The Standard-Herald from Warrensburg, Missouri (2024)

I Six THE WARRENSBURG STANDARD-HERALD, WARRENSBURG, JOHNSON COUNTY, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1941 CORRESPONDENCE ND. Ay the Stan- dard-F the Lof Writers in of Write Hood Territor. ER Knob 1 NET 5-Mrs. Wallace Win seined members of her ab Thursday afternoon at her hEAl. Mrs.

W. V. Richeson and Mrs. Martha Adams played substitute hands. Prize for high score was awarded Mrs.

Dan Saults, and for traveling score to Mrs. C. S. Elliott. Others present were Mrs.

C. F. Covey, Mrs. Dudley Saults, Mrs. Perry Davis, Mrs.

Robert Thompson, Mrs. C. L. Saults, Mrs. Joe Thompson, and Mrs.

Perry Davis, Mrs. James Simpson went to Kansas City Friday for a week's visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.

Phillips and family. Coach and Mrs. James Simpson and Miss Julia Jenner, sponsor of the Pep Squad, entertained the basketball team and pep squad with a party in the high school auditorium Friday evening. Miss Elizabeth Foulds and Prof. C.

B. Means were guests and thirty-five boys and girls were present for the games and dancing. Refreshments of cocoa and cookies were served. A dinner was given at the home of James A. Martin, northwest of town Thursday, celebrating the birthdays of his daughter, Miss Bettie Martin and son-in-law, Geo.

Dixon. Charles Dixon, son of Mr. Dixon, sent the cake decorated with "Happy Birthday to George and Bettie" from Kansas City where he is employed as a supervisor of the Grennan Bakery. Present were Mr. Martin and daughter, Miss Bettie, Mr.

and Mrs. George Dixon, and Mrs. Minnie Higginbotham of Sweet Springs. Mrs. Grace Nace who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.

Carl Eckseveral weeks, returned home Saturday. Miss Wadene Foster and Miss Francis McKee, both teachers at Truro, towa, spent Saturday and ited Mrs. Yancey's sister, Mrs. J. W.

Johnson, who is a patient at the hospital in Sedalia, Thursday evening. The Boy Scouts attended church services in a body at the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints Sunday evening. Miss Marcella Parrott of Kanleas City is enjoying a two-weeks rests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.

C. Parrott, north west of town. She is just recovering from the measles. Dr. and Mrs.

G. W. Grove and daughters Eleanor and Anne, and Mrs. Margaret Hocker visited the latter's cousin, Mrs. Albert Floyd in Independence Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wimer and daughters spent Sunday afternoon in California, with Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Dritt and daughter, Barbara Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bailey left early Monday morning for 8 vacation trip to Fort Worth, Texas, Kenneth Sibert is confined to his home with influenza.

Dinner guests Sunday of W. E. Zink and daughter, Miss E- lanie were Mr. and Mrs. W.

E. Zink Jr. and son, Richard, Teddy and James. Mrs. Daisy Eckles and daughter, Miss Maudie of Sedalia visited from Saturday until Monday with her daughter, Mrs.

Kenneth Sib. ert and Mrs. Sibert. Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Drinkwat. Ver celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a dinner at their home west of town Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Talley and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Talley and daugh. ter, Connie Sue of Kingsville, Miss Lena Drinkwater of Kansas City, Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Drinkwater of near Montserrat, Mr. and Mrs.

(O'Bannon Marshall and son, Charles; Mr. and Mra. George Talley, Mrs. Mary Covey and Delores Drinkwater. Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Williams moved from the farm north of town Thursday, to Leeton. with bronchial pneumonia and whooping cough is al little better. Mr. and Mrs.

John Hilterbrand and son, Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wilborn of Bowling, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livengood and family.

Mrs. E. C. Littlefield visited several 1 days last week with her sister, Mrs. Etta Johnstone in Kansas City.

Held Birthday Party Chester Franklin celebrated his sixteenth birthday with a party at the home of his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Tom Franklin, Tuesday evening after the basketball game. The evening spent in various games and dancing. Guests were Misses Bessie Boyd, Rosemary Lay, Jean Adams, Ruth Fisher, Vera Swope, Nina Bell Adams, ra and Veda Michael, Dorothy Lemley, Margaret Olvis, Edna Faulkner, Ruth McDaniel, Betty Ann Covey, Virginia Fuller, Dorothy Boosinger, Martha Lou Boyd, Shir(ley Jean Wimer, Mary Elizabeth and Marjorie Wimer, Spencer Neighbors, James Kelly, Sammy Elwell, Billie Jim Blum, Ted and Dud Fisher, Tommy Swope, Chas. Michael, Leon Temple, Bobby Boosinger, Joseph Patrick, Estel Lee Curnutt, Roy Shernaman, Ralph Henderson.

Mry. Charles Peterman and children Helen Marie and Cecil Lee, accompanied her sister, Mrs. Howard Rector and family of Blairstown to Kansas City Wednesday to visit their aunt, Mrs. Charles Schaffer Tulare, who is visiting relatives there. Mrs.

Schaffer formerly lived near Centerview. Mrs. Alfred Polzin and son, Larry, of Chilhowee, and Mrs. Howard Rector of Blairstown visited Mrs. Charles Peterman and family on Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Peterman and children accompanied them home and stayed until Wednesday evening. Glendale News Sunday with Miss Fosters' parents, Crazy Craft Club had line Party and hauled wood for Escoe Arwood Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Foster. The Craft Club Crazy with their who is laid up with a broken arm. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Scrogham sponsor, Miss Elizabeth Foulds, Those who helped were Albert and children of Holden visited the enjoyed line party et the Star Adair, Ross Barkhurst, Walter batter's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Theatre in Warrensburg Thursday Thomas, Joe Adair, Myron Riddle, Charles Crowley Friday. evening. After the show they went John Weigand, John Barbee, ArThomas Harfield and son, Rolla to Riggles for refreshments.

At- chie Lockard, Ernest and Ulys of Harrisonville spent Friday with tending were Rosemary Lay, Lou- Arwood and Garland Riddle. the former's nephew, George Dix- ise Peithman, Marjorie Wimer, Myron Riddle, Walter Thomas, on and Mrs. Dixon. essie Boyd, Sarabetty McClymonds, Ulys Arwood, Ross Barkhurst, Mrs. Charles Sampson of Wind- Ruth McDaniel, Eleanor Grove, John Weigand, Dewey Johnson and sor spent Wednesday night with Martha Lee Jones, Doris Jenks, Garland Riddle sawed it for him her niece, Mrs.

W. Boyd and Hetty Ann Covey and her guest, Tuesday. Such acts of kindness are daughter, Martha Lou. Hester Jones of la Monte. a great help and much appreciated.

Mrs. A. