Palo Alto Co, Newspapers (2024)

HAPPENINGS. Patrick Greehey is moving this week into the residence he recently purchased of P.S. Molloy.

- Wm. Muir has rented one of his Independence township farms to Chris Knudsen for the present year.

- J.E. Prouty of Vernon , has moved from the M.L. Brown farm onto the Leopold farm lately vacated by W.R. Chapman.

- Monday, P.S. Molloy, of this city, moved onto his farm in Great Oak township. He had it rented during the past two or three years.

- We regret to learn of the dangerous illness of T.J. Hughes, of Ruthven. His many friends in this section hope to learn of his early recovery.

- John Cook and family, of Vernon , left the first of the week for some point thirty or forty miles southwest of here where they will make their future home.

- Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Wagner intend moving to Ankeny during the coming month. They formerly resided in that section. Emmetsburg will miss those most deserving people.

- Roy Graham has rented some land in Missouri and will try his hand at farming. He left for that section last week. He and Mrs. Graham spent most of the winter in Illinois .

- Mr. Alderson from Illinois arrived Saturday and will live on the old Millerke farm in the northwest part of the county. He purchased a quarter section farm a short distance from it some time ago.

- M.J.Walsh, who had been living on the Colburn farm near Ayrshire, has rented the old Drybrough farm south of the McCoy bridge, lately vacated by Reardon Bros. A gentleman named Hynes from Clare will work the Colburn place.

- Jesse Bottger, of Vernon , left yesterday for Spokane , Washington , where he intends engaging in business. His brother will also go there during the coming month. Their many friends in this locality wish them success in their new home.


Mr. Jensen Appointed Again.

Chris Jensen has received notice form Postmaster General Payne that his bond executed January 9, 1904, has been accepted , and that he was re-appointed for another term.—Graettinger Times.

Drug Store Change at Estherville.

F.H. Richman sold his drug store to Jay Johnson & Co. yesterday and the firm has taken immediate possession. Mr. Johnson has been in the city about a year and a half during which time he has been employed in the store he will now manage.—Estherville Enterprise

Julius Martin Promoted.

Julius A. Martin, of this ciyt, has been appointed civil engineer for the Dakota division of the Rock Island , his territory extending from Vinton to Sioux Falls and Watertown . Under the new appointment he also has charge of all tracks on the division, which heretofore have been in the hands of the superintendent.—Estherville Democrat.

Algona Criminal Gets Four Years.

A few criminal cases have been disposed of in Judge Quinton’s court. Frank O’Day, alias Bert Gibson, was given four years for the forgery of a small check, and Wm. Squires and Chas. Freilinger were taxed $25 and costs each for burglary. The offense was committed at the Charles Pooch home in Cresco. L.J. Lewis of Swea City , was fined $50 and costs for keeping a nuisance, and several infractions of the law met their reward.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

Was Once a Spirit Laker.

At Sioux City , Monday, a blind fiddler named Stephen Muck, in a fury of jealousy or insanity, shot his daughter, a girl of sixteen, holding her while he did the terrible deed, and then died in an awful agony from a self-inflicted wound. The girl may live. Early settlers remember the Mucks, who moved from Missouri to Jackson in 1858, and to Spirit Lake two years later. The family lived in a log house on East Okoboji , above the present home of John Webb.—Spirit Lake Beacon.


- Michael Waldron visited his sister, Mrs. Conlon, of Terril, during the past week.

- Adam Domek was down from Spirit Lake Monday to see his daughter, Mrs. Miller.

- Monroe Johnson went to Spencer last evening and will move his family there today or tomorrow.

- Marion DeBolt has rented the Geo. Airhart farm. The latter goes to West Bend to engage in business.

- Auditor T.R. Martin is quite sick at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shea. He has been complaining for the past ten days.

- A few days ago, Fred Gripentrog, of Sheldon, was given thirty days for beating his step-son, aged two and one-half years.

- Martin Kunert has rented Mrs. Murray’s farm in Great Oak. He has been living on the Fred Meyers place southeast of town.

- Mrs. Fargen, who was called here by the death of her father, Wm. Derrig, returned to her home at Flandreau , South Dakota , Monday.

- Will Sherlock is now a full fledged pharmacist, having passed the recent examination at Des Moines . He is a bright, energetic young man.

- C.R. Osterhoudt has purchased the Terril Tribune. Mr. Haydon has bought an interest in the Spirit Lake Beacon, as was stated in our last issue.

- Mr. Golden, who has been living on the Bateman farm, has moved to the Lehman farm, north of Silver Lake , which he purchased some time ago.

- Henry Wiley, of Curlew, is now assisting in the Hub Clothing Store.

- T.J. McGoey will have a sale on his farm near Graettinger next Saturday.

- David Baker’s farm in Freedom township has been leased by Thomas Randa.

- James Ainslee has rented the Henry Jenswold farm in Independence township for the ensuing year.

- Henry Lammers is moving this week on to Frank Hand’s fine farm in Great Oak. He is a hustler and a good farmer.

- T.E. Thompson will work the John Nessa farm near Depew during the present year having leased it some time ago.

- Andrew Nevested moved Wednesday onto the farm a short distance east of this city, formerly the property of John Treadgold, Jr.

- Mrs. S.W. Ballard returned from Sioux Falls , South Dakota , Monday evening where she had been visiting her son and daughter.

- Theodore Kneer, who had been here visiting his brothers Frank and Henry, returned to Burlington yesterday where he is cooking for a large railroad outfit.

- John Hand, of this city, has rented Patrick Greehey’s farm for the ensuing year. He moved onto it Saturday. He spent several years farming before coming to Emmetsburg.

- John Mahan returned from Graettinger Wednesday where he had been visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip O’Connor. Mrs. O’Connor is his daughter.

- Will Conlon came down from Terril last week to see his sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris Conlon, who had been very low for several days. We regret to report that there is little change to her condition.

- J.S. Scott, after 23 years of faithful services in the employ of H.C. Shadbolt, has resigned his position and intends moving to Idaho . He will be succeeded by John Parrish, one of the best young men in Emmetsburg.

- Wm. Hageson shipped his household goods to Dows the first of the week where he will make his future home.

- H.E. Johnson, Graettinger’s successful bee man, was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday. He has now over 60 hives.

- Michael Driscoll went to Ackley last week to see his father, who is very ill. He will remain there for some time.

The Richest in Montana .

J.K. Martin has received word from P.J. and J.F. Nolan saying that they have struck two veins in their gold mine in which the ore runs from $125.00 to $150.00 per ton, which is the richest ever discovered in Montana . They will ship it to the smelter without milling it. They will not sell any more stock, because they are satisfied that they have a bonanza. This is indeed good news to their many Emmetsburg friends.

A New Drug Firm.

Rialto Stratemeyer and A.J. Wolfgang have purchased the J.O. Burns stock of drugs and commenced business several days ago. This will make a strong firm. Mr. Stratemeyer is a pleasant, popular gentleman and Mr. Wolfgang is one of the most competent druggists in this section of Iowa . He is widely known and has many warm friends. The Democrat wishes the new firm of Stratemeyer & Co. success.

Emmetsburg Gets Three Rural Routes.

The postoffice department has allowed three rural routes from Emmetsburg. One goes northwest towards Fallow and back along the Des Moines river . Another goes north to Osgood thence east, south and west to Emmetsburg. The third goes southeast, thence west and north to town. All will be started April 1. There are several applications for the position of carriers, all of whom will have to pass the necessary examination. Those who are most competent will get the contracts.


- Mr. Nugent of Sioux City is moving onto H.M. Helgen’s farm, about eight miles north of town.

- A.J. Greenfield intends moving onto Ed. Murphy’s place in Emmetsburg township in a few days.

- A marriage license has been granted to Harry LaForge and Bonnie Grace Barringer and O.S. Helvig and Thelma H. Heng.

- John Wiener, a brother-in-law of Henry Schneider of Cylinder, moved his family to Pipestone, Minnesota , the first of the week.

- Last week Wm. Genrich of Whittemore, secured a divorce from his wife, Bertha, whom he married at Sioux City last fall. It is rumored that Bertha is soon to secure a husband more in harmony with her tastes.

- At the last meeting of the W.C.O.F. of this city, a resolution of sympathy for Mrs. Sarah McDonnell on account of the recent death of her father ,William Derrig, was passed. Mrs. McDonnell is the worthy chief ranger of the court.

- P.J. McMahon returned from Ackley Friday evening where he had been called by the serious illness of his father-in-law, Mr. Driscoll. The latter is not any better. Mr. McMahon says there is more snow at Ackley than in this locality.

- George E. Delevan, Jr., of Estherville, was married a few days ago to Miss Margaret McCormick of Traer. He is a son of Mr. Delevan, who was state fish commissioner for several years. He will locate at Los Angeles , California , where he intends opening a law office.

- Mrs. Akin, who has been visiting her cousins, Mrs. Kneer and the other members of the Dennis Carroll family, for several weeks, leaves today for Minneapolis , where she will remain for a short time, after which she will return to her home at Leonard , North Dakota .

- Mr. and Mrs. J. Vaughan of Valentine, Nebraska, who had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hoben, of Highland township, for some time, left Emmetsburg yesterday for Spokane, Washington, where Mr. Vaughan will engage in the dairy business. Mrs. Vaughan is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoben.

- M.S. Moore was found dead beside a load of hay in Lincoln township, Clay county a few days ago. He was covered with snow and had probably been dead three or four days before he was found. It is thought that he had been kicked by one of his horses. He had lived alone on a quarter section of land for over twenty years.

Lost Their Baby Boy.

Monday Mr. and Mrs. Gus Maroshek, of this city, lost their little baby boy, aged six months. The burial took place Tuesday. Services ere conducted at the Lutheran church. The loss of the little child is keenly felt in all homes. Mr and Mrs. Maroshek have the sympathy of many warm friends.



- The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leary died Sunday of lung fever.

- Mr. Turner of Laurens has accepted a position in S.E. Ayers’ barber shop.

- Fred Shellman and family have moved to Ayrshire where he has accepted the position of buttermaker. He and his estimable wife will be greatly missed. During their stay here they have made many friends. Success to him. Ayrshire has secured a very efficient buttermaker.


- Mr. Shell, of Algona, has rented the Debot restaurant.

- Thos. Wright was called to Goodell by the serious illness of his father.

- Joe Mellon left Thursday for Kansas to take charge of his sister’s farm at that place.

- Mr. McFarland, the new saloon keeper, moved his family to Rodman last week. They are occupying the house vacated by A. Felhauer.

- Mrs. A. Graves and daughter Posy have gone to Clarion to attned the marriage of Mrs. Graves niece, Miss Dora Nichols.


- Miss Mabel Demouth was a Sunday visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. F.H. Wells, of Emmetsburg.

- Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson returned from Montana Friday evening. Their son Ralph has fully recovered from his severe attack of blood poisoning.


- We understand that Frank Butler, who moved to South Dakota last spring, recently froze both of his feet very badly while returning home from lodge meeting.

- Mr. Rogers, father of Mrs. Geo Smith, spent Sunday with her and family. He was returning to Parker, South Dakota , from Wisconsin , where he had been spending some time with friends.


- Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Woodco*ck visited with the latter’s sister, Mrs. E.A. Morling, of Emmetsburg several days last week.

- Mr. Harry LaForge and Miss Bonnie Barringer are to be married at the M.E. parsonage this evening at 8:00 o’clock. They will reside on a farm north of town and will soon be at home to their many friends. May they have a happy and prosperous life.

Wednesday, March 9, 1904


Preparing His Street Car Switch.

George Watson is at work constructing a street car switch for Sumner Jones, which will be put in on a Waterloo car line this spring. It looks now as if Sumner had all kinds of money coming his way from this patent. – West Bend Journal.

Jim Taylor in Business Again.

James Taylor has rented the building on

State street
, heretofore used by O.L. Foss as a tailor shop, and will open a millinery and specialty store about the middle of March. Mrs. Taylor goes to Chicago Monday evening to buy her stock for the spring trade.—Algona Advance.

Midnight Marriage at Estherville.

On Wednesday evening at 12 p.m. occurred the ceremony which united for life Mr. George C. Appel and Miss Edyth Ilgenfritz at the home of the bride on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets. Rev. Snider officiated with a special service. Only intimate friends and relatives were present.—Estherville Enterprise.

Came Home to See His Father.

Henry Finnegan, who was called home on account of the illness of his father, arrived here Friday. Henry left about nine years ago, quite a young boy. During his absence he has traveled considerably. He joined the army during the war and spent 19 months in the Phillippines as a soldier, returning over a year ago. He was married shortly after coming out of the army. He is now fireman on the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad and lives at Newport , Kentucky.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Case of Incest at Algona.

Young Merriam, grandson of Mr. A. Wolfe, was arrested a few days ago on the complaint of his sister and was lodged in jail in default of $1,000 bail. The charge made by his sister was incest. The two were living in the Mrs. Young residence in the south part of town. He is 24 years of age and she is 20. She is now living with her grandfather.—Algona Courier.


- Ed Knapp left for California the last of the week to be absent for some time.

- Mrs. H.C. Nichols went to Vinton Wednesday to see her mother who is ill.

- J.S. Johnson has moved into the Kendall residence north of the First National bank.

- Ed Connely went to Huron, South Dakota , a short tie ago where he will spend the summer.

- Mrs. Acres went to Parker, South Dakota , Saturday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. J.S. Knapp.

- J.W. Morse has moved into the Schirmer residence recently vacated by Dr. Poland . The latter has moved into the rooms adjacent to his office.

- P.J. Connelly has sold his bowling fixtures to P.F. McBride and has rented him the building. The latter moved to his city during the past week.

- The Terril Tribune says that W.H. Kirby was called to Warren , Illinois , a few days ago to see his mother, who is dangerously ill. She is 84 years of age.

- F.H. Dickey, of Spencer, has traded some property to A.H. Keller for the 34 acre tract northeast of town known as the Lane orchard and will move to this city next week.

- Mr. Ernest Zaugg and Miss Elizabeth Gerber, of West Bend , were married by Justice Stedman Wednesday. They will make their future home on a farm in Fern Valley Township . The Democrat congratulates.

- Alex Peddie went to Cedar Rapids Friday. Mrs. Peddie left for there Saturday. Mr. Peddie will go to Chicago , Indianapolis , and Boston before returning. Mrs. Peddie will visit her sister, Mrs. McGibney, of Indianapolis until he is ready to come home.


- Mrs. C. Kuchman of Bellevue , Iowa , is here visiting her sister, Grandma Pfiffner, who has been quite ill for some time, but is reported better. She is also visiting her niece, Mrs. Schirmer, with whom Mrs. Pfiffner is stopping.

- John Ories, one of the enterprising farmers of Highland , has rented the Schirmer building and will open a flour and feed store about March 25th. He is a pleasant, worthy young man. The Democrat wishes him success to his new business venture.

- Mr. and Mrs. George H. Baker’s little boy fell Thursday and broke one of his arms just above the wrist. This is the third time he has broken the arm since last October. This is indeed unfortunate. Some people have more than their share of bad luck.

- Thos. Condon, one of Clare’s best young men, moved to this section last week and is comfortably located on the Wm. Pender farm in Great Oak township, which he purchased about a year ago. It will make him a comfortable, conveniently located home.

- Mr. Wm. Jensen and Miss Laura McElroy were married in this city Wednesday by Rev. H.M. Case. They will make their future home at Spirit Lake . The groom is a son of Mrs. Thomas and is well known in this city. The Democrat extends hearty greetings.

- The Ayrshire Chronicle reports that Edward Finnegan, who was stricken with paralysis about two weeks ago, has been gaining quite rapidly the past week. He is now able to get around with the aid of a cane, but is not able to speak or have much use of his right side.

- C. Nyburg, one of the leading farmers of Lost Island township, was in this city yesterday. He is on the new rural delivery route and the new telephone line from Graettinger passes his door. He can do business with the outside world every day verbally or by letter. These are certainly two advantages to be appreciated.

- Mr. and Mrs. M. Hester have moved into the fine new residence they have recently purchased from Mr. Heidecker. They have left one of the best farm homes in the county. Their sons will work the place during the coming summer. May Mr. and Mrs. Hester enjoy Emmetsburg whose citizens they have known so long and so favorably.

- The farmers living south of Ayrshire have organized a telephone company. They will connect with the Curlew, Laurens and Ayrshire exchanges. Goodmon Lee is president of the company, Frank McCormick secretary, and Rex Meek treasurer. James Degnan, Fred Kassel and Mike Wiggens are with the above named gentlemen, the directors of the company.

- Yesterday Nick Knudsen received the silver medal he recently won in the state contest for buttermakers. He lost first medal by a quarter of a point and that through an error. However, the silver medal is one of the neatest things of the kind that we have ever seen. The form of a tub of butter in gold adorns the center of it. Mr. Knudsen has, of course, reason to feel proud of it.

- In reporting the marriage of M. W. Callaghan of Highland township two weeks ago, the Democrat made an error in giving the name of the bride which was Miss Mamie Culligan instead of Mamie Callaghan. The marriage took place at Morris , Iowa instead of Morris , South Dakota . We received the news by phone and misunderstood the name. Hence the error, which we are only to glad to correct.

- L.J. Orres, of Humboldt, has rented J.G. McNamara’s restaurant building and will take possession in a short time. He will put in a bakery and a full line of confectionary goods, which he will sell in addition to serving meals to the public. He is an experienced gentleman and comes to Emmetsburg highly recommended. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, we are glad to note, will remain in Emmetsburg. Mr. McNamara will travel for some eastern house.

Mr. Morris to Handle Stallions.

J.B. Morris has purchased six or eight very fine Percheron and Belgian stallions from one of the leading horse importers of the United States and has them in his barn in this city. They are large, handsome horses. He will ship them to various northwestern points to be sold to stock companies. He will make Emmetsburg his headquarters. He is an experienced horse man and a very competent salesman. The Democrat wishes him success in his undertaking.

Off For California .

Mr.and Mrs. David Gavan will leave for Dinuba , California , Saturday morning where they will make their future home. They will go by way of Des Moines and Sacramento where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gavan will be missed by their many devoted friends in this county who have known them and respected them since childhood. The Democrat wishes them health and happiness in the land of sunshine and flowers.

Mr. Lambe Will be Cashier.

J.B. Lambe was down from Graettinger yesterday. A new bank is being organized at that place, in which a large number of business men and farmers are to be stockholders and Mr. Lambe is to be the cashier. He is a popular, competent, and most trustworthy gentleman and he has the confidence of all who know him. Practically all the stock has already been placed.


- Mrs. T.H. Jennings went to Sioux City Saturday where she will undergo and operation for appendicitis.

- C.L. McFarland has ordered a phone placed in his residence and has also provided one for his office.

- Jacob Hengel, of Fairfield township, will enlarge his residence during the coming summer. He is well to do and is enterprising.

- Thursday in wiping off an ironing machine, while it was in motion, Mrs. Latham, of Garner, had one of her hands nearly taken off.

- Mrs. Christopherson, whose husband was killed near Milford a few weeks ago, has sued the Milwaukee company for $15,000 damages.

- T.F. Conlon came down from Terril Wednesday to see his sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris Conlon, who has been very ill for some time.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dice, who lived on a farm near Osgood, moved to this city last week and are living in one of J.G. Crowder’s residences.

- James Anglum, of Ayrshire, has purchased a butcher shop at Mallard and will move his family to that place. He is a brother of Supervisor Anglum.

- Will Daw left for Forest City Saturday evening to become foreman in the Summit office. He is a good young man, and the Democrat wishes him success.

- Thomas O’Connor was called to Atchison , Kansas , Saturday morning to attend the funeral of his brother Charles, who died at that place of Bright’s disease. He was 43 years of age.

- Lemuel Boone, aged 116, died at the county hospital at Mason City Thursday. He was a colored man and was 67 when he was liberated from slavery. He was the father of twelve children.

- Mrs. Amus Ketchum, who lived at Estherville for 37 years, died a few days ago.

- Mrs. J.T. Mulroney went to Mason City Friday evening to take treatment for her eyes. Her daughter, Miss Kittie, accompanied her.

- L.S. Carr, who lived on the old Wm Pender farm in Great Oak township, has moved to Ellington where he is living on the John Leuer farm.

- Mrs. Thos. Clare, of Ayrshire, left this city Saturday for Sioux City where she will take medical treatment. She was accompanied by Mrs. Howey.

- A few days ago the 11-year-old son of John Erkes, of Sheldon, was killed by a falling tree. The father had been doing some chopping and the little fellow was about with him when the accident occurred.

- Monday Mrs. P.P. Smith, of Vernon , was taken to the Cherokee hospital for treatment.

- The residence of Thos. B. Duhn in Lost Island township was destroyed by fire a week or so ago.

- Mr. Ernest Zaugg and Miss Elizabeth Gerber were married in this city Wednesday by Justice Stedman.

- Mr. Barnum, the marble man, was taken to the inebriate asylum at Cherokee for treatment a few days ago.

- Mr. O.S. Helvig and Miss Thelma Hegn, of Lost Island township, were married Thursday, Rev. Gjerve officiating.

- Patrick Jackman of Waterloo was in this city last week visiting his mother, brothers and sisters. He went to Estherville yesterday.

- L.L. Siegele, of Farmersburg, Clayton county, arrived in this city a few days ago and will live on his brother’s farm just east of the city.

- Mr. Greenfield has moved onto E.F. Murphy’s farm vacated by James Cahill. Mr. Murphy will continue in the livery business during the summer.

- O.B. Sampson was over from Ruthven Friday. His son-in-law, W.L. Waltrons, recently moved to Maquoketa, but does not like the place and may soon return.

- Mr. Randolph J. Streit and Miss Emma Will were married in this city Thursday by Justice Stuehmer. They will make their future home on a farm in Fairfield township. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

Mr. Saunders’ Father is Dead.

Mr. David H. Saunders, father of W.E.G. Saunders, so well known to our many citizens, died at his home at Dundee , Scotland , February 24th, at the age of 67. He was a jute merchant at that place. He leaves a wife, four sons and one daughter. One son, George, is the Berlin correspondent of the London Times. Another son, David, lives in Canada . The daughter, Miss Margaret, and a son, live in Scotland . Our late townsman, W.E.G. Saunders has the sympathy of our citizens in the sorrow he doubtless feels for the loss of him who was so dear to him.

Attaches the Dayton Hardware Stock.

Last week our fellow townsman, P.V. Nolan, was forced to attach the hardware stock of O.F. Dayton, of Ruthven, whom he helped to start in business and whom he had sided in a financial way on various occasions. We understand that there are a large number of other claims against the property and that Mr. Nolan will be quite a heavy loser. The latter has been at Ruthven for several days trying to straighten matters, but he finds the task somewhat difficult, as Mr. Dayton has been absent, making it difficult for him to get at the bottom of affairs. We hope Mr. Nolan’s loss will not be as heavy as was first reported.

Fallow Postoffice to Close.

After March 31st the Fallow postoffice will be discontinued. All mail for parties who are now patrons of that office should be addressed to Emmetsburg. It will be delivered from this point by the rural carrier. At least such is the published announcement sent out from Washington Monday.



- Mrs. Joseph Bonstetter left Thursday for her new home at Corwith.

- C.F. Albee and family have moved to Sumner, near which place they own a farm.

- Mrs. Joseph Dorweiler and Mrs. John Miller left for Des Moines to visit their mother, who is quite ill at that place.

- Dr. Boody returned from Eldora Saturday where he had been called to attend the funeral of his brother, who died at that place. He has the sympathy of our many citizens.

- Quite a few friends gathered at the home of Henry Dunn Friday evening to help them celebrate the 20th anniversary of their marriage. The occasion was pleasantly passed and all who were present report having had a good time.


- Mrs. Dorweiler and Miss Dee Hayes went to Elkader Thursday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law. Mrs. Dorweiler will return Wednesday and Miss Hayes will go to Chicago to select her spring stock of millinery.


- Mrs. Druschella, of Milford , has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Dean.

- The school election held here on Monday proved to be very interesting. Every vote in town except three was cast. There were several candidates in the field, but the principal ones were Andrew Satter and Frank O’Halloran, the latter winning by a small majority.


- Arthur McClelland has moved into the house he recently built for himself. Mr. Howard has moved into the house vacated by Mr. McClelland. He arrived with a car of goods Saturday.

- Mr. and Mrs. Guida, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Wells were at Hoprig Saturday attending the 15th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Mowitt’s marriage. About 20 of their friends and neighbors were present.

Wednesday, March 16, 1904


The Operation Successful.
Miss Mamie O’Grady, who was taken to Des Moines last week to undergo and operation for throat trouble, was successfully operated on last Friday at that place, and is now rapidly recovering. She will be able to return home soon.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Mr. and Mrs. McKitrick Adopt Children.

Mr. and Mrs. C. McKitrick have taken two children, a brother and a sister from the Orphan’s Home at Des Moines . The little ones arrived Saturday. This home has placed 413 homeless children in good homes during the past year.—Spencer Herald.

Were Married in 1834.

Forest City has the distinction of claiming as residents a couple who have doubtless been married a longer period of time than any other couple in Iowa . Mr. and Mrs. George Shelburn were married in the year 1834, which makes the span of their wedding life seventy years.—Armstrong Journal.

Seems to be Contagious.

Peter Steinhoff, of near Corwith, has had an experience with appendicitis that is remarkable and would almost indicate that the disease is infectious. Last fall one of his sons was taken with appendicitis and was operated on and died. Last week another of his sons was taken with it, nd was operated on and is getting along all right. And this week a third son was taken with the disease and it is hoped that he will pull through all right.—Algona Courier.


- Livermore has a rural delivery route. It will reach 107 houses.

- Will Sherlock went to Des Moines Thursday evening where he has secured a position in a drug store.

- Chas. Stedman returned to work at Estherville Friday after spending a week with his parents in this city.

- Mrs. H.C. Nichols arrived home from Vinton Friday where she had been called by the illness of her mother.

- P. Jackman and Wm. Pender were at West Bend testing the switching device in which they and Sumner Jones are interested.

- Wm. Moore left for Minneapolis last Thursday where he will work in a blacksmith shop. Mrs. More and children will go there this week as soon as Mr. Moore secures a residence.

- The El Triunfo company served coffee at Mr. Berger’s and Mr. Gylling’s stores Friday and Saturday. They were well patronized. The coffee was excellent.

- Thomas R. McGovern, the solicitor for the Daily Telegraph Herald, died at Dubuque Thursday. He will be remembered by many in this city. He formerly lived near Monona. He was a large hearted and most exemplary citizen.

Were Married Last Evening.

Mr. Alfred Crouse, of Mallard, was married last evening to Miss L. Larsen, who lives near Pocahontas. The happy couple will make their future home on his farm south of Mallard. The Democrat offers hearty congratulations.

Adolph Kassel is Dead.

Adolph Kassel, a step-son of Art Franklin, died at his home west of Ayrshire Tuesday morning of last week. He had been ill with consumption for sometime. He was 25 years of age. All who knew him respected him. The funeral took place at Ayrshire Thursday. The services were conducted at the M.E. church by Rev. Whitman of Ruthven.

Thomas Baxter Dead.

Tomas Baxter, aged 42 years, passed away at his home at Ruthven last Thursday evening, March 3rd, after an illness of nearly fifteen years. His death resulted from complications of asthma with which he was afflicted for a number of years. The past five years he had been a confirmed invalid.

The deceased was a brother of Geo. Baxter, of this place and leaves, to mourn his loss, a wife and two children, a boy about thirteen and a daughter, who is a young lady. The bereaved family have the sympathy of this entire community in their hour of sadness. The funeral occurred Saturday at Ruthven and interment took place in the cemetery at that place.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Expressed Their Gratitude.

Friday Miss Bid Kane closed her sixth successful term of school in the Joyce district and was presented with a beautiful gold locket and chain by her pupils as an evidence of her earnest and most commendable efforts in their behalf during the past two years.. The gift is one she should and doubtless will appreciate.

Tomorrow in Emmetsburg.

Tomorrow will be St. Patrick’s day and will be observed as usual in this city. Mass will be celebrated at Assumption church at 10 o’clock after which Father Vaughan, the celebrated Wisconsin lecturer, will preach. The intention was to secure Father McCarthy of Sioux City , but he was engaged to speak at home. At noon meals will be served at the Armory by the Catholic ladies. In the afternoon and evening the Irish comedy, “Abbey Desmond” will be presented. Reserved seats for the play will be on sale at Mr. Shea’s store at 2 o’clock this afternoon. First come, first served.

Probably an Error.

Mr. Christopherson, the postmaster, says that the Democrat was in error concerning the discontinuance of the Fallow postoffice. The dispatch that appeared in the dailies stated that all mail addressed to Fallow should be sent to Emmetsburg and that the carriers from Graettinger would be discharged. We gave the report as it appeared. However, we presume that Mr. Christopherson has official information that the mail will be taken out by the rural carriers from Emmetsburg and that the office will be continued as hereto.

A Creamery Supply House.

F.G. McMahon & Co. have opened a creamery supply store in the Dimler building on

Main street
. They are putting in a fine line of goods and will doubtless build up a good patronage. They will also handle flour, feed and wood. Mr. McMahon, who has charge of the establishment, is no stranger to our citizens. He was engaged in the furniture business for some time and was deputy sheriff for two years. The Democrat wishes the new firm success.


- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Lynch, of Aberdeen , Wednesday.

- Rev. Tripp, of Ruthven, father of Mrs. E.A. Morling, was recently stricken with paralysis.

- Conlon & Waldron, of Terril have dissolved partnership. They kept a meat market. The latter remains in the business.

- Mr. McMartin, who had been working in the Godden & Ballard marble factory, left for Chicago Saturday evening where he has secured a position.

- J.J. McDonald has the contract of building Mrs. J.W. Brennan’s new house in the third ward. It will be similar in design to Thos. Conlon’s residence.

- A marriage license has been issued to Wm. Buffham and Jennie E. Stevens.

- The Ayrshire Chronicle reports a new girl at the home of Supervisor and Mrs. Anglum.

- Mrs. J.M. Sturtevant is enjoying a visit from her brother, Geo. Sutherland, of Scotch Grove , Iowa .

- J.K. Martin left for Livingston , Montana , Thursday, to see his sister, Mrs. P.J. Nolan, who is reported dangerously ill.

- Titonka was granted a rural route last week and Ocheyedan got two routes. Iowa is being pretty well supplied in this line.

- F.G. McMahon has purchased W.L. Floyd’s residence. The latter has located at Praireburg, Linn county, where he has bought a home.

- Mr. Slagle, the former superintendent of Kossuth county, has been given charge of a high school founded for the Province of Panay in the Philippines .

- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Winkel, of Algona, celebrated the 35th anniversary of their marriage a few days ago. They are mong the leading people of that place.

- Mr. Nels O. Housen and Miss Rose Reitzel, of Ruthven, were married at the M.E. parsonage in this city Monday, Rev. S.R. Beatty officiating. The Democrat extends hearty greetings.

- A marriage license has been issued to Chas. White and Nellie E. Cook.

- Miss Maggie Grady of Ruthven is here visiting her sisters, Mrs. Matt Steil and Miss Anna Grady.

- Mr. Reihsen will be comfortably located in the Neary building by Saturday. It will make him elegant meat market quarters.

- Miss Alice Nolan left for Estherville yesterday to accept a position in the new department store recently opened at that place.

- Mr. Andrew P. Johnson and Miss Lena Sorensen are to be married at the Danish Lutheran church in Lost Island township tomorrow. The license was granted last evening.

- Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Scott started for Idaho Thursday where they will make their future home. Mention was made in these columns some time ago of their intended departure. Their only son lives in that state. May they enjoy their new home.


The following are the newly chosen officers of the Rathbone Sisters’ organization soon to be instituted in this city: P.C., Mrs. Troyer, M.C.C., Mrs. W. J. Black; Senior, Mrs. Weatherwax. Junior, Mrs. Krieger; Manager, Mrs. P.S. Brown; M.R., Miss Mamie Pfiffner; M.F., Mrs. Cohoon; I. Of T., Mrs. C.S. Kendall; G. of T., Miss Lena Schendel; Trustees, Mrs. M.A. Scott, Mrs. Burnard and Mrs. Knoblauch. The lodge will open with a membership of 70.



- School election was held Monday, J.W. O’Brien was elected director and A.E. Lien treasurer.

- Miss Robbe, who has just finished a term of school at Charles City , is visiting her parents in this city.

- Mrs. F.L. Thompson went to Spencer Friday to see her brother-in-law, Doc Solomon, who is very ill.

- Charley Ryan has bought the pool hall. It seems that Art Miller took his departure Monday morning for greener fields.

- Fred Griffith arrived here Monday morning to assist his sister, Mrs. Schimp, in moving to her new home at Peabody , Kansas .

- Mr. Temen, of Marble Rock, Iowa, who came here to remain for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Chrischilles, was here only a week when he took sick and died. He was 82 years old. Old age seemed to have been the cause of his death. All of his children came from Marble Rock Monday to attend the funeral, which took place Tuesday afternoon.

- W.D. Kearns was here Monday evening shaking hands with old friends. He is now manager of the Higley egg house at Algona.

- Sadie McCabe closed a very successful term of school last week in the Nolan district, where she has taught for many terms. Miss McCabe is one of Palo Alto county’s best teachers.


- Hans Duus intends building a new residence on his farm.

- P.G. Peterson has gone to work in the Donlon blacksmith shop.

- N.P. Johnson left last Tuesday for North Dakota , where he will farm.

- James Jacobson went to Kenmare , North Dakota , where he has a homestead.

- Fred Simonson has built a very neat carpenter shop on the Iverson lot at the rear of the Fahnestock store.


- Mrs. M. Lonke of Spencer has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Russell of this place.

- Miss Opal Pender of Emmetsburg spent several days last week visiting her cousins, the Daily children, of this place.


- Master Chas. Meagher, of Livermore , visited his uncle, P.F. Reilly, of this place, recently.

- A.R. Chapin has moved his household goods to Algona where he will make his future home.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bottimore have been the proud parents of a new daughter since last week.

- Mrs. Kulp and Mrs. Hoskins are enjoying a visit from their sister, Miss Miner, of Grundy Center .

- Matt Ellerbrock has resigned his position in R.B. Girton’s store and has gone to Sibley where he has accepted a position. His many friends are sorry to have him leave.


- Bert Butcher of Rolfe has moved onto the McFarland place northwest of town.

- Ed Peterson, formerly of this place, now of Osmond , Neb. , recently lost his meat market by fire.

- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris, of Emmetsburg, visited over Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Kinne.

- Mrs. Nettie Lowrie, of Algona, visited with her sister, Mrs. Ward and her brother, Mr. Taylor, last week.

- A.A. Whitmre and daughter Nora are still at Lanark , Illinois . He was called there by the serious illness of his father, who is sinking fast.


- Mr. and Mrs. David Gavin left Saturday for California where they will make their future home.

- Mr. Slater, who lived between here and Terril, is reported dead. We are not able to give particulars.

- At our school election held Monday Rev. L.O. Wigdahl was chosen directors and James F. Nolan was elected treasurer. Everything passed off harmoniously.

- Benjamin Garo, one of our citizens, died Thursday and was buried Saturday. The services were held at the Lutheran church. The deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. They have the sympathy of our many citizens in their bereavement. Mr. Garo was a carpenter by trade.

Wednesday, March 23, 1904


- Miss Emily Renshaw, who had been working in the Western Union office here for the past year, left for St. Paul last week near which place her sister resides.

- A marriage license has been issued to Thomas Egland and Lizzie Jacobson.

- RA. Brownlee and John Mertes are the candidates for mayor of Mallard.

- Mr. John C. Miller and Miss Edith Chaffin were married at Ayrshire Saturday, Rev. Calkins, of that place officiating.

- Edward Connelly, of Mason City , was drowned at Nelson, B.C., a few days ago where he was employed in railroad work.

- Mr. Wm. Buffham and Miss Jennie E. Stevens were married in Rush Lake township last Wednesday by Rev. Chas. W. Flint.

- Jas. Nally is able to be about again after a spell of sickness. He had a close call. He was in town yesterday for the first time since January 20th.

- W.J. McCarty has rented the building east of the Foy & Wilcox furniture store for his line of bee supplies, which he expects about April 1. He will carry a good stock and will ship to distant parts.

- August Stahl, of Fenton, moved to this city last week and is living in the house formerly owned by Mr. Leckington. Mr. Stahl came to Emmetsburg so as to give his children good school advantages. He is still somewhat under the weather. His heart troubles him.

- Samuel Sullivan has been appointed postmaster of Dolliver as successor to Roy Wertz, who resigned some time ago. Mr. Sullivan is the father of C.E. Sullivan, formerly of this place, who has charge of Mr. Knoblauch’s store at Dolliver. The new postmaster will occupy the sotre with Mr. Knoblauch.

- Mr. Charles Jensen and Miss Mamie Paulson, of Lost Island , are to be married today at the Lutheran church in that township. Rev. Krogh will officiate. A grand reception will be held at the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Paulson. The contracting parties are widely and favorably known and have a wide circle of friends. They will make their future home on Mr. Jensen’s farm in Emmetsburg township. The Democrat wishes them health and happiness.

Married Yesterday.

Mr. Thomas E. Thompson and Miss Sarah Norland were married Tuesday at St. John’s Lutheran church in Fairfield township, Rev. Gjevre of Fallow, officiating. After the brief ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride and groom near Depew , which was largely attended by the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The happy couple, of course, commenced housekeeping at once. The bride is a daughter of MR. and Mrs. Nels H. Norland, one of the prominent families of the northeastern part of the county. She is a most worthy young woman. Mr. Thompson is a splendid young man and has by his genius and industry placed himself in comfortable circ*mstances. The Democrat extends hearty greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and trusts that the future has health, wealth, and happiness in store for them.

To the Voters of Emmetsburg.

It has been reported that I am a candidate for marshal of Emmetsburg. Such is not the case. I have not been and will not under any circ*mstances be a candidate for the position. I am, however, a candidate for street commissioner. JOHN McNALLY.


St. Patrick’s Day Fittingly Observed in Emmetsburg.


Father Vaughan Extols Irish as a Missionary People.

The St. Patrick’s day exercises were among the most pleasing and successful ever witnessed in this city. The day was mild and pleasant and there were a large number of visitors from the surrounding country and neighboring towns. On every hand could be seen the bright, verdant colors so long famed in story and song, oft trampled under the heels of the tyrant, but expressive still of the hopes and the aspirations of a country whose long night of bondage seems rapidly waning.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians had charge of the day’s program. The members of the local division met at their hall at 9:30 and donning their bright regalia, marched to Assumption church where high mass was celebrated by Very Rev. J.J. Smith,. Special music had been prepared for the occasion. The sacred edifice was filled with those whose alm was to observe the day in a befitting manner. The sermon, by Father Vaughan, the noted Wisconsin lecturer, was one that will ever be remembered by the many who had the good fortune to be present. He spoke of the mission of the Irish race. Other nations had attained wealth and power, but the Irish were distinctly a missionary people. Clinging to the faith preached to them by St. Patrick, their land in a short time, became noted for its saints and scholars, who went forth to rekindle the fires of civilizations throughout Europe after they had been practically extinguished by the hordes of invaders from the north. They carried the faith to every land in the new world and made countless sacrifices for its growth and preservation. Everywhere they became defenders of religious and human liberty. Father Vaughan is a rapid, fluent speaker and he is a master in marshaling facts and arguments. He is intensely earnest and impressive and his utterances carry convictions. The people of Emmetsburg should and doubtless will have an opportunity of hearing him again. He spoke without

Having had sufficient time for preparation, as he did not intend coming to Emmetsburg until a day or two before the 17th.

At noon and in the evening the Catholic ladies served meals at the Armory. They were generously patronized and they made it pleasant for their many patrons. Several appropriate selections were rendered on the piano by a number of Emmetsburg’s best players during the noon and evening hours. The total receipts for the meals amounted to $144 and the net to about $120. The sum will be placed in the St. Mary academy fund.

Richard Quinn’s interesting and most amusing comedy, “Abbey Desmond,” was presented at Music hall during the afternoon and evening by local talent, under the direction of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Mr. Quinn is the author of “Innisfall,” the best Irish drama ever written. He generously donated the division the use of “Abbey Desmond” which had never before been rendered except once to a Chicago audience. It proved to be one of the most satisfactory plays ever witnessed by our citizens, who have had an opportunity of judging of the merits of Irish dramas and comedies during the past 16 years.

The cast was well selected. Will McNally made a typical “Larry Donoghue.” He is unusually good for an amateur. James Neary personated most creditably the heroic exacting character of “Redmond O’Donnell.” As “Mr. O’Dwyer,” the hot tempered though humane and just father, P.H. Hand could not well have been surpassed. “McGillicuddy,” the enterprising Irish editor, found a very clever interpreter in P.H. Donlon, who always does well on such occasions. Willie Hefley took the part of the villain, “Corkerrry Clare” and it is needless to say that his rendition of his difficult assignment was faultless. He was cool, deliberate and painstaking as villains usually are. As “Keough Boher” the under villain, M.E. Conlon kept the house in an uproar. His personation was truly realistic. A professional could not have done better. He also pleased the audience with a couple of real Irish jigs. Mike will be heard from again on the stage.

The part of “Lady O’Dwyer” was assigned to Miss Mamie Bigley. Her rendition was above criticism, as was also that of the character of “Elly Mallory,” by Miss Mayme O’Connor. Both did exceedingly well. The latter favored the audience with a vocal solo and was enthusiastically encored. Miss Kittie Wells had the star character of “Lilly O’Dwyer.” She was elegantly costumed and did all that a pleasing and effective personation of her part required. Who did not laugh at Miss Lil Patton as “Nancy Keough?” She proved herself equal to many who have had years of experience. She had charge of he rehearsals and to her the local division of the A.O.H. is deeply indebted for the success of the evening program.

The Harmonia orchestra played several selections during the evening. Miss Kerwick presided at the play and rendered a number of appropriate Irish airs. S.P. Fitzgerald sang “I dreamed Dear Old Ireland was Free.” He was called to the footlights again and favored the audience with “O’Donnell Aboo.” He has a rich, silvery voice and he is a very pleasing singer. T.H. Wells played the “Blue Bells of Scotland” with variations and also the “Wearing of the Green,” on the clarinet. It is needless to say he did splendid.
The total receipts for the afternoon and evening were $188.



- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donlon, on Thursday, March 17th, a daughter.

- Joe Gabrielson left here on Tuesday morning for Seattle , Washington , where he goes to work.

- B.W. Meredith is now proprietor of the Lester livery barn. Mr. Fleming has taken charge of the business for Mr. Meredith.

- Ole Lande loaded his household goods in a car at this place and went to a town in southern Minnesota where he goes to run an elevator for the St. John Grain Co.

- Mrs. W.S. Jones of Estherville, spent a couple of days of last week visiting with her daughter Mrs. Dr. Osher from here going to Cedar Rapids where she will spend some time visiting relatives.


- Mr and Mrs. Frank Rymer are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home.

- Fred Wagner and wife intend going to Garner Wednesday to attend the marriage of the former’s sister.

- Fred Wegener and family drove to Independence township Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs Rhodes, a niece of Mr. Huskamp.

- Mrs. Westenhaver went to Lone Rock last week to see her uncle, Mr. Stover, who was seriously ill, but is some better at this writing.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wareham went to Algona Monday to meet Mrs. Wareham’s sister, Miss Dundon, who came from Webster City . She intends to remain here a few weeks.

- Mrs. Anna Dorweiler left Tuesday of last week for her home at Amboy, Minnesota . Her brother, Mike Hayes, and two sisters, Dee Hayes and Mrs. John Meyers, drove to Algona with her where she took the train.

- Wm. Kortie loaded his car Monday night and left for Lisbon , N.D. Mr. Kortie has been marshal here for many years and has given excellent satisfaction in the performance of his official duties. As neighbors and citizens he and his family can not be excelled. We are sorry to lose them from among us. His wife and family will leave for there in a few days.


- Sunday morning a child was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Shellman, at Ayrshire, formerly of this place.

- P.L. Smith, of Rolfe, returned home Monday. He had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Bert Butcher of this place.

- On Tuesday of last week occurred the death of Mr. Whitmer, of Lanark , Illinois . He had been ill for some time. He was the father of A.A. and Ennert Whitmer of this place.


- David Atcheson ,of Belmont , is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. George Ivey.

- Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Easton are the proud parents of a baby boy since Sunday morning.

- Mr. Barstow, of Superior , is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henry Johnson, of this place.


- Mrs. Sanders, of Vinton , Iowa , is here visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. O. Root, of this place.

- Miss Maggie Grady, of this city, has been visiting the past week with her sister, Mrs. Matt Steil, of Emmetsburg.

- Al King sold his livery outfit Saturday to a fellow from Terril, but we have not learned the latter’s name. Success to all parties concerned.


- Miss Nelson, of Emmetsburg, was a Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. Aukema.

- Mr. Lenke, of Spencer, has been spending a couple of days here visiting his sister, Mrs. Russell.

- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oleson, on March 16, a boy. George, you will certainly have to call the boy Patrick, as he was born so close to the 17th.

- Little Madeline Coonan, of Emmetsburg, is visiting at the Daisy home while her mother is at St. Paul helping to care for her sister, Stella Roach, who is very sick with tonsillitis.

Wednesday, March 30, 1904


An Estherville Boy Promoted.

R.M. Lee has resigned his position as city editor of the Davenport Republican and accepted a position as assistant city editor of the Register and Leader at Des Moines . Bob is a capable writer and is rapidly coming to the front.—Estherville Enterprise.

A LuVerne Druggist Coughs Up.

Dr. Solema, a druggist, of LuVerne, came to Algona last Saturday and paid a fine of $50, and costs amounting to $34, for selling liquor contrary to law. The violation of the liquor law costs considerable, but the temptation to do it is too much for some folks. The doctor surrendered his permit.—Algona Courier.


- James Aylward has been appointed night watch to succeed Mr. Drummy.

- Roscoe Moses has gone to Estherville where he will work in a barber shop.

- John Donovan, Jr., has gone to St. Louis to work in the Planters’ hotel during the summer.

- Gus Carpenter, formerly of Ruthven, was killed by a passing street car at Los Angeles , California .

- Thursday Sam Boies moved into his new residence in the second ward. He recently bought it from A.M. Fish.

- Mrs. James Gowans will leave for Scotland today to visit relatives for a short time. May she have a safe pleasant trip.

- W.J. Black will build a fine residence during the coming summer. He owns a quarter block a short distance east of the public school building.

- Miss Maggie Conlon, who recently took a course in the Cedar Rapids Business college, has accepted a position in the office of Godden & Ballard.

- M.W. Joynt and John Finn left for St Paul Saturday morning. They will spend the summer building grain elevators for a line firm at that place. Their work will call them into different states and different territories. Mr. Finn is a carpenter and will have charge of a crew.

- Frank McCormick was over from Ayrshire Wednesday. He has traded his hardware store to G.M. Dyer for a half section farm in Clay county. The latter formerly lived on a farm in Booth township, but has been engaged in business in Clay county for several years. Mr. McCormick has not decided whether he will live on the farm or engage in some other line of business.

Thos. Clear Badly Injured.

Tom Clear met with a very serious accident, which will enable him to be out for some time. He was driving cattle on horseback when the horse slipped and fell, throwing him off. He struck the ground on his shoulder, dislocating it and otherwise bruising him severely.—Ayrshire Chronicle.


- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moses Saturday.

- John Greene went to Osage Saturday where he was called by the serious illness of his brother Emmet.

- Cards are out announcing that the marriage of Mr. James C. Jensen and Miss Marie K. Nelson will take place next Wednesday, April 6.

- Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Sprout of Terril, visited during the past week with their relatives in this section. Mrs. Sprout is a daughter of J.C. Thompson.

- The Messrs. Hawk, sons of Mr. Hawk, the house mover, have purchased machinery and will open a plant at Estherville for the manufacture of cement building blocks.

- Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Wagner and family left for Ankenny , Iowa , Monday where they will make their future home. They have made many friends since coming to Emmetsburg.

- T.D. Collins was down from Graettinger Tuesday. He was elected treasurer of that place Monday.

- Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. C.L. McFarland had one of her thumbs horribly mutilated by a sewing machine needle.

- Miss Anna Dwyer has returned to her home at Barnum, after a three weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs Thomas Condon, of Great Oak.

- Morton Debe, who had been on trial for robbing a store at Iowa Falls , was convicted Thursday. He will serve three years in the Anamosa penitentiary.

- G.N. Sherburn has sold his interest in the Milford Mail to his partner, Mr. Heldridge and has become editor and manager of the Laurens Sun. The Mail is a newsy newspaper.

- Friday, John Nieman, of Pocahontas county, suicided by hanging himself to a tree a few rods from his house. He was 70 years of age. He became despondent because of reverses.

- M. Chapin, of Algona, has traded his residence for Mr. Chapman’s laundry outfit in the Marks building. We have not learned what the latter intends doing. He opened his laundry last June.

- A few days ago Oscar Baughman, a Humboldt citizen, was accidentally shot in the eye by his companion. He may lose the sight of the member. He was taken to the Fort Dodge hospital for treatment.

- Saturday we enjoyed a brief call from M.A. Nugent who recently moved to this county from Sioux City . He owns a good farm in Vernon township. Like many others he hopes that the west seasons have passed and that we shall get a bumper crop this year.

- A. Brown arrived in Mallard yesterday from Plattemouth , Nebraska , with his bride. He is a tiler by trade and will work in that locality next season. He also worked there last year.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm Peck were down from Montgomery several days during the past week visiting the latter’s father, J.C. Thompson. Mr. Peck is engaged in the livery business at that place and reports business good. Montgomery is but a short distance from West Okoboji lake.

- Mrs. Homer Hayes and her mother, Mrs. Fonten, visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kneer. Mr. Hayes has opened a blacksmith shop at Sanborn and they came here to remain until he would get settled. They had been at Clarinda during the winter.

- Mr. Wesley Gumm and Mrs. Anna May Montford were married at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. N.E. Maxon of this city, Thursday evening, March 24, Rev. S. R. Beatty officiating. They will make their future home at Des Moines where both have resided for some time. Mr. Gumm is a fireman on one of the trains running into that city.

