofusing the data forms. All Library staff are encouraged to attend. The sessionswill be held January 31, L992in Room 289 of the Undergraduate Library, oneat 9:00 a.m. and the second at 1:30 p.m.

- Further announcements in Library Office Notes are forthcoming.

- Next subcommittee meeting: Tuesday, December 10, 428 Liúary.

(B. Sandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (132)

IO + DÀ C T $ ¿ Norcnùtr, llfl &ve ryr IO+ F¿ctsñætf

IO+ Interface Problems-To Be Resolved Ín Next Version

There are two known programming bugs in the IO* Interface, both of which will becorrected in the next (early December) release of an updated version:

"Out of stack space"--when this error message occurs, the searcher will be automaticallylogged off BRS and returned to the IO+ main menu. There have been only a few reportsof this problem. However, if you encounter it while searching, please report it to theTelephone Cente¡.

More than 25 search terms-the searcher will be automatically logged off BRS and returnedto the IO+ main menu. This will happen in complicated searches that use approximately25 or mot'e search terms and numerous sets. Try breaking up larger concept groups intosmaller groupings, and repeat the search with each of these different groupings. There isno need to report this problem.

Bug in LCS Detailed Serial Holdings

Early this week a bug was discovered in LCS detailed serial holdings. Each line includes a: (colon) at the end. This is a programming bug which AISS indicates they are committedto correcting as soon as possible.

New IO+ User Handouts Available from Graphic Sewices:

Two new IO+ user handouts can now be ordered from Library Graphic Services:

"Looking for articles on a specific subject." GEN.-101-11/91"Looking for articles in a specific journal or magazine." GEN.-102-LU9L

l{here to Send IO+ Suggestions for Enhancements:

Please refer staff, faculty, and student comments and suggestions for enhancements to theIO+ Interface to any Online Catalog Advisory Committee member:

Betsy Wilson (chair, l99t-92)Sharon ClarkBill MischoNanry O'BrienJanifer ThompsonBeth SandoreA¡nold WajenbergBeth Woodard

hogram problems or potential bugs should be reponed þ the Telephone Center, 333-8400.(BethSandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (133)

Ìâe (¡c


027I 2?5b4


T'NIVERSITY OF ILLINOTg ¡-¿¡S¡¡¡Urbana-Chanpafgn

No. 47, Decenber 2, 1991Ttris fssue edited by: Linda GarreÈt


should be sent to Specfal

(N. Brown)


Reninder Concernlnt Lfbrary Friends 0700-0736 Funds

All requests on the Llbrary Frlends 0700-0736 fu¡¡dsCollecttons AdulnfstraËlon for orderlng.

New DlrectorT CorrectLon

lhe new Lfbrary DlrecÈory lncorrectly llsËs Ehe Circuletfon Offfce nr¡mber(3-2079> under Beth Sandore's nane. Please note that Beth 1s no longer atthis nr¡nber, but nay be reached 1n Autouated Senrlces et 3-2592.

(Theresa Kenrry, Circulatfon)

Camous Charftable F\rnd Drfve

I would llke to extend rny thanks and congratulatlons to the faculty and staffof the Llbrary for exceeding our goal for Èhe Canpue Ctlaricable Ftrnd Drfveagafn this year. During this Èine when there are so Eeny in need, yourgenerosity w111 make an lnportanÈ dlfference.

I would also llke to thank Susan Bektares, Linda lÍfcklund and all of the othervolunteers who spent a conslderable anor¡nt of tlne and effort organlzing andfacllltatlng thfs canpafgn. Without then we could not have been as successfulås we have been.

Agafn, thank you.(Davfd F. Bfshop)

Roornnate lJanted for Al,lA Conference

If there's anyone golng to the American Library Assoclatlon (Al{A) nlôcinterconference ln San Antonio, I need a female, non-snokfng roomaÈe fron Friday,January 24 through l,londay, January 27, L992. Please call 4-1888, OCLC GopyCacaloging.

(Holly E. Nordheden)

Suooort Staff PoslÈl-ons Open as of Novernbet 27. 1991

Half-tfme, Library Clerk II, Special Collectlons

(Girmy McCullough)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (134)



"Remember Pearl Harboro

"Current Eventsu

uCampaigns from the Advertising Council

"Holidays and Festivalsn

"Chiang Ching-kuo, 1906-1988u

"Books from Ghien Collection andProgram'

University Archives

Documents Libraryl,lal I case, south corri dor

Archi ves u Un i vers i ty Arch'i vest'lal I case, basem*nt haì ì way

Mueller Exhibit CaseEast Foyer

Asian Library Disp'lay CaseThird floor corridor

Illinois-TamkangAsian L'ibrary Display Case

Third floor corridor

(Library Office of Development and Public Affairs)


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (135)

The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk

and video presentation:

Reiko IriyaReference Librarian

Chuo UniversityToþo, Japan

"The Chuo Library:A Case Study of a Japan University"

Mond ãy,December 9, IggINoon-L p.m.

289 Undergrad. Library

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (136)

RPC Presents

Greg ftlewby"Neh, FoFms of


Decerrrber 4Noon - I p.rrï..


Hello? Hello?

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (137)



n Meeting on theerence on Library and Information Services

December 10, 1991,11:00 a.m.-l:30 p m., DACCDanville Area Communlty College ConÍerence Center,2000 East Main Street, DanvilleSponsored by !..lNCCLN TRAIL LIBRARIES SYSTEM, In cooperatlonwlth Danville Area Communlty College Learnlng Resources Center

'fhis is your opportunity lo take an active rolo in analyzing the White House Conleretrce and whal it means lo yÐurlitrrary. Bring your Þrow,ì bag iurrch arirl enjcy lhe 120-mipue seteilite brcadcast (Light refreshments willÞeavailable.)

Target Au,llence:

,Lilrradans, trusl?es, educato:s. agency administrators, ¡rblic policy makers, and lhe general pulrlic.

Learnlng Obja:tlves:. Summarlze tht White tiouse ionforerce activities includirE vkleotape presentaîions by Presiclent Br¡sh,

Marilyn Ouayle, Librariirn of .?cngress iames Billington Senator Par¡l Simon and U.S. RcpresentativeLtlajor orenc.

. Pregent the WrlCLl$ reu4,ri anC rts ¡mpli')at¡ons for puirlic policy on libraries and inlormation services inthe 90's. Teletþr¡f¡.retìct í¡resc'¡ea wìilanalyze the regcrt and invite you tc engage in ccm¡'nents.Prese¡rters irclude lllino¡s State tibrary Ciredor Brklget Larnont.

. l{erp parthipanls set localand statewi<Je agendas for llbrary development.

. Provicle an ûpportunily ror pa¡ticip¡nts to call in live questions to the leiecoi'fererrce.



Registrat'on Deadline: Decenrtrr 6, 1991




Cily, State, Zip code:


Return to: CE Begilr¡tion, Linct¡ln Trail Libraries System1704 West IntErstate Drive, Champaign, lL 61821Phone: (217\ 352-0047 or 1 -80G373-5461FAX: (217) 3s2-71s3

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (138)

PRESEM: R. Burbank, R. Engel. V.F. Mansfield, C. Penka, L. Pausch,


Novenber 1991


Gorodinsky, F. Howee. G. Hueting, M. Ia¡rdis.L. Romero, A. WaJenberg, K. l.|ei, J. WÍlliane.


1 Cataloeinp Service Br¡1letin.

CSB no. 54 has been received by Mr. Wajenberg.

2. Report on l,C copy cataloging sunrey fron OCLC.

The Llbrary of Oongregs ls now engaged in 'copy cataloging', i.e., adaptingcataloging fron other libnaries for¡nd in RLIN and OCLC for their use. OCICeurveyed fte nenben Libraries to deternlne when OCLC should begtn to load DLCcoPy cataloglng lnto the OCtC Online Unlon Catalog. There were Éreveral ¡ntentialtechnical pnoblens with loadlne DLC copy cataloglng into OCLC's OLUC.

The naJorlty opfnlon anonÉi CPAC menberE r.¡as that 06T.,C ehould NO'I toad DLCcoPy cataloging Ínto its OtUC r¡ntiI -appropriate procegsing software isdeveloped'. That Ís to say, OCLC should not load such copy r.¡ntil it ca¡¡ beloaded with the least effect on other OCrc OtUC records.

3. Dates of books received in year prevloue to date sholrn.

Books are sonetimes received in the curuent year with pubtication orcopyrlght date for the nexb year. For example, late in 1991 we are receivingpublications with publlcation date or, in lieu of pubì.lcation date, copyrightdate of 1992.

We will not follow AACR2 L.4F2, whlch indicates that we supply the correctdate in brackets. Also we r¡il1 not list date as i19911, c1992. Ingtead we willrecord the date as for:nd ln the iten at ha¡rd. Thus books received in the lastpart of 1991 ç¿tth ¡x¡bllcation date of 1992 r¡111 have the date of pubticationrecorded as 1992 wfthout any bnacket date or [1.e. date].

4. Cataloeing Service Rulletin no. 53 (swnner 1991).

Serial catalogeng should study LC's lnterpretatíon of RuIe AACR2. 12.3G,as applied to euccegsive designations. In general, Íf a new series is begunwlthortt a phrase such as new series. and the nunbering repeats exactly thenunbering of the earlier geries, we ghould nake two bibliographic records.

AII catalogers should study LC's interpnetation of Rrle AACR2, ZZ.].g,Distlnguishing Terms, as applied to 'Terns of Address, etc., for Pre-2Oth CenturyPensons' .

AII catalogers should note that our library's practice concerning the


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (139)

capitalization of introductor':r words in titles hag been fornalized bv L,CRI 4.441a¡d 4.4F1 ag for:nd in CSB 53.

5. Mone on new USI{ARC field 533 and 539.The use of field 539 is optional and is not reconnended by the hincipal


Renember that when r.¡e use field 533 for a reproduction, the fixed field forthe entire record is noe¡ coded for the orlgl¡al, except that ere do addappropriate coding in flxed fleld area Repr: r for neprÍnt, a for nicrofiln, etc.

6. Report on Dewey Deci-mal Classiflcation Editorlal Policy Connittee neeting.

The prlnclpal cataloger has attended the latest comnittee neetlng.

The commlttee is serlouely conslderÍng revlglon of Rlblic Adninistnation,particularly in the 351-354 range.

Ag of now there are no plans for na*jon revislone of Edr¡cation. 370-379.

The connfttee generally agreed that there is a serious need for revlsÍonof Religlon, 200-299, but there is eerioug dlsagreenent on what the changeeshould be made. One prolpeal lraÉr to elininate 200, Rellgion ln general,entirely.

A subeonnittee coneldered the confusion between 200, Religion in general,and 291, Com¡nrative nellglon. The subconnittee neconnended that. if we uee formsubdlvislons, both general books on religion and books com¡nrlng varíousreliglons would go into 200, whereas all such bookE claseified without fornsubdivisione r.rould go lnto 29L, ercept tbat we would continue to use forrosubdivisions 089 and 09 with 291.

7. New business.

Rhoda Engel had the only iten of new buslness. OCLC cataloging ise:qærlmenting with EDIìC, Electnonìc Desre:¿ f\scimal Classif'lcation. Thig is a CÞROÈJ service which containe the entire Dewey Decinal Classification. To date ÂDDÇhas not proven to be oatlsfactory.

8. Future neetings.

Decenber: 16 Decenber 1991, at 9:00a.n., in roon 428.

Januar,:¡ 1992: this neeting hae been canceled.


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (140)


Accompanying material Dec gø

Added copies Nov 84, Sep gØclassified differently May Bb

Added entriesaudio./visual material Feb 87corporate boclies that issue series AuE g6linking fields May Bg

AI'SS Flar 87 , Apr 87

Analytics Nov 83holdings in LCS May 88, Feb gøseries entries fon Aug 83sets Apr 89statistics June 87vs- cat as sep Jun 85

Articles, Initial Apr 87, Oct 88French Feb 89

Asian lanugage materialsLaw books Sep 86

Auclio-visual mater ialadded entries Feb 87

Authority records Aug 85, Sep 85, Mar 86provisional recorcls Sep 86in-proeess recorcls Jan 87

Bibliography notes Jan 89, Sep 89, Oct Bg, Mar gØ

Biography subjeet heaclings Nov 89

"Botrnd with" cataloEing Mar 87

British plaee names Sep 88

CalI numberseorreetions Jul 84, Dec 87cuttering for initials Jul 9ølanguage letters Mar 88, Feb 89, Dec gØmarking Jun 85of serials that change title Feb Bgon orcler records May 88placement Apr 83prefixes Aug 87, Oet 89, Sep gØtexts with translation Dec 9Ø

Capì-talization: Breton, (iaIlegan, Lang d'oc Oct A7scientific na¡nes Mar 88title ( intr'ocluctory worr-ls )

Vietnamese May 88

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (141)


Cataloging ve- collection development deeisions Aug gb

CDROM databases Apr 89, Nov 89, Feb gØ

Chronological code (Ø45) dropped Jun 89

Chronological subdivisions Sep 9Ø

CïP records in FBR Fel¡ 89

Classificationauthors of belles-rettres in more than one ranguage May 96,Belles-lettres entered uncler title Juty B6bic-¡graphy May 86, Feb 89college publications (C) Nov 83correlation with first subject Aug 87Dewev 2Ø Feb 89rliscoEraphies Oct 83Greek ancl Latin authors of non-Iiterary works Jan BBheads of state Aug 87inclividual atrthor book number schemes May 86Iabor unions Jan 88multiple biographies or criticisms of Iiterary authors Jun BZphotograph collections by a single photographer Nov ggRomanian literature Feb 87Turkic languages Feb 89

Closed stacks Oct 84, Dec 88

Collection level cataloging Oct 91

Collection withotrt collective title Mar 9Ø

College catalogsproceclure for cataloging Sep 85

Composition form cocle (ø47 ) dropped Jun 8g

Computer files Aug 87, Nov 89copy cataloging May 88disk characterietics Mar gØ

file characteristics Mar gØ

file name Mar gØ

Computer program (uniform title qualifier) Dec 87, Dec gø

Conference headings with date in name Nov BB

Conferencescataloged as serials Dec 9Ø

Contents nÉtes Mar 87

Copyright date Mar 9Ø, Sep gØ

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (142)


Corporate bodieschanges of name May 9ØofficÍal position of body May 9øqualifiers May 87, Sep 9Øwith "National" in name Jan 89

Cutter numbersArabic names Sep 83conference publications Nov 83fairs and exhibitions Dec 83initials JUI 9Øselected literary works May 83schools classed in 378.4-.9vid'eorecordings of motion pictures JuI 88

Dates in inprint-copyrieht date Mar 9ø, Sep gØ

Dates in imprint-printÍng date Oct 88, Oet 89, Sep gØ

Dates in imprint loose-leaf publications Sep Bg

Date in imprint - material received in year before date in itemNov 91

Dates in personal name heactings Apr 87, Sep 9Ø

Deleting bibriographic records from FBR ,Jtrly 86, Dec 87, oct 91

Deleting reocrcls from LCS usine 949 field Jun 8g

Dewey 2Ø Feb 89, Mar 89

Different neal names for one person Mar 89

Disk characteristics (computer files) Mar 9Ø

Dissertation notes Mar 89

Distribution of material for original cataloging Mar 87

Distributors Mar 9Ø

Donor notes and added entries for Jun 85, Aug 85, Feb BZ, sep 87.Mar 89

Duplicate recorcls Sep 87, Dec 87

Edi-tion statement for multi-vol. sets Oet BB

Ecl*tion statement supplierl by cataloger Dec BT

Encocling Level 5 reeords Fek-, 9Ø, Mar gØ

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (143)


File characteristics (computer files) Mar 9ø

File name (computer files) Mar 9Ø

Fixed Field - Reproductions Oct 9lFrench eataloging in OCLC Sep 88, Feb 89

Geographi-c names Sep 88

Germany Mar 91

Gift recor,Ls in LCS Jan 89, Jun 89

Icelandi-c personal narnes Mar g1

Illustrati-ons Jan 89, Mar gØ

Incomplete ptrblications Dec 87

Incomplete records Feb 89

Incomplete statement of responsibility Mar 9ø

Inclex notes Mar 9Ø

Indic names Nov 88

Initial articles Apr 87

Initials representing names Nov 89cuttering JuI 9Ø

Instrunentation code (Ø48) droppecl Jun 89

ISBN numbers Mar 9Ø

LanguagesSlavic and Asian cataloging Nov 85designation in notes and uniform titles May 88

LC card numbers Jan 87

LC preliminary records in OCLC Feb gØ, Mar 9Ø

LCS records for serial analytics, Feb 9ø

tinking fields May 89

Local notes Feb 87

Looseleaf publications imprint dates Sep 89

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (144)


Made-up collections Oct. 91

Manuscript collections Mar 9Ø

Masters' project vÍdeo recordings Jun Bg

Microcomputer software Aug 87

Microforms Oct 87serials Apr 89

Missing records (FBR & LCS) Feb 89

MS call number prefix Aug 87

flonographic series changed to serials Sep 89

More than one real nane for one person Mar 89

Motion pictures - uniforrn titles JuI 88

Multi-Iíngual works May 88

MuItiple publishers Mar 9Ø

Names represented by initials Nov 89

NOT NEI^¡ records in FBR Dec 88

Notes - Awards Oct 91

Notes - Bibliograph Mar 9Ø

NoÈes Changes of place of publication of serial Nov BB

Notes Index Mar 9Ø

Notes - Technical details, Format Oct. 91

Numerals in foreign lanEuages May 9Ø, Sep gØ

Numerals in titles Apr 87

Numeric designation of serials Nov g1Order carde May 88

Performers and performing groups Dec 87

Personal name headingsakrbreviated na.nes Sep 86. Oet 87dates Apr 87, Sep 9Ødifferent real names for one person Mar 89distineuishing terms May BB, Nov 91Icelandic Mar 91initials Nov 89Parenthetieal expansions Oct 87Phrase plus forename Aug 86

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (145)


Plates Dec Aø, Mar 91

Prefixee for caII numbers Aug 87, Oct Bg, Sep gØ

Prelirninary level recorde in OCLC Feb gø. Mar gØ

Printing dates Oet 88, Oct 89

Printouts of theses Feb 89

Programming Mar 87

Pseudonyms Sep 88, May 9Ø

Ptrblisher's name Mar 9øBranch offices Dec 9ø

Punctuat ionHeadings Dec 87

QuaIifiersCorporate boclies May 87, Sep 9Øuniform titles for conputer programs Dec AT

Rare Book cataloging Dec 88

Reeatalogingmonographs to serials Jul 85

References for trniform titles Sep 9Ø

References from names identical to other names Mar g1

Relator code dropped May 89

Replacing records in LCS using 949 field Jun 8g

Reproductions Nov 91

Revised editions - choÍce of main entry Jan 8g

Selections Mar 91

Serial analytic recorrle in LCS Feb 9Ø

Serial supplements to other serials Sep 86

Serial title ehanges May 87, Nov 88

Serial.s closing entries Nov 88, Nov g1- change of format Dec 9Ø

change of place of publication Nov 88Iinkíng fields May 89

- microforns Apr 89, Dec 9Ø- repeated ntrmeric clesignation Nov g1- translations (call numbers) Nov 9Ø- ,supplernents Dec 9ø- title aclded entries Mar 91

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (146)


Series added entriesall traced May 9Øpersonal authors Nov 83initial articles Apr 87

Series authority records Jan 84, Oct 88

Series eonverted to serials Sep 89

Series-Iike phrase vs. series heading Nov gØ

Series with fluctuating introductory word Feb gØ

Series not mentioned in book June 87

Series qualifiertitle same aa corporate heading Mar 88(Unnumbered) Apr 87

Seríes tÍtle page Aug 86

Sets Analytics Apr 89

Short records in FBR - DeletÍon Oct 91

Statement of responeÍblity Incomplete Mar gØ

StatisticeAnalytics June 87

Subfield w (AACR2 veriflcatlon) dropped Apr 89

Subject authority records in OCLC Dec 87, Mar 88

Subject subdivisionsaddresses, essaya, Ìectures dropped JuIy 86chronologlcal subdivisions Sep gØyearbooks dropped (with 1 exception) Aug 86

Subject heading correlation with classification Aug 87

Subjects other than LC Apr 91

Subordinate bodleacontaining name of parent body (Type 5) Jun 86

Surname alone on t.p. Oct 88

Surname prefixesDr-rtch authors Jun 86, July 86

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (147)


Technical reports Jan 87

Thesis cataloging Sep 84, Mar 87, May $$, Dec 88, Feb 89, Feb gØ

Title added entriesbracketecl information Dec 9øinitiaL articles Apr 87numerals in titles Apr 87serials Mar 91titles beginning with $ Mar 83

Treaties, Iaws, etc. Oct 88, Mar 91

Translation lettersByelorussian BY Apr 84collections May 86serials Nov 9Ø

Uniform titlesfor computer prognams Dec 87, Dec 9øfor serials Nov 88for notion pictures JUI 88for multi-lingual works May 88for selectionsfor translations of unpubliEhed works Dee 87references Sep 9Ø

Unpaged books Jan 89, Mar 9Ø

fJnpublíshed works -- translationa Dec 87

Vicleorliscs nnmber of frames Mar gØ

VideoreeordingsMasters- projects Jun 89Subjects Sep 9Ø

Withdrawals Oet 91

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (148)

+?7 =;-r ){r?95b419ç1:4E} CÐPY ?



No. 48, December 9, 1991Íhis lssue ediced bY: Linda GarretÈ

Library Faculty MeetinE

Ihere will be a Llbrary Faculty Meetlng on Frlday, December 13, 1991, aÈ

1:30 - 3:00 PM, 120 Architecture Building. (David F. Bishop)

Term Paoer Research Counseling Volunteers

A sincere thanks to all the lndfviduals lisEed belos who volunEeered for Termpaper Research Counsellng this senester in the Undergraduate Library. Theirrine, effort and expertise 1s greatly apprecfated by both the students who

sought assistance and the staff of Che Undergraduate Library. I.lithout theirhelp, the counseling serrrice could noE have been provlded,

PaË CardenasBeth DupulsHollis HelnecfSusan HempTin L¿mnersAIan MetzCatherine MauLaura MetzlerDennis NorllnSteve Obergl,fargaret Olsen

Mary Jane PetrowskiCarl PhfllipsJing QiuNancy RoneroAnn ScholzJudy SnichJane lJtlesBetsy WllsonJoyce i.frfghcPrlscllla Yu

(Ltsa Ronero)

T-íbrarv of the Health Sclences Closed Dec. 21

Library of the Health Sciences--Urbana, wfll be closed on Saturday, December

2L, thè lasc day of finals. (Jeffrey Loftiss)

Newspaper Library Hollday and Interim Schedule

The holiday and inrerin schedule for the Newspaper Library is 10:00'2:00 PM.

On Tuesday, December 31, 1991, we will be closed. Please note these hours forpatron relerral. (Jane l'llles)

Holiday Hours for Librarv Graphic Services

To celebrate the holldays ÈogeEher, Library Graphlc Serr¡ices will be closedduring the following hours:

Thursday, December 12 from 11:45 At'f - 2:15 Pl{

Tuesday, December 17 fron 12 Noon co 2:00 Pl{

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (149)

I.Ie hope that with advance noÈfce this wrrr not Ínconvenience anyone. connie,Greg, Irene, Sue, and Terry Join ne 1n sending you all SEASONS GREETINGS FRoMLIBRARY GRAPHIC SERVICES.(Barb Childers)

Holiday Hours for llomen's StudiesÂ.lID

The l.Iomen's SÈudiesfiID Reading Ro-on r¿ill be open 1:00 - 5:00 pM from Monday,December 2, L99L, to Frfday, Decenbet 20, 1991.

l.Iord of Thanks from Lisa(Dfane Duesterhoeft)


r would rÍke to lhank everyone for all the good wfshes extended. at my faiewellParty and also Èhank those who contributed tor¡ard the gift certffica¡e.Special thanks go Èo Jean, Linda, Paula, Marfanna and DaIe for organizing theparÈy.

Llsa Boise

At its December 2nd meeting the Research and publicatÍonCommittee approved research grants to Jane Block and AllanMetz. Jane is using Rpc f unds to reproduce nirttograp¡s f oran exhibition .catalog on the book arls in geigium-"i'tir"fin-de-siecle. Allan witl use Rpc funds to hire a stud,entto translate primary sources in spanish for

"-pãpãr-ànArturo capdevila and Juan E. carulla. congratütãtions toJane and AIlan.

The Research and publication committee invites appricationsfor funds to support library research projects. The nextdeadline for applications is December 16, fãgfupcoming deadlines for the Research Board are January 27, 1992and February 17, L992. Upcoming Scholars' fraveï'deadlinesare February 3, 1992 and March 16, Lgg2.

(Tina Chrzastowski )

Faculty Search Position Update

ïitleJapanese StudiesLi brari an

Head, Asian Library





SearchCl osed

08-3r -9t


ïnterv'iewsSchedul ed

Nov. 4,t3 & l4

Al DriesLibrary PersonneJ 0ffice

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (150)

**************************************************************************DECEHBER LIBRARY TXHIBITS

"Remember Pearl Harbor"

"Current Events"

"Campaigns from the Advertising

"Hol i days and Festi val s "

"Chiang Ching-kuo, 1906-1988" Asi an Li brary Di spì ay CaseThird floor corridor

"Books from Chien Collection and I'llinois-TamkangProgram" Asian Library Display Case

Third floor corridor

(Library 0ffice of Development and Public Affairs)**************************************************************************

Recently Kim Freed was named Development 0fficer in the Library's 0fficeof Development and Publ ic Affairs. She received her Bachelor's degree inSociology from the University of Californja at Santa Barbara and her Master'sdegree in Publ ic Administration from the University of Southern Cal ifornia.

Kim's previous experìence jncludes fundraising responsibi'l jties with theUnjted Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater f,Jashington, D.C. and the NationalJewjsh Center for Immuno'logy and Respiratory Medjcine in Los Angeìes. l'|ostrecently she was Assistant Director of CARE, Inc., also in Los Angeles. Shehas been a consu'ltant for Project Concern International in San Diego.

Kiln wjll be workjng primarily in the area of major gifts to the Library.During the next few weeks she will be contacting many of you to gaininformation about the Ljbrary System ìn generaì and indivjdual un'its ìn

, part i cul ar.

Pl ease joi n us i n wel com'ing K jm to the L'ibrary.

(Joan M. Hood)


University Archives

Documents Li brarvl,lal.l case, south corridor

Council Archivesu University Arch.iveslJal I case, basem*nt hal I way

l'|ueller Exhibit CaseEast Foyer


Friday, December 20, .|991, from 2:00 - 4:00 P.M.,

Hall. Take your break at the HOLIDAY PARTY!

Ho'liday Party Committee

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (151)


The Mortenson Professorshipinvites you to a talk

and video presentation:

Reiko IriyaReference Librarian

Chuo UniversityToþo, Japan

"The Chuo Library:Case Study of a Japan university"

Mondãy, December 9, L991,

z's,ilå:l;Låîu' ary

Please bring your lunch and join us.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (152)

L iti'" erstt\, ùi: r rilììtlrsat Urbana-ChampaignOPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION

B,'"0 0 2 ttt\





December 2, 1991

D€ans, Directors and Department Heads

Terry Ruprecht, Directo


During past hol¡dey seasons, severe w€ather with high winds and freezing conditionshas resulted in damage to some facilities, rendering a few arsas unusable for anextended period of time. In recent years we have requestod that the campuscommun¡ty help in reducing th€ potont¡al for damag€, end the response has helpedsubstantially. With tho hol¡day season approaching, we agein ask for your cooperationin protecting the University facilities so they will be suitable for use when you r€turn.We request your help by:

1. Closing and securing all windows and doors and closing blinds andcurta¡ns.

2. Securely turning off all unnecsssary laboratory services, includinggas, eir, vacuum and water.

3. Turning off fume hoods that are not needed. Possibly someconsolidations can bE made for hoods that need to be on forchemical storegs.

4. Assuring that all radiator valves are left in the ON position. This isimportant to ensure adequate heating to preclude freeze damage.

Operation and Maintenance personnei will be checking all areas on Friday, December20, 1991, for obvious problems (open windows, etc.l. Our staff will not alteroperation of fume hoods or lab services; we must presume the operating status iscorrect and intentional.

Thank you for your assistance in safeguarding the facilities. Have a great holideyseason...we look forward to serving you in '92.


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (153)


Cçies of tte follcrirq notices for_prsfess'ionaì 'library posit'iørs are available in tlp LibraryPersornel Office for¡,ur revis,r. Plæse feel free to stop by, Røn 1Zl, to reyiev theseaffurìcglËfits.


Scierrce Bì bl'iographer

Senion Serials Cata'log Librarian

Scierrce Refererrce Librarian/Biq¡Edical$ecia'list

ltrrcgraphic Cataloçr

Spec'ial Collections Deparüænt l-lead

Assistant Director for L'ibrary Tedrnical univrsity qf Delar€reServices Nsmr*, oelaare

Assistant Dir€ct¡r for Library colìections univrsity qf Delarúarellqßr*, Dele¡rnre

cærdinator, special collections hcessirg un'ivrsìty qf Delðarethit l,h,€t*, Oelaare


un'iversity at Albar¡yAlbany, N6{ Yonk

thivrsity sf ArizmaTt¡csdt, Arizqra

Un'ivrsity of ftìcagoChicago, Illirpis

Lhivrsity of ColoradoBqllder, Colorado

university of ColoradoBorìder, Colonado

Univrsity sf Delaúarel'l6rnn*, Delacre

ù*e univensityù¡rtan, Î'lorth Caro'lìna

Univrsity sf l-bustonl-hrstm, To<as

Univensity qf Hor¡stonl-bustcr, To<as

tlniversity of Ne{ Orleansttler 0rleans, Lojs'iana

Itlerr York un'ivrsìtyNs,tl York, Ne{ York

State univrsity of I'bv Yor*Stqy Bræk, l'ls,v York

ClosirE Date

Jaruary 31, 1g¿

Decenbr 27,19'9-1

Jaruary 15, 1992

Jan¡ary 27, lÐz

Jantary 15, 1992

Jaruary 5, 1Wz

Jaruary 5, 1Wz

Decffb€r .|3,


Decenber 13, 199'l

Deosrbtr .|0,


Open wrtil filled

Opør urtiì fiìled

Jan¡ary 15, 1W2

Jaruary .|0,


Jan¡ary 6, 1W2

Assistant Librarian, L'ibrary CørpftingSystfl6

llead, I'trþgraphic Cataloging Deparüænt

Assistant Serials Librarian

Sæial Scierrces Reference Librarian/Bib'liograpter

Omir of Êccess Service

l-þad, Acq¡isitions un'it

hærvation Librarian

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (154)

Catalog Librariur

Leader, Near East Cataìogirg Tean, L'ib. III

Refer€rrce Librar'an (Doq¡rents/Socia] Sciæe)

GovenrÊ'rt Pról icat'ions Librarian

Assæ'iate tlnivrsity Librari an forTeclnical & Î.|€horked Infomation Senrices

Assæiate Dir€ct¡r fr tJre Jake & Narcy HarurAfts Library

l'Þad, Special Collections, trlanscripts, ardArdrives

unìvesity of 0r€gonEr4ere, ùegort

Princeton univensityhinceton, trler Jersey

Rutgers univers'ityNe{ Bn¡yick, N6{ Jer sey

Rtrtgers tln'ircnsityNe{ Bnmsl,rick, ¡bv Jersey

Rutgers universityNe{ Bnnsick, lrle,y Jersey

Sq.ttherfl t'hthodi st tfri versityDallas, Te¡<as

Texas AEI'I univrsityCollege Statian, Texas

Jan¡ary 3l, .|992

Jaruary 15, 1992

Decenbr 9, l99l

Jan¡ary 2, 1WZ

Jan¡ary 2, 19n

Jaruary 3l, 19?

Febnnry 7,1W2

Al D"iesLibrary Persmrnl Office

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (155)


December 3. 1991

our council has been meeting throughout this fall semester. One of ourprincipal efforts concerns settfng up a general staff ureeting. This meetingwill be open to all support staff, DLS, GS, CpS, etc.

Our tentative meeÈing cine will be in early February.

I.Ie will rry to have a worthwhile agenda sterÈing off with givingeveryone lnfornation of what we are, why we are, and what we are currentlvtrying to gec done. I{e hope that Ëhfs will be useful particularly to chose ofyou who are new in the library.

In addition we hope thaÈ we cen field and enswer any questions from chefloor' To give us a fightfng chance to actually have "tt âtr"r"r co any topicof_query you nighc have, we hope that you will send Èo (or call) any áf tirefollowing council members.

Alan B. Conrad - L28 LÍbrary - 333-1958

Diana l,Ialter - 223 Natural History - 244-4377

Marlys Scarbrough - 2L36 Muslc Buildfng - 333-6161

Fay l{eatherspoon - 101 Burrill Hall - 244-3590

Sharon McFarland - Undergrad Library - 331-3476

David Shrunk - L04 Larv BuÍlding - 244-3042

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (156)

Executive Cornnittee Minutes

November 19, 1991

Present: Balachandran, Bishop, Bopp, Davis, Friedman, Kilton'Landis, Maher' Schnidt

1. The minutes of the November 5th ¡neeting were approved ascorrected.

Z. plan of Action. The final version of the Plan of Action wasaistriUutea; iterns 6 and t have been added at the suggestion ofthe Àdninistrative Council. David Bishop and the Directors havediscussed whom they will appoint to work on the L4 itens. TheExecutive Con¡rittee reviewed these and agreed with the namesselected by the Directors.

3. A question was raised as to the source of funding for thesecurity systems. l{e nay get money from the canpus or we mayhave to- fiãa it internally. Instead of adding security systemsto all units in the building at once, it may be more urgent tosecure such units as Commerce and Education first and otherslater, âs funding allows.

4. The source of funding for additional terninals was discussed.It was suggested that we apply for computer use fee noney. DavidBishop wouÍA prefer to convince the campus that we need terminalswithout regard to the program development required by the fee.

5. If we receive additional funds for the operating budget,Action PIan item 5 (in the second group) nay turn out to be thernost irnportant. There wilt have to be broad based discussionswith mañy people involved. ft was suggested that we need tostudy stáff needs in each unit rather than filling vacancieswhere they occur.

6. The rest of the rneeting was devoted to a continuation of thediscussion of the iterns on the ttlist of 43 points.rl

7. The next rneeting will be Monday, December 9.

(l{artha Landis)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (157)

.Sare.¡,nur IO r Faet sriæ¿srt

IO + FA C T S 6 DecGarbêr, lg,gt

Illinet Online Plus

IO+ Interface-.December Version

Distribution of a revised version of the IO+ interface sof¡vare to all IBM public pS/2comPuters in the Library will begin some time during the week of December 9.

IO+ tngo

Beginning + Fact sheets will bear the IO+ logo, rvhich was developed bythe Publici of the Online Catalog Advisory Commiuee. The logo cån alsóbe spotted main Library, on MTD buses, and on lO+-related inìtructionalhandouts.

Over 1,500 Users Per Day Search IO+!!

The comput€r center reports a daily average of over 1500 "logons" to IO+ databases on theUrbana-Champaign campus per day.

Downloading Search Results to Diskette

Just a reminder--when you download BRS search results to a diskette, DON'T remove thediskette from the disk drive before you exit the program. If you forget to exit, however, itis possible to retrieve your search results from the hard disk of the PS/2. Call the TelephoneCenter if this happens to you.

New IO+ User Handouts Available from Graphic Services:

Two new IO+ user handouts can now be ordeied from Library Buslness office.

