Who Wrote The Propaganda Game (2015)

1. The Propaganda Game (2015) | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Álvaro Longoria. Production Co: Morena Films. Genre: Documentary. Original Language: English. Release Date (Streaming): Apr 4, 2017. Runtime: 1h 15m. Advertise ...

  • Filmmaker Alvaro Longoria examines North Korea's propaganda war.

The Propaganda Game (2015) | Rotten Tomatoes

2. The Propaganda Game - Movies that Matter

  • Wondering what life is really like in North Korea, filmmaker Álvaro Longoria was authorized to take a look, albeit under strict surveillance: a state official ...

  • North Korea, the hermit kingdom, is almost entirely cut off from the world, making it difficult to paint a reliable portrait of its society. The regime manipulates the people using propaganda, but it is interesting to see just how biased Western media coverage on this highly isolated country actually is. Filmmaker Álvaro Longoria obtained official...

The Propaganda Game - Movies that Matter

3. The Propaganda Game - Cineuropa

  • THE PROPAGANDA GAME ; genre: documentary ; directed by: Álvaro Longoria ; film run: 75' ; screenplay: Álvaro Longoria ; cinematography by: Diego Dussuel.

  • Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

The Propaganda Game - Cineuropa

4. The Propaganda Game (Film, 2015) - MovieMeter.nl

The Propaganda Game (Film, 2015) - MovieMeter.nl

5. THE PROPAGANDA GAME - Irish Film Institute

  • THE PROPAGANDA GAME. Director: ÁLVARO LONGORIA. 81 minutes, Spain, 2015, Subtitled, Digital. Book cinema tickets. This film was released 26th February 2016, and ...

  • This film was released 26th February 2016, and is no longer screening. EXCLUSIVELY AT IFI Spanish director Álvaro Longoria is granted exclusive access to North Korea to film in any location he wants, provided it is on a controlled, government-sanctioned... Read More

6. The Propaganda Game - Apple TV (UK)

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • Documentary feature directed by Álvaro Longoria that analyses propaganda and the different techniques and strategies in place, focusing on North Korea…

The Propaganda Game - Apple TV (UK)

7. Propaganda Games: Reviewing Two Documentaries on North Korea

  • 22 jul 2016 · The Propaganda Game. Directed by Alvaro Longoria. Spain: Morena Films, 2015. DVD, 98 min. Under the Sun. Directed by Vitaly Mansky.

  • Andray Abrahamian reviews “Under the Sun” and “The Propaganda Game,” two of the latest documentaries on North Korea, to discuss how they portray the DPRK and attempt to navigate between ideas of truth and propaganda. Read the latest at USKI's 38 North.

Propaganda Games: Reviewing Two Documentaries on North Korea


  • 12 nov 2021 · Adelaide Festival Of Arts 2015 · Audi Dublin International Film Festival 2016 Sección History on Film · Copenhagen International Documentary Film ...

  • Trailer Sinopsis Largometraje documental dirigido por Alvaro Longoria, en el que se analizan las diversas técnicas y estrategias de la Propaganda centrándose en el sorprendente y siempre llamativo caso de Corea del Norte. La película ha sido rodada aprovechando el acceso privilegiado a filmar en Corea del Norte de la mano de Alejandro


9. The Propaganda Game (2015) - Letterboxd

  • The Propaganda Game. 2015. Directed by Álvaro Longoria. Synopsis. North ... Writer Writer. Álvaro Longoria. Editors Editors. Victoria Lammers Alex Márquez ...

  • North Korea. The last communist country in the world. Unknown, hermetic and fascinating. Formerly known as “The Hermit Kingdom” for its attempts to remain isolated, North Korea is one of the largest sources of instability as regards world peace. It also has the most militarized border in the world, and the flow of impartial information, both going in and out, is practically non-existent. As the recent Sony-leaks has shown, it is the perfect setting for a propaganda war.

The Propaganda Game (2015) - Letterboxd

10. The Propaganda Game review – North Korea from the inside out

  • 28 feb 2016 · Álvaro Longoria is guided around 'real life' North Korea, highlighting how little we know about the repressive state.

  • Álvaro Longoria is guided around ‘real life’ North Korea, highlighting how little we know about the repressive state

The Propaganda Game review – North Korea from the inside out

11. Film review: The Propaganda Game - London Korean Links

  • 4 apr 2018 · ... original footage being the product of a fully-chaperoned three ... Álvaro Longoria The Propaganda Game (2015) score-2 ...

  • The SOAS North Korea Society recently hosted a screening of Álvaro Longoria’s The Propaganda Game. The documentary is not going to tell you anything new about North Korea, its on-location original footage being the product of a fully-chaperoned three-day tour in Pyongyang and the DMZ. What it does do, however, is hinted at in its

Film review: The Propaganda Game - London Korean Links

12. The Propaganda Game - DMZ Docs

  • Especially through Spanish man Alejandro who praises the North Korean regime inside North Korea and outside and his interviews reveal the system and activities ...

  • DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, DMZ, Documentary, Film, Festival

The Propaganda Game - DMZ Docs

13. Alvaro Longoria on North Korea and Media Manipulation - Variety

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • Spanish director Alvaro Longoria Talks About Documentary ‘The Propaganda Game,’ which world premieres at San Sebastian

Alvaro Longoria on North Korea and Media Manipulation - Variety

14. The Propaganda Game - Apple TV (ES)

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • Filmmaker Alvaro Longoria examines North Korea's propaganda war.

The Propaganda Game - Apple TV (ES)

15. The Propaganda Game - FILM REVIEW

  • Granted access to film in North Korea, Alvaro Longoria enters a labyrinth of propaganda.

The Propaganda Game - FILM REVIEW
Who Wrote The Propaganda Game (2015)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.