- The Chronicle reports that Duane Spencer died at his home east of Ayrshire March 17th. He was born September 8, 1851, in Big Rock, DeKalb county, Illinois , and was married to Miss Mary Wandby, September 13th, 1882. Two daughters blessed their union, Mrs. Chas. Rouse and Miss Orrey Spencer. Mr. Spencer moved to Iowa in 1884 and since that time lived near Ayrshire.


Elect Mayor and Treasurer. Republicans Get Assessor.

Emmetsburg seems to be democratic, although the republicans are inclined to think that they have still a majority of the voters in the city.

Monday’s contest was quite animated and a large vote was polled, though the best of feeling prevailed. The chief contests were for mayor, treasurer and alderman in the second ward. Mr. Stuehmer ,who has always been a very successful vote-getter, proved popular in the north two wards, which are mostly republican, and won by a majority of 42. There was considerable of a bank fight for treasurer. Both candidates are strong and capable, but Dr. Powers won by a 19 majority. Mr. Wells ran exceedingly well in the south two wards ,but the north wards had too big a republican vote to overcome and Mr. Morris was elected assessor by 31 majority.

There was a large vote polled in the second ward to the result of the warm fight for alderman, though everything passed off peacefully and pleasantly. Mr. Troyer received a majority of 22 over Mr. Black.

The following is the result by wards:


L. Stuehmer-First ward, 60, second 66, third 94, fourth 85, total 305. Majority 42.

J.C. Bennett-First 76, second 96, third 49, fourth 42, total, 263.


Dr. H.A. Powers-First 60, second 69, third 90, fourth 72, total 291. Majority 19.

H. Beckman-First 70, second 90, third 54, fourth 52, total 272.


Frank Morris-First 103, second 116, third 45, fourth 33, total 297. Majority 31.

P.R. Wells-First 33, second 43, third 99, fourth 91, total 266.

W.H. Morling, who had no opposition for city attorney, received 108 votes in the first ward, 117 in the second, 53 in the third and 34 in the fourth: total, 312.

For Alderman E.H. Soper received 108 votes for the first ward, W.I. Brannagan 107 in the third, and John Dooley 97 in the fourth. There were no opposing candidates against any of them. In the second there was a spirited contest between W.J. Black, the republican nominee and A.E. Troyer, who, though a republican, ran as an independent candidate. Mr. Black received 66 and Mr. Troyer 88, making a majority of 22 for the latter.


The following ticket was elected at Cylinder: Mayor, F.L. Harrison; councilman, T.C. Thompson and A.E. Anderson; assessor, E.P. Conway; treasurer, P.F. Littleton.


At West Bend the republican ticket won with the exception of Mr. Bookman whom the democrats elected assessor. The following were successful: Mayor, Dr. Kulp; recorder,
Geo. Brown; treasurer, L.A. Martin; assessor, Mr. Bookman; councilman, Messrs Mantz and Bartlett.


The following were elected at Ruthven: Mayor, Alex Ruthven; recorder, W.H. Lewis; treasurer, P.F. Mortensen; assessor, T.J. Brennan; councilmen, J.F. Nolan, H.M. Houston, O.O. Helgen and C.E. Yocum.


At Graettinger the People’s ticket won all but assessor. The following named parties were elected: Mayor, D.W. Cameron; councilmen, J.B. Nimerto and Mr. Sevold; clerk, C.P. Larson; assessor, M.T. Axelton, treasurer, T.D. Collins. Mr. Cameron had seven majority for mayor.


At Mallard, R.A. Brownlee was chosen mayor, A.C. Sands, H. Zeck and John Dow councilmen, and Albert Steiner assessor.


There was no mayor elected this year. Edward Wylie, Mr. Streshner and Mr. Whitmer were elected councilmen and Mr. Hunter clerk.


There was no contest at Ayrshire. J.M. Culley was elected mayor, H. Emrich, treasurer, A.J. Chapin, assessor, K.J. McElroy clerk and F.G. Kahley and J.S. Morrison councilmen.


Everything was quiet at Rodman. Joseph Turner was chosen mayor; C.J. Frye, treasurer; George Turner assessor; P.C. Green clerk and C. Stone and Theo. Wright councilmen.


- J.J. Watson has sold the old Morris farm in Vernon township to some Illinois party for $55 per acre. Mr. Crowley who had the place rented, will move onto the Ferguson farm in the same neighborhood.

District Court News

The case of Shriner vs. Burch, from Rodman, for an account of $37.50 occupied the attention of court for two days and was finely taken from the jury and settled. Soper, Morse & Soper were the attorneys for plaintiff and Welt Miller, of West Bend , for the defendant.

The case of Geo. J. Consigny vs. Geo. And A.E. Helland resulted in favor of plaintiff, who was given a verdict for $140. It appears from the evidence that defendant drilled two wells for plaintiff and guaranteed them. Later the plaintiff had to secure another party to drill a well for him and he sued to recover amount paid for first well. Mr. Consigny was represented by E.J. Morling and defendant by Soper, Morse & Soper.

The jury impaneled for the trial of the case of the Wells Flour Milling Company vs. J.S. Martin & Sons, of Ayrshire, but Saturday night the contesting parties settled the matter.

A Mrs. Brant applied for a divorce from her husband, but the court has not yet taken final action on her petition.

Mr. Hunter, of Curlew, has been granted a permit to sell intoxicating liquors.

Naturalization papers have been issued to Friederick Schneider, Christ Blak Rasmussen, and Custa W. Zeihlke.

The important case of J.M. Sturtevant vs. M.L. Brown for the payment of some $1,700 balance due for the construction of the latter’s residence, has been continued until the May term. Mr. M.L. Brown claims that the residence was not built according to contract and hence the amount held back.



- Mrs. James Murray of Emmetsburg visited with her sister, Mrs. W.J. O’Brien, last week.

- Mrs. Stibgen will leave for Freeport , Illinois , next week where Mr. Stibgen is now located.

- Fred Haacker, who had been sick for some time, died Saturday night and was buried Monday.

- H.B. Meyers, who had been ill for a long time with diabetes, died Saturday evening. He was buried Wednesday.

- Election went along very quietly Monday. Mike McDonnell was elected mayor, Messsrs. Shaible and Wegener councilmen, E.J. VanNess clerk and Robt. Finnell assessor.


- Amos Miligh was visiting at his old home in Clayton county last week.

- Mrs. Jacobs, of Grundy Center , is here visiting her sisters, Mrs. Dr. Kulp and Mrs. Deil Hoskin.

- Frank Dorweiler has decided not to move to Canada this year. He will rent a farm in this vicinity.

- Harry Scott, a piano tuner from Emmetsburg, was in town Thursday looking after business in his line of work.

- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lampman and daughter, who were visiting at E. Lampman’s, have returned to their home in Wisconsin .

- Mrs. Martin Schuser has received a letter from the old country announcing the sad news of the death of her father. He was 75 years old.


- W.J. Ryan left Saturday evening for Chicago where he will visit about a month with his mother and sisters.


- John Treanor, of Mason City , visited his brohter, F.M. Treanor, of this city, Monday and Tuesday.

- Mr. Feenstra left last week for Arcadia . He will move his family from that place to this city. We gladly welcome this family in our midst.

- Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Raddigan recently donated to the Sacred Heart church, of this place, a handsome and expensive pair of side altars. This was indeed generous on their part. It is needless to say that the splendid gift is highly appreciated by the pastor and the members of the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Raddigan are among he oldest and most respected people in this section of the county and it is the earnest hope of all who know them that the fortune has many years of health and happiness in store for them.

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