"Looking for articles on a specific.subject." GEN.-101-LU}I"Looking for articles in a specific journal or magazine." GEN.-102-LUgr

Program problems or potential bugs shot¿ld be reported to the Telephone Center, 333-g400.

(Beth Sandore)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (158)


THE LIBRA'-'V 't. r.r ji Urbana-Chaupafgn

D¡í-: i î ìçlí11 No. 49, Deced

''¿-åbiil¡.brîN,rËr,,cñ'' Ttrls lssue edited t nrz sT){

I 2?5b4

Gift rdeas from Lfbrar.v Frlends l99l:49 Ê0PY 2

Need a hollday gift? Llbrary FrLends, Roon 227 }l.as the following selecrion ofglfts:

Julfa Bell Notecards (assorted Audubon and assorted flower)Prepackaged set of 5 95.00

Library Friends T-shfrts (Adult Sizes) 99.00Holy Land Notecards - Prepackaged seÈ of 6 95.00Pen Art Cards - Prepackaged set of 8 $4.00Library ArchltecÈural Notecards and Postcards

Prepackaged set of 6 Notecards $5.00Postcards I .50

Nev Itea:Cièizen Kane Notecatds

Prepackaged set of 6 Notecards $5.00

For more infornaclon call 3-5683 gr str.rp by the offfce, 227 library. Ouroffice hours are 8 Al{ - Noon, and'l - 5 PM.

(Sharon KfÈztriller)



l'le have a lot of it lined up. Come.see lgf yourself. You'll be surprised atwhat we have in store. See you at the LIBRAÞY HoLIDAY pARTy, December zo, t991,The Spice Box (Znd floor), Bevier Hall, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.lú.--

Hol iday party Corsnittee

ütt*ùUniversitv H.S. Holldav Closine

University High School will be closed frorn Friday afternoon, December 20th,until Monday morning, January 6ch. Itre lÍbrary will close at 12:30, December20th, and reopen for regular hours (t'fonday - Frfday, 7:45 All - 4:30 PM) onJanuary 6th.

(Frances F. Jacobson)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (159)


HOLIDAY pARTy on December 20, 199.|.u do not need to be present-oú"iii'ir,..floor), Bevier naill Some luctv Ëeopietti a.

Hol iday Party CorrnÍttee

The Specialthat can use

Collections Office has the following referencethem:

works available to any library

Encyclopedia of Associations 1990 3 vols.Gale Directory of Publications 1988 2 vols.

3 vols.1988-1989.

urncn's lnternahon4l penodicals Directory lggg-gg 3 vols.l9g9-90 3 vols.

If you would like to reserye a title for your library, call Vincent Golden at 333-2g43.

Vincent Golden

Increased Health Coverage Costs

Shou'ld you have any_questions relative to yourBenefits Center at 333-3lll.


than $20,000 annually,coverage. This includesaddition to anycontribution will be

Additional Monthly Contribution

$o$s.00$7. s0$l 0.00$l 2.50

specific case, pìease ca'lì the

Al DriesLìbrary Personnel Office

Annual Sal ary

$20,000 or less$20,000 to $30,000$30,001 to $40,000$40,001 to $50,000$50,001 and over

Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media l99o

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (160)

w29 Deæenloor, 1gg1

2-+ prn

5píce bor¿nb FJoor Ê,enier

êttc,crc*inrn¿ frc ¡ Fo ob,Priæ. Drawnge $anco

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (161)

Llttle Professor DiscounÈ for Lfbrarv Staff

A 20 percent dfscount Ís avallable for all Ín-stock books and some specfalorders (not rnagazfnes) at the Llttle Professor Book Genter ln Chanpafgn. Tt¡fsdiscounÈ 1s avallable Èo library faculcy and support sceff upon identifica-tf on.

(John M. Lfælewood)

Thank You from Betty Yaop

nA belaled buc heartfelt Ttrank You for the renenbrance at the Septenber26th Retiremenc Receptlon. Ic t¡ould have been great to see everyone; however,the fllght È-o- l{A had been booked. I hope to contl.nue to see nany of you; nyyeers at the llbrary have been satlsfying, grecifylng, fun, dlfffcult,frustrating and never borlng. I fntend to be 1n UrbanE between trips. Pleasekeep fn touch. NO, I haven'Ë spent the gift of noney; I a¡ looking for theone specfal thing. n


t.le need some goodies for the LIBRARY HOLIDAY PARTY on December 20, 1991. Ifyouareabletodonatesome@asecallJeanDawson,3-0317, by Wednesday, December 18, 1991. l'le need FINGER F00DS, l.e. chips anddip, cookies, candy, nuts, etc. Please bring it tõ-TZ7-mìilEibrary on Fridaymorning or else drop it off at The Spice Box, Znd floor, Bevier Hall, afterl2:00 õ'clock, rìoon. If possiblfÞ'l-e¡¡-õlface it in a dlsposable container,as r{e plan to donate any left-overs to the l{inter Emergency Shelter, McKinleyChurch and Foundation. Thank you. SEE YOU THERE! !

Holiday Party Cormittee


Dlrectorles Stlll Avallable

I stÍl! have a few lllinofs Bell and staff dlrectorles left. If enyone wouldlike one or two, please subnlt a note to rûe on a suPPly Order Forn. I'11 fillorders on a flrsE-cone basls.

Mfke GinkEr

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (162)


LCS 'locatlon srmbol I*{C

The lan¡ Library has changed its definition of the LCS location s]aûbol LAC.

Formerly ['{C referred to the Law Library Closed stacks area. Now L{C refers tothe law Library Conpact shelving area. The defau].t circulation value for I*AC has

been changéd fron NOCIR to 16-4W.

LCS locatlon records for naterials in [aç¡'s con¡nct she].ving wÍll gradually

be changed fron tÁX to t,AC.

Some of the conPact shelving area will be locked. MaterialE in thÍs area

will eventually be listed tn tCS as NOCIR LAC, and will be charged to IOCKED.

SanpLe :


New titles for [aw-s closed etacks çrill be listed in LCS as NOCIR [.,AX. and

ç¡ill be charged to IOCKED. Sa.nple:

01 NoCIR LÐ( CHCD 9111t6/99L23L UC TOCKED

Eventually, after the lan¿ Library has ari i-nproved area for older naterÍa].s,

which area r¡ill included environnental controls, and aften BLIS neplaces LCS inPhase III of the restructuring, nost of the tan¡ Library naterials now in the

closed stacks wtlI be tranEferred to the new area and BLIS wiII show a new

location (synbol not yet deternlned), with the indlcation that these naterials

do not circulate.




Full time, Staff Secretary (Transcribing), Paula l,latson, Acting Director,Central public Services

(Ginny McCul lough)

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (163)

Second Phase of Periodical Use Data Collection Slated for February 3-L6,1992.

The second and final nvo-week period to gather data in order to evaluate the impact of IO+expanded access to journal literature will take place from February 3-16, L992. I:st year,Library staffand users in 35 Library units participated in providing information on periodicaiuse questions, re-shelving, associated equipment use (.opy machines, online catalog printers),and user attitudes. In preparation for the data collection, members of the OCACMeasurement and Evaluation Subcommittee will make brief presentations at various counciland other Library committee meetings in early January, 1992. By that time, each unit willhave received its package of data collection forms and instructions. In addition to this, twoinformational meetings open to all interested Library staff, will be held on January 31, L992:

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. AND 1:30 p.m. .3:00 p.m. (Room289, Undergrad. Library)

More information on this activity will be forthcoming.

(Beth Sandore)

Borrowerrs List Task Force

The Adninfstratfve Councll had a prelirninary discussfon which 1s lncluded fnthese Office Notes for discussion by counclls.

**************************************************************************DECE}IBER LIBRARY EXHIBITS

"Remember Pearl Harbor" University Archives

"Current Eventsrr Documents LibraryllalI case, south corridor

"Campaigns from the AdvertisÍng Council Archivesu University Archives}|all case, basem*nt halìway

"Hol idays and Festivalsr Mueller Exhibit CaseEast Foyer

"Chiang Ching-kuo, 1906-1988" Asian Library Display CaseThìrd floor corridor

"Books from Chien Collection and Illinois-TankangProgram" Asian Library Disp'lay Case

Third floor corridor

(Library 0ffice of Development and Public Affairs)


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (164)


Gifi ldensfro*Library Friends

iHt;,11G-- 'J 'i


lulia BellNotecards

Pnepackaged se6 of ñve 5x7 noteca¡ds andenvelopes. Chooee f¡om an assortment ofAudubon selectiors (T\te Birdsof Ameriu)or an assortnent of flower selectiorrs(Redouté and others).

