Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (2024)

TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS IN the medical aesthetic industry include topical products designed for use in and around the eyes, low level light treatment (LLLT) and lasers, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radiofrequency (RF) therapy. Different light frequencies can correct different things, whether it’s dry eye, ocular rosacea, wrinkles, sun damage, or age-related skin changes. “Dry eyes have been a chief complaint of many of my patients,” says Dr. Michael Bond of Bond Family Eye Care in Decatur, TX. “Too many times I would tell them to use or increase their artificial tear usage.Unfortunately, this is temporary relief and does not treat the root of the problem.I have been extremely happy with MDElite IPL and LLLT devices in treating Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.I see the results and hear my patients say they feel relief.I truly feel ocular aesthetics is the dry eye treatment of today and well into the future.”

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (1)


The iProX platform can safely provide IPL treatment for a variety of skin and vascular conditions. It includes five interchangeable light filters and is equipped with an advanced internal cooling system.

(866) 349-2312 | mdelitelaser.com

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (2)


A bio beauty brand that sells eye safe makeup and treatments like radiance serum and gentle gel cleansers. Its latest product is the Story Shades Eyeshadow Palette, which offers a blend of antioxidants and phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory and calming attributes.



Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (3)


Lumify redness reliever eye drops and Lumify Eye Illuminations are developed exclusively for the sensitive eye area. The product line includes cleansing water, eye cream, and nourishing lash and brow serum.

(866) 246-8245 | lumifyeyes.com

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (4)


TempSure eyeEnvi treatment is specifically designed for treating the delicate skin around the eyes and is suitable for all skin types. It works by using heat to regenerate collagen and reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, and smile lines.

(800) 886-2966 | cynosure.com

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (5)


Offers eye safe beauty treatments for everyday wear. Its latest product, Clean Sweep Mascara, is one of the cleanest and safest mascaras on the market. The brand was founded by an ophthalmologist, Dr. Diane Hilal-Campo, who also sells the products in her office.


Smart Ways to Sell Ocular Aesthetics Tools to Patients

Margaret Foley, OD Foley Vision + Aesthetics
Eugene, OR

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (6)

We started doing aesthetics because my subspecialty is ocular surface disease. IPL and RF tools help get dry eye under control and I realized the side effects of such therapies made my patients happy! I attended aesthetics conferences to get a firm understanding about skin on the face. Our patients have doubled each year; this year I expect to bring in $600,000 in aesthetic treatments. About 35% of our practice is now cash-only aesthetics. I have two aestheticians on staff; one is a laser specialist. I use Cynosure Lutronic’s devices: the science behind their instruments is stellar. They have a melanin reader, which can be tied to their IPL device, that reads the melanin content of skin. We also offer dermaplaning, which prepares the skin for IPL and RF. Two weeks before treatment, we give patients a regimented skin protocol using products from our own skincare line.

Janelle Davison, OD
Visionary Dry Eye Institute of Georgia
Marietta, GA

Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (7)

When I’m treating dry eye patients, aesthetics is a natural extension. I lead with the disease state and then they see the aesthetic benefits. When I’m treating conditions like dry eye or meibomian gland dysfunction, patients notice the tightening of the skin on the eyelid, improvement of spots around the eyes, or removal of crow’s feet, and puffy or droopy lids. Treatments using Inmode’s IPL and RF devices tighten their skin and give more lid elasticity so their eyes look better. They look younger, making sales easy. For those who have lost lashes I recommend Twenty/ Twenty Beauty’s Lash Growth Serum. It doesn’t counteract dry eye treatment, uses all natural oils, and improves follicle growth over 10-12 weeks.

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Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (8)

Carol Gilhawley

Carol Gilhawley is a contributing writer for INVISION.

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Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (9)


With Crizal you can have it all!

Patients expect clarity of vision, scratch resistance, anti-glare technology, easy-to-clean lenses, and UV protection from their lenses.Crizal Sapphire HR is the latest generation of anti-reflective coating that combines our innovative technologies, 360 Multi-angular Technology™, High-Resistance Technology™, High Surface Density Process™ into one coating to deliver best in class performance. Your patients’ main concerns of anti-glare, scratch resistance, and easiness to clean are covered.Crizal Sapphire HR shield the lenses against reflections, scratching, smudging and UV light for long-lasting transparency, durability, and protection. Crizal coatings can be applied to any design, including traditional single vision, Eyezen®, Eyezen+ and Varilux®! Widely available across lab networks and through all major managed vision care providers today.Crizal Saphire HR benefits include:• 360 Multi-angular Technology™ that cuts front and lateral backside reflection• High-Resistance Technology™ that offers the best combination of scratch and smudge resistance• High Surface Density Process™ that ensures the lense is easy-to-clean, smudge resistant and water repellentFor more information about Crizal Saphire HR, go here.

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Ocular Aesthetics Is a Big Money Maker but Having the Right Tools Makes a Difference (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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