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DebitNMSep 24th, 2006 07:12 PM

OK...2 hours should do it[most likely less]and drive time from ABQ under an hour. :o)

DebitNMSep 24th, 2006 07:13 PM time... one way about 40 minutes...from ABQ. Sorry!

moldyhotelsaregrossSep 24th, 2006 07:20 PM

Thanks :)

I was burned on my first trip to Fiesta due to the traffic jam. As a result, I simply obsess over timing details.

Thanks for putting up with OCD* me!
*(self diagnosis!)

ElendilPickleSep 24th, 2006 08:49 PM

Thanks for correcting the Tinkertown URL. We (Mr. Pickle, 11yo ds, and I) went there this afternoon and spent about two hours, but you can spend more time if you really look at everything in detail. Be sure to look up, down, and all around because there is stuff everywhere!

Lee Ann

mscarlsSep 24th, 2006 10:08 PM

I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention to how long the walk took. I was too busy alternating between checking out the views and taking photographs and watching my footing.
I will say we did have to stop and rest a few times on the way up. I'm blaming it on the thin air -- not my age or physical condition.

MocatSep 26th, 2006 05:27 PM

We too are going to the balloon festival- first time for us. This was great info &amp; helps in planning our days there. One quick qestion- my husband spoke to someone at the Festival &quot;office&quot; who said you dont need to buy tickets in advance. Is this true? ALso, do any of you veteran festival goers have any &quot;secret&quot; tips for us first timers? Many thanks- Mo

DebitNMSep 26th, 2006 06:21 PM

There have been lots of posts on the fiesta. To find them...type in Balloon Fiesta in the search box at the top of this page and you will find lots of good suggestions. Read through them and come back and ask any specific Q's you might have that weren't already answered.

You do not have to buy tickets in advance, you can buy them at gate on the morning/evening of the event[s].

Hope this helps...

ElendilPickleSep 26th, 2006 07:10 PM

Secret tips? Hmmmm...what do you have in mind, exactly? Debi and I can make up some secrets for you... :-D

Lee Ann

DebitNMSep 26th, 2006 07:30 PM

Secrets indeed :-$

:-O tsk ,tsk, tsk Lee Ann! [-X


moldyhotelsaregrossSep 26th, 2006 08:05 PM


The best suggestion I have is to plan on leaving far earlier than you think you need to! Get to the field and have a delicious breakfast.

I took a friend of a friend up on her hospitality since she lived about 20 minutes from the field. Ok, I expected &quot;some&quot; traffic. I had no idea that I would be stuck on side roads for more than two hours!

Also, dress in layers! I checked today and the temps range from mid 40's to upper 70's on opening weekend. Granted, things can still change... but that screams &quot;pack everything you own&quot; to me!

moldyhotelsaregrossSep 26th, 2006 08:07 PM

Another one -

You can never have too much film/disc space. If you are shooting digital, have a backup battery.

DebitNMSep 27th, 2006 07:14 AM

Moldy is absolutely correct about leaving WAY early to be sure you get parked and in the park early enough to walk around, grab a breakfast burrito, cinnamon bun and hot chocolate and really see the balloons inflating.

And the temps will start out COLD and as the sun comes up, it will get warmer fast! So again, moldy is right about dressing in layers. Be sure to wear a hat, gloves etc.

Now for my secrets --

drink lots of water [altitude and lack of humidity will get you otherwise -- especially if you are a flatlander]

wear sunscreen -- even if you are from a sunny climate. Again, the altitude will make the effects of the sun much stronger and you will burn!

take outdoor activities easy for the first few days [hiking etc] till you acclaimate to altitude.

get your chile &quot;on the side&quot; because you might think you are used to HOT food, but this is way different stuff than you may be used to. And it varies in heat from restaurant to restaurant.

And my last tip for the fiesta in particular --

one of the big things is to collect pins from the pilots/crew of the balloons. They are valuable and tradeable. You can buy them too at the booths, but getting them free is even nicer! If you ask really nicely, or help out with inflations etc, you just might get a pin. Also, lots of pilots have cards [like baseball cards] of their balloons and these are collectible too!

So, now you know!!

Hope this helps...

moldyhotelsaregrossSep 27th, 2006 10:37 AM

Ok, my turn to agree with Debi! :)

I love hot &amp; spicy Tex-Mex but New Mexican chiles kick my butt! Definitely play it safe and get the chile on the side. You can always ask for more... but it sure is hard to scrape off if it is too spicy!

ElendilPickleSep 29th, 2006 11:23 PM

I heard on the news today that parking onsite will cost $10 this year. Fiesta officials are encouraging people to take the Park 'n Ride buses; this option costs less and includes fiesta admission.

Lee Ann

moldyhotelsaregrossSep 30th, 2006 07:10 AM

Lee Ann -

Thanks for posting that information.

Our hotel is actually closer to the field than the shuttle bus stop. I'll have to remember to throw in a few extra bucks than last year for parking.

moldyhotelsaregrossSep 30th, 2006 07:49 AM

I started another thread about shopping in Albuquerque if anyone has any good tips to share. :)


DebitNMSep 30th, 2006 10:54 AM

I also heard on the news that you can take the new light rail service &quot;Roadrunner&quot; and it will take you close to park and then there will be busses to drive you the rest of the way. Also, they said there are LESS parking spaces available this year at the park.

And I am now in ABQ { HI LEE ANN!! }and the weather is glorious. Hope it holds for you all.

4 days to Hawaii!

Hope this helps...

DebitNMSep 30th, 2006 07:52 PM

I must already be on vacation's railrunner, not roadrunner! It is a light rail service.


ElendilPickleSep 30th, 2006 09:57 PM

Hi, Debi!

Lee Ann

DebitNMOct 1st, 2006 12:25 PM

We had our morning coffee on the patio today and watched at least 2 dozen balloons sail directly over the house. The weather is perfect again today and we went to Garcia's on 4th and Mountain for what we think it THE best NM food.


All times are GMT -8. The time now is 02:59 AM.

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