. Pvpacl@ged sets offnn Sx7 wds andenæ [opæ, assrt d Aud ubn ælecl iots.ss.æ

t P¡Wcl,aged scts offnx 5x7 urds ondcnxlop, asærted fotærs. SS.N

Líbrary F rienis T- Shirts

These atEactive kimds T*trirts ftatu¡ethe Friends logo bo¡dered in navy blueand ma¡oon Cotton/polyesE knit wiürhemned sleeves and botton Adultsiz€3only: S (3,13ó),M (3&40), L (4244))0,-(4643).

t Colon: Iigltt blue, grøy. 69.N

Libr ary F riends Bookb ags

Holy LandNoteørdsStunning fuur<olor rtpóductíons of tlrneearly maps of the Holy lanrd frrom theLibrary's collection,¡rinÞd on glocsynotecard stock. P-rtryckt$ siets ol 6 rctæord: hn dt of

thtæ dæigtd and awlory. 55.æ

Cit i?¿n K.ane N otearilsNa¿r! To celebnÞ üte 50th ânn¡venary ofthe release of C¡t izcn lhtu,l-brary Friändsofftrs noteca¡ds featuring a shrdiocreatedatmæpheric sketctr of Charles Fcter lG¡rebpalatial estaÞ )hnadu Tþ skeûdr wasused for prep¡oduction work fur ttre ñl¡nFrom the original drawing in thc Librar¡/sOrson Welles Collectio¡u Notecards a¡e 4x6on heavy, crea.sr<olored sbckt Ptqacþ,agd g¿ts of 6 rcteøds with


Lihr ary Archit ectur aI N o t eur ds

Pen Art C-ards





sb Drlr,rip¡inþdlud,dg.) . ary Anþunl

Plcerc rdd $c pcritsrrÍorFú|tG and herdling



of lllirpb ¡t U¡b¡¡ra€wnp¡it ! 227 Ubrâ4,

For mofe infomr¡tion pteæc cüEt darelop,nrgrt o6cr Slr¡¡ut Kitaniller ¡t (217) 33356g3.


É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (165)

127 LibraryDecember ll, ì991

T0: Supervisors of Student Employees

FROM: Judy Graner

any College }'|onk Study (Ct,{S) studentsn, we do need to know how many there. Departments are reminded that Ct{Sstudent assistants. Ct'lS students are

s per week while classes are insessl 0n.

Please fill in the form below and return it to Judy Graner, lzlLibrary, by January 10, 1992.





Please return to Judy Graner, 127 Library, by January 10,'1992.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (166)


9 Decenber 1991

To: Acluinistrative Council

From: Borrowerrs List Task Force (Diane Carothers, Merri Hartse(Chair), Natalia Lonchyna, Larry tfiller, Denais Norlin,Lois Pausch, Beth Sandore, Diane Schnidt, JaDe pillians)

The Task Force charged with recommending irnplenentationprocedures for the LCS progra¡u which generaÈes a list of ite¡nscurrently charged to a borrower has finÍshed its prelirninarywork. Draft reconmendations are presented in the attached -documents. Pl,ease fuiàg t,o the December 72 .åd.rnjnjstrativeCouncíL neetíng for discussion.

The Task Force viewed the discussion of this topic as anopportunity to re-educate ourselves concerning Èhe inportance ofnaintaining confidentiality of Iibrary records. To this end, srehave developed a draft policy statement on confidentiality whichÍncludes the professional and legal basis for maintàiningconfidentiality, incorporates specific auidelines concerningunder what circ*mstances J.ibrary staff rnay view a patronrsborrowing record, lists other types of library records whichshouLd be kept confidential, and states what procedures librarystaff should foLlow if asked to violate the confidentialitypolicy

To implement the listing capability, e/e recommend that patrons beallowed to request lists of their currently charged ¡naterialseither by 1) signing a for¡n at any UC library location or 2)calling the Phone Center. If the request is nade úia the PhoneCenter, then the patron ¡nust sign a for¡n when picking up theIist. Lists wiII be distributed fro¡n the Central CirculationDesk in the Main Library or will be ¡naiLed to patrons (only thosepatrons who have submitted a written request nay select to have aIist nailed) . Depart¡nental libraries rtrill need to forward signedrequests to the Circulation Department. CentraL Circulationstaff wiII be responsible for generation of the lists,distribuÈion, and disposal of unretrieved lists.Library staff ¡nay request a patronts list of library charges bysubmitting a signed request to Central Circulation. Lists can berequested only for what we have attenpted to define as'rlegitimaterr purposes. Those reasons are spelled out on pagethree of the confidentiatity policy.

Ife further reco¡nmend that a policy statement on confidential-ity,such as lre have drafted, be incorporated in the Library Policyand Procedures Manual.

It is difficult to predict how popular this service rvill become,or to predeternine all Èhe inplications. Therefore, the TaskForce recommends thaÈ the poJ.icy be put into place for one yearand then evaluated for possible fine-tuning.


,- ît \- .',1

t'¡ ".i'-v

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (167)

Prelioinary Report of the Borrower,c List Task ForceDecenber 6, 1991

Menbers: Diane Carotbers, Diane Scb.oidt, Lois Pausch, Natalia Loncbyaa,Dennis [orlin, Larry MiJ.ler, Beth sandore, ilane l{illians, Merri Eartie icU"ir¡The program to generate lists of items currently charged to a specific ID is abatch Program requiring high levet authorization to access. Files are erasedwhen they are printed. The list contains the patron,s na¡ne (optional) and IDnumber, carl number, volume, copyr title number, title and date due. rtemsthaÈ are overdue, recalled, reported lost, or Enagged are coded. Lists areprinted in caLl number order without regard to uc library location. The ristalso contains items currently charged from other LCS schools in the rLCSonetwork and are listed under each school code.

Recom.oendatious for Patron Requests:

1. Allow for greatest flexibility i¡ hor¡ patrons can request their orsa listswhil'e protectiug the patron and the Library against violations of thecoufidentiality of Iibrary records law: Patrons must provide a signature on aform and a current ID at the initiation g the conclusion of the procegs.

Requests could be submitted, in writing, from any Iibrary location throughoutthe library system or requested through the phone Center.

2. Mininize access to the batch progratr whicb generates tbe patros lists.lwo designated etaff in Central Circulation will be responsible for runningthe program, prinÈing the lists, mairing and distributing the lists.

3. Provide a variety of delivery oetbods. Lists may be ret,rieved at theCent,ral Circulation Desk, mailed to a campus address, or mailed to a homeaddress. Requests wiII be mailed only to patrons who have submitted a signedrequest. Patrons who request lists over the phone must appear in person,present ID, and sign for their lists.

4. Protect the confideutiality of tbe patron's borrowing record. EducateIibrary st,aff regarding confidentiality of library records (see aÈtached draftpolicy). Specifically, Iists generated for patron pickup will be kept at theCirculation Desk in sealed envelopes (identified only by patron ID number) fora period of no more than seven days. Unretrieved lists wiII be destroyed.Patrons may noÈ authorize anyone else to retrieve their lists.

5. Library sbould exaoise its practice of nailing overdue, recall notices onpostcard etoct<.

&ecomnendations for Reouests bv Librarv staff

1. Mininize potential for abuse by adbering to.specific Auidelines as toappropriateuess of requests. Library staff must submit a written request tohave a patron Iist produced. The circ*msÈances under which Èhis can be doneare spelled out in the PoIicy Statement on Confidentiatity. Library staff mustindicate the reason for the request on the written, signed form. Listsproduced for internal purposes should be destroyed as soon as they serve theirPurPose.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (168)



fn consideration of:

1. council of the Àmerican Library Àssociation's Etrong recommendation thatthe responsible officers of each Iibrary formally adopt a policy with regardto confidentiality of library patron records.

2. AlÀ Poliey Manual 54.lS--code of Ethics, point 3, which states "Librariansmust þrotecÈ each user's right.to privacy with reEpect to information soughtor received, and to materials consulÈed, borrowed or acquLred.'

3. Family Education Rights and Privacy Àct of L974, which prevents Echoolsfrom distribuÈing students educational records to thira parlies withouÈ astudent'É consent.

4. rllinois Library Records confidentia).ity Àct, p.A. g3-1?9, effectiveJanuary 1, 1984 which states: "The registration and circulat,ion records oflibrary are confidential, information. ExcepÈ pursuant to a court order, noperson shaLl publish or make any information contained in auch recordsavailable to the public. "

fhe UIUC Library fornally recognizes:

1- That all records identifying the names or r.D. number of librarvpatrons are confidenÈial in nature.

ThaÈ such records are noÈ to be revealed to anyone other than thePaÈron in question without either the express written permission ofthe patron in question or the adherence to proper legal anduniversity procedures regarding required access to such information.

That library staff are encouraged not to keep records withpersonally identifiable information, unless that information isnecegsary, and to destroy such records aE 300n as possible.

that the confidentialiÈy of patron records requires that suchrecords shourd be consurÈed by ribrary employees only for LEcrrrM.ATEpurposes such as rocating or recalring library maÈeriars, processingoverdue noÈices and fines, adding or deleting n¿unes to the daÈabase,or making collection deveJ.opment decisionE.




É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (169)

Specifica1ly, a list of items charged to a particular ID number can berequested by a library staff nenber under the following circ*mst,ances:


¡¡on-Patron I.D. (e.9. rese¡:rves, cataloging)

NoD-UIUC Patrons

¡oon-UIUC patrons witb overdus. itens who are aot responding toov-errdue, billiug uotices

¡uou-UIUC patroas who uo longer neet stata residency or OCLC, CICreciprocal borrowi¡¡g egreeoeot reguireodqtsr but are renewingnaterials

For:uer UfUC Patrons

rpatrons wbo bave left the university with outstanding libraryaccounts

rfo¡:uer UIUC patrous being added to auother scbool'a Lcs database

Patrons wi!,b Extenuatinq Circ*mstances

rpatrons with extraordinary aad verifiable bealtb-related probleostbat prevent tbeq froa persooally settling an outstanding libraryeccouDt

¡deceased patrons

Duplicate, Teoporar:rr, Multiplc I.D. Nunbers

rduplicate patron f.D. nu¡bersrpatroas switching fron a tenporary to a permanent I.D. nu.oberr¡ratroas registered under norc tbau oae I.D. nu¡ber

cross Víolations of Circulation Policies

rex¡rired I.D. ur¡.ober with overdue iteus still chargedr¡ratroas wbo repeatedly claio to bave returned booksrpatrons wbo bave nauipulated the systea to set their owu due

dates outside tbe library's established patron Ioau periodsrpatrons with outstandiug library accounts who bave been referred to


It is NOI appropriate for a library staff neober to reguest a listing of itenscbarged to a particular patroo f.D. for such purposes as idle curiosity,personal interest, general oonitoringt oÊ for any of the reasous stated on thefollowiug pege.

Special requests for coufidential info¡:oatioa to be used for researcb purposessball be addressed to the University Librarian.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (170)


Circulation and Patron Records

1. A reguest for the circulation records of a faculty, student, etaff orother library card holder by Eomeone else.

2. A requesÈ by a faculty mernber for the ldentity of EtudentE who borrowedreserve ltems.

3. À regueEt to review tf¡e circulation records of a etudent Euspected ofpJ.agiarism.

4. À reguest to see inÈerlibrary loan borrowlng records.

5. À request for addresses, phone numbers, I.D. numbers or other personalinformation conÈained in the patron database.

6. A requesÈ to see a list of individuals who are not members of th¡univerElÈy communiÈy but who have been granÈed llbrary borrowingprivileges.

7. A reguest by a parent for information such as fines or other fees by thelibrary to SÈudenÈ Accounts Receivable r+ithout the etudent's permissioir.

Other Exaoples

1. A request for Èhe name of the person who has signed out a ¡larticular item.

2. A request to revlew past use of a study room, listening room, study carrelor CD-ROM work Etation.

3. A request t,o reveal the nature of a patron's refeience reguest or databasesearch.

4. A request for the n¿rmes of persons who have used audio-visual maÈerials.

5. A request for a list of items photocopied for or telefaxed to a particularPatron.

6. A request for a list of suggesUea acquisitions submitted by a particularPaÈron.

7. A request from law enforcement authorities for the identity of anyoneconducting research on a Particular subjecÈ.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (171)



1. Àll library staff, including student workers, shall be apprised of thepolicy on confidenÈiality of Iibrary records. A copy of the pol1cy shaLLbe retained by alL departments and be readily available for consultation.Supervisors of new employees are responsible for com¡nunicating andexplaining this policy to them.

Head of library units are responsible for explaining situations in whichlibrary records might be reqgested and the appropriate procedure tofoIlow.

rn generar, a library staff member receiving a reguest to examine orobÈain information relating to circulaÈion or other library records willexplain that this request is conÈrary to the library,s policy onconfidentiality of library records. If further clarificatlon ls required,the sÈaff member will refer the person making the request to the head ofthe unit, who shall explain the policy.

If necessary, Library Unit Heads will refer the matter to the appropriateDirector.

fn case further action is necessary or upon receipt of a reguest or legalProcess, order or subpoena, the University Librarian ehall consult withthe appropriate Dean, university eitrninistraÈor, or legal officer, todetermine if such a request or legal process, order or subpoena is in goodform and if there iE a ehowing of good cause for its issuance.

Any threats or unauthorized demands (i.e. those not EupporÈed by aProcesE, order or subpoena) concerning library records shall be reportedto the appropriate University authority.

Library Unit Heads should review records kept by the unit in lighÈ of thispolicy' questioning any that are unnecessary. Unit heads are responsiblefor monitoring lists with personally identifiable informaÈion and forensuring that this information is destroyed when it is no longernecessary.





É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (172)

University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUuivcmity Lillrary O l4O8 ìv\y'est Gregory Drive O Urbana, tL 61801


f request a list of items currently chargedto the Patron indicated below. I understandthis list wiII not include materials that arenoÈ circulated via the automated systern, andmay not include lost items for which thePatron has been billed.

Patron name:

Patron ID:

My reason(s) for requesting this list:

staff signature

University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity Librury I 1408 West Gregory Drive O Urbana, IL 6180l


I request a list of items currently chargedto my ID number fr'ôn this library and othersusing the same automated circulation system.I understand this list witl not includematerials that are not circulated via theautomated system, and rnay not include lostitems for which I have been billed.

Please check one:

I will pick up the list at the CentralCirculation Desk.

Please nail the list to the foltowingaddress:


ID number



É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (173)




Mfnutes of the Novenber 25, 1991 Meeting

The neeÈlng was called to order by Barton Clark ec 10:05 a.n.Chancellor Morton t{. I{elr and Vice Chancellor Robert Berdahl nere guestseÈ the neetfng.

Chancellor Welr explalned thaÈ he would dÍscuss nwhere lre are and lrherewe are going, " the flscel outlook end che challenges ahead and thatVfce-Chancellor Berdatrl would dLscuss Èhe Budget Strategies Con'nftteeend the outcomes of fts work.

I{eir explafned thaÈ Èhe currenc yeer nes a nbad" yeer. The universityrecelved $8 nfll1on less fron the stete for FY1992 whfch was offsee by aÈuitfon fncrease. However, there were sfgnlffcant unavoidable lncreasesfn worker's conpensatlon, openfng of new space, and ltbrary materf.ars.In addltfon, the $400 per person heelth benefft offset, promotLonbonuses, and some equl.ty adJustments resulted Ln 2 l/2t fncreeses forall ernployee groups. nn992 1s the unlverslty's second dffficult yearfn a row, and !{e1r expects trro trore such years, unless the econony picksup. He does noÈ exPect e tex Lncrease to be successful r¡nttl after thenext electfon. The most favorable outcoEe rùe cen hope for would belnflatlonary salary Íncreases, but evetr those ere not certefn.

I{etr gave the followfng canpue and Unlversfty prlorftfes:

1) A naJor firnd-rafsfng canpafgn - $25 to $30 nflllon.2) Reallocatlon of $15 n1llton over the next 5 years.3) IncreasÍng concects wlth menbers of the General Assenb1y, lnvolvlng

them nore actlvely wich the Unfversfty.4) Undergraduate educatlon.5) Reducing and elfnlnetfng fntolerance6) Keeping morale of faculcy and staff high.

Vice Chancellor Berdahl revlewed the hfstory which led to the presentBudget Stretegfeg Comittee and the charge to that Comfttee. TtreComlttee was asked Èo fdentlfy needed Lnvestrnents to strengthen thecempus and proceduree for reallocåtfon of the funds. Ttre UnfversltyLtbrary was ldentffied as the hlghest prlority and ls slated to receive$2 nlllfon for naterfals and stafflng. It 1s elso the only unit oncampus from whlch no funds ere to be taken. Other prlorlÈies are:undergradr:ate education, recruftment and reÈentlon of faculty,lnstructlonal equlpnent, graduete fellowshfps, nlnorfty educatfon, andnew lnftiatfves to keep us novfng fonrard.

The BudgeÈ SÈraEegies Co -fEtee deter¡nlned that there should bedifferential reallocation based on cost, denand, centralÍty and quallty.Reductlons w111 range fron 2t to 7t for colleges, and 8t for eampusadministratfve unlts. Colleges and departnents wlll establlsh aplanning process wlthin theÍr units to determine reallocatlons.

É NorES I]NIVERSITY OF LIBRARY YÌi''¡i¡ Ehe· É t tsRARy oFFrcE NorES I]NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY urbana- champaign YÌi''¡i¡" s+:1":'illË No. 40, October 7, 1991 ThÍs - [PDF Document] (174)

Because the budget plaruring processes rs ongofng, and needs Eo beflexlble and fnteractfve to address changfng neãds and prforitles, theBudget sÈrecegfes co@lttee has been nade perilenent and wfll beappolnted Jotntly by Èhe Vlce Ghancellor for Acadenfc Affairs and rheSenaEe Councll.

Berd¿hl dlscussed Èhe notlon chet we need to change our expeccaÈfons onthfs canpus. Ile have to be nore efflclent, anrd less conpráhensive. Itwfll be funportant to establlsh prlorltfes and recognfze that al1 thethlngs we do ere not equally lnportant.

In the,questlon and enslser sessf.on that follorred these remarks, thefollowlng pofnts were made. Ttre g2 nillion for rhe Llbrary wtit uerecurring. Ttre Budget SÈrategles Comlttee reconmendetlons assr¡me thestate will teke care of salary fncreases. Ttre Library should considercamPus prlorfties fn establfshing lts prforlties and should actfvelyconsult with the departnental llbrery advlsory comlttees to helpesÈabllsh prlorltfes. Ttre g2 nflllon w111 come to the Library nlrhoutguldelfnes, buÈ 1t can't be put solely Ínco books, it, must also supportserrrfces and naintenence. rt fs antlcipeÈed Èhat sone of thereallocated funds wfll be avallable fn F1f1993. No 'new and fnprovedprogransn funds are antfcfpated for FY1992. Ttre UI would prefer co seean increase co Ehe base for salarfes, rather than a reductlon in ourshare of the retfrement contrtbutfon. A positfon nanegenent system isnot belnt conterplated ac thfs tlne, but there fs a focus on reducingPositlons rather than further erodlng of the lnfrastrucÈure to meetreallocatfon needs. Ttre Lfbrary wfll be able to compete for newequlpment dollars, but 1t ls assumed stafflng needs w111 be acconrnodatedln the $2 nfllfon, Before the seventh stack addftlon can be funded, rhe$75 n1ll1on in proJects frozen fron Fll1991 nust be released. Newcapltal proJects w111 nove slowly. salary conpressfon is a recognlzedproblem, but we have overcome 1È before and we nfll do ft agaln.

Carl Deal raised his concern over the disagreenent between the facultyand the Unfverslty Librarfan. He deffned the lssue as, nhow the Library1s adninfsteredn and "the difference betveen the faculty structure andthe other adninfstreÈive structureg.'

Iüefr responded that thfs lssue needs to be resolved qulckly. HerecognÍzed thet nany faculty tn the Llbrary ere urùrappy, which fs whythls nust be settled so we cen move atread. I{efr pointed out that chestetuces are differenc for the Lfbrary because they recognfze theLibrary's role 1n provlding senrices to the entfre cempus and theUnlversfty Lfbrarian's responsibflfty for those servl.ces. IJelr wouldlike Ltbrary faculty to clearly define our expectancies for Libraryfaculty. He wenÈs recognlÈfon thet llbrarians ere differenÈ; he wantsto reward and promoÈe based on a broader vislon of what ls creatLvfty inllbrarianshlp. Excellence of senrlce in the Lfbrary 1s lnportant to theentlre canpus. Ilelr nade 1t clear that he fs NOT talkfng about removingfaculty steÈus fron Library faculty.

Berdahl st¡marlzed his understanding thac the lssue had Èo do wfthhaving an existlng structure over r¿hlch was laid e nen struccure thatthe University Llbrarian felt was necessery to menege the Ltbrary. He

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exPectod Eo have thls resolved and ft hes not been. Berdatrl thfnks rhisfs due to the fect of departnental sÈetus. He agreed that Èhe facultyand ad¡lfnfstretive structures have to be brought 1nÈo harnony. gerAairlthfnks thaÈ the adnlnistrative sÈructure needs to be nore flãxlble, andtherefore he recomends one faculty \rlÈh e flexlbly admfnfstrativestructure so thac things can be changed wfthout having to go through theSenate.

It nas suggested that the lssues of status and staËutes were redherrfngs--thêt the real lssues rtere noc belng addressed. Ttre UnfversityLlbrarian's organizatlonal plan is very hierarchlcal, it createssuperlors and lnferfors. Llbrarians wenÈ recognitlon thet all ldeas andefforÈs do not have to cone only fron people based on thefradnfnfstratÍve posltlon. Hierarchfcal structure fs divlslve.

I{elr replled Èhac not Just adnfnfstrators should be advfslng theUniverslty Llbrarlan. He doesnrt think departnents fn the Llbrary cenbe more autonomous, they need to work closely together.

It was pointed out to Weir that nany ln the audfence remenbered hls lastvisft end that all of us have worked Èo balance senrÍce and creatfvttyand feel we have made great progress. Many of us and our Library havenatfonal and Lnternatlonal recognitfon. Ile need to feel that what we docounts and thaÈ our oplnlons are heard and our needs are met.

Welr agreed that this was true at all levels and 1n all unlts on cenpus.

Berdahl asked why flve rrnfts are seen as hierarchlcal and why twoamorphous units are seen es workfng better.

He was told that the new units have no advisory con'nl.ttees. Also thetall declsfons are made at the top, but that we have expertfse lnlfbrarfanshlp and menegenent et all levels and we need to push decisfon-naking downr¡ard. IJtren Eold the sfze of the AdninfstraÈlve Corrncll, I{eÍrconnnented nTtrat ls too large--fÈ's a faculty neetfng.tr

There was further dLscusslon of the provisfon of sen¡lces 1n the Lfbrarygiven the budgeÈery sltuatlon and how we deal with petron expecÈatlonsconpared to our abfllty to provide senrlces. l{elr agreed chat we wfllnot be able to nalnÈa1n past levels of senrice anywhere on cempus.

3. Ttre neetlng adJourned at L2:05 p.n.

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I'linutes of theDepartmental Library Serrrices Advisory Conni¡¡""

Dece¡nber 4, 1991

Present: B. Clark, E. Davis, J. Geil, D. Norlln, L. pausch,M. Porta, p. Stenstro¡n

All documents pertaining to the prornotion and tenure of DLSfaculÈy Fy92 have been forwarded t,o bavid Bishop.

The fÍnal draft of a counteroffer pollcy was approved. Theco¡n¡nittee authorÍzed B. clar]< to for:watd a óopy to- Ltre Generalsen¡ices Advisory co¡n¡rittee for information .itâ ai=ðüssion.Discussion of the Library faculty rueeting with Chancellor Weirand Vice-Chancellor Berdahl ãnd its eftect oñ departnental moraLefollowed. I{ork on_responses to various points biought up at thatmeeting will be undertaken starting in January.

Next neeting: Î{ednes{ay, .Dece¡nber 18, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in Roon428 Main Library

Agenda: Visiting ConmitteesMentoring

(Lois Pausch)

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Minutes of the DIJ Advisory CommitteeWednesday, November 6, l99l

l. Evaluation of DIS Director.Professor Chaplan, former DIJAC member who chai¡ed the Evaluation Committse,attended to sha¡e with the Director the results of the evaluation. The facuþquestionnaire included three open-ended questions:

a. Discuss the major strengths and weaknesses of the Director's performanceb. On what a¡eas should the Director concentrate in the next few years.'. Any other comments

These three questions yielded nine tped pages of comments. The evaluation committeedistilled these comments into a four page summary that was prcsented to the Director.

There was general discussion about the evaluation prccess. All suweys, letters, andother materials gathered during the evaluation prìccess bave now been destroyed. Thesommittee iS keeping a file that includes copies of the blank forms used for the survey,the form letters sent to teviewers, and an outline of the procedures tbat were followed.This file should provide useful background for the committee assigned the reqponsibilityof reviewing the Direcûor of DIS five years frcm now.

Promotion and Tenurp papers were reviewed.

The committee discussed a request from the Univenity of Colorado to obtain a sampling ofvitas from associate and fullprofesson in the UI library to be used in Colorado's attemptto redefine their facuþ status. The committee approved of the request with theprovision that no resumes would be sent without the consent of the facuþ membercontacted by the Director.

A committee was appointed to review individual papers for conside¡ation foi promotion tofull professor.

The agenda for the next DIJ Facuþ Meeting was approved.

Therp was discussion of a proposal to consider the position of "associate librarians" incertain DSL libra¡ies. The committee generally diupproved of that idea.

Reqpectfully submitted.

Dennis A. Norlin,Recording Secretary






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Decenber 6, 1991

Present¡ P. Watson, Chair, Dl. Hartse, B. Henderson, D. Schnidt,D. Montanelli, P. Stenstron, K. I{ei, T. Kilton,J. Àndrick - Recorder

1. Re¡note Site Concerns

Dale discussed some possibre space alternatives and theconmittee reviewed relevant transportation and staffing costs.

2. Selection Criteria and the Library Councils

Merri reported that the Councils are showing great interestin remote storage selection preparation. Many were interested inselecting for withdrawal and over-selecting in parÈicular areasso as to ¡nake additional space for transfers. Any feedback fromthe Councils regarding the selection procedures r¡ilI be welcome.Since it is anticipated thaÈ there wilt be no further Councilconcerns until selectors actually begin to go into the stacks,the ConmitÈee recornmends that Merri present the selectionprocedures to the Àd¡ninistrative council in mid-rebruary, 1992.

3. Access Scenarios

Paula distributed copies of Re¡note Storage Access Scenariosprepared by Karen Newsome in which three ¡nodels based uponvarious user request nethods, retrieval levels, and on-sitepatron access were presented. Considerable discussion ensuedover transportation, serlricing costs, and building requirenentsat possible remote sites. Additional information wiII probablybe needed before the co¡n¡rittee reaches any finat decisions.

4. Logistics Report

Merri distributed copies of the minutes of the ÍnitiatLogistics Subcornmittee rneeting. The meeting adjourned before anydiscussion of these minuÈes nas possible. The next neeting ofthe Collection Space Co¡n¡nittee will be January 3, L992 fron1:30 3: 00 P.M.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.