Recycling and Waste Prevention - Baltimore County (2024)

The Recycling Division is responsible for promoting recycling and waste prevention (reduction and reuse). Baltimore County's only active landfill, Eastern Sanitary Landfill, is already more than half full. Learn more about how we can preserve the life of the County's landfill by reducing our waste and recycling as much as possible.

Residential Single Stream Recycling Program

The Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) receives, sorts and prepares single stream recyclable materials (a mixture of paper, plastic and metal items)for marketing. By marketing the recyclables, theCounty is able to retain the value of these materials and maximize the financial benefits of its single stream recycling program. You have a direct impact on the County’s success—the more you recycle, the more money the County will earn.

Request a Tour of the MRF

At the MRF, workers are stationed along the conveyor belts toscreen out material missed by the sorting equipment, which includes 86 conveyor belts, six sorting screens, three optical sorters and two balers. Watch a video to learn moreorrequest a free, public tour of the MRF.

Request aPresentation

To request a recycling presentationor waste prevention information, call410-887-2790.

For Businesses

Although the County does not offer recycling collection service to businesses, the Bureau offers advice and guidance to businesses interested in recycling. This includes making presentations about recycling and, in some cases, allowing businesses with advance permission to drop off recyclable paper, cardboard, aluminum, steel and plastic items at one of the County's threedrop-off centers.

Clean Green Baltimore County

Learn more about how you canhelp you reduce your environmental impact by participating in Clean Green Baltimore County initiatives, like planting trees, participating in community cleanups, recycling, switching to renewable energy and more.

Read The Resource Newsletter

The Resource is Baltimore County's Solid Waste reduction, reuse, recycling and refuse disposal newsletter. Read the most recent and past issues online.

Subscribe to Receive the Newsletter in Your Inbox

Residents can subscribe to the Bureau's email list to receive this monthly newsletter and additional Bureau-related updates in their inbox.

Suggest an Article Topic

If you have a suggestion for anarticle that you would like to seein The Resource,

Intern with Us

The Bureau of Solid Waste Management offers paid internships, with a focus on promoting recycling in Baltimore County.The internship starts at $11 per hour, whileacademic credit is also available(depending on college and university requirements).Flexible start dates and length of internship are availableto accommodate academics, jobs and other commitments.

The Bureau accepts resumes on an ongoing basis from motivated, talented individuals with an interest in recycling and waste prevention. Email yourresume and cover letter, including grade point average, to Richard Keller at For more information, call 410-887-2791.

Interns work closely with Bureau staff promoting recycling, waste prevention and best solid waste management practices. Other benefits include:

  • Purposeful work in an office environment engaging in sustainable practices, as well as ateam setting that encourages input and ensures feedback
  • Opportunities to initiate your own projects and the freedom to contributecreatively to newsletter and web content
  • Apply and develop skills in public relations, graphic design, research, writing or other areas
  • The chance to represent the Bureau at public events and educational programs
  • Valuable experience working with various agencies in the County government
  • Visit solid waste and recycling facilities andattend meetings
  • Free garage parking


Read ourpublications about recycling, composting, reuse, and the County's collection program.

Recycling and Waste Prevention - Baltimore County (2024)


How do I get a free recycling bin in Baltimore County? ›

The Baltimore County Department of Public Works offers delivery and placement services for recycling bins to eligible residents. To request a recycling bin, you can either call the Department of Public Works at 410-887-2000 or visit their website at

What cannot be recycled in Baltimore County? ›


NOT ALLOWED: paper/cardboard covered by wax, plastic, or food; facial tissues, napkins, paper towels, foil gift-wrap. cans, empty aerosol cans, aluminum foil, aluminum pie pans, glass bottles, jars.

How is waste managed in Baltimore County? ›

The Bureau is responsible for collection and disposal of solid waste; promotion of waste prevention, recycling and resource recovery; and monitoring and maintenance of disposal sites in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

How many times can you go to the Baltimore County dump? ›


In most cases, Baltimore County residents may take material to residential drop-off facilities free of charge, with up to six visits per year.

How can I recover my recycle bin for free? ›

You can undo emptying the Recycle Bin by restoring your lost files through Windows File History. Just follow these steps: Open the Start menu and type “file history”. Choose the Restore your files with File History option.

How do I get my recycle bin? ›

Step 1: Press Win + E to open File Explorer. Step 2: Type recycle bin into the address bar at the top. Step 3: Press Enter and the Recycle Bin will be opened immediately.

What are 2 things that Cannot be recycled? ›

Non-recyclable items
  • Garbage.
  • Food waste.
  • Food-tainted items (such as: used paper plates or boxes, paper towels, or paper napkins)
  • Ceramics and kitchenware.
  • Windows and mirrors.
  • Plastic wrap.
  • Packing peanuts and bubble wrap.
  • Wax boxes.

Can I take my old mattress to the local tip? ›

While it's not an option we would recommend, you can of course take your old mattress to your local tip. However, to reduce the number of items we send to landfill each year, try to make use of other ways to dispose of your mattress instead.

Can you recycle styrofoam in Baltimore? ›

Items like hard plastics, scrap metal, household hazardous waste, electronics, and styrofoam can be recycled in Baltimore City, just not with your other curbside recycling. They must be taken to one of our Citizen Drop Off Centers. Other items like leaves can only be recycled curbside at certain times of the year.

What can I do with yard waste in Baltimore? ›

Yard Waste
  1. Put your yard waste out on your trash collection day.
  2. Put it at the same place where you put out your trash.
  3. Put yard waste in plastic bags (preferably clear or labeled bags), paper bags, or bundle it.
  4. Do not put your bagged yard waste in the gutter or public right-of-way.

Does Baltimore actually recycle? ›

According to the EPA, at least 75% of what we put in our trash cans is reusable recyclable, or compostable. But Baltimore's residential recycling rate is a measly 14.7%.

What is the zero waste plan in Maryland? ›

The principles of zero waste provide the framework for Maryland's path forward through the year 2040. This Plan seeks to broaden the State's focus on recycling of MRA materials to increase emphasis on source reduction and reuse and to address the full waste stream.

How do I dispose of old paint in Maryland? ›

Latex/Water Based Paints

The paint can be mixed with shredded paper or kitty litter to speed the drying process. Dried latex/water based paint can be disposed through your regular trash. Latex and water based paints can also be dropped off by residents at the Brown Station Road Landfill in Upper Marlboro.

What is the difference between a landfill and an illegal dump? ›

A garbage dump is a place where garbage is left in an open pit or pile, and is illegal. A sanitary landfill is a deep opening in the ground where refuse is buried under carefully monitored conditions. The bottom and sides are first lined with compacted clay and plastic liners to prevent ground water contamination.

Where to dispose of bulky items? ›

For removal of bulky item(s) for disposal, please contact the public waste collector (PWC) serving your estate. The removal of bulky items will be at a separate fee. Alternatively, you may engage any licensed waste collector to provide the removal service.

How do I skip the Recycle Bin? ›

Hi, press Shift + Delete at same time. File will not go to recycle bin.

What are the recycling rules in Maryland? ›

Mixed paper items (paper and cardboard) go into your blue recycling wheeled cart (or in a paper bag, cardboard box, or bundle with twine), and glass/plastic/metal bottles, jars, cans and containers go into your blue bin. Residents can also recycle yard trim (grass clippings, leaves and brush) and Christmas trees.

How do I get a new recycling bin in PG County? ›

Residents moving into a new home should contact PGC311 to request delivery of each type of cart. New residents who move into an existing house where the previous owner may have taken the carts should call PGC311 to request a recycling, trash, or green-wheeled cart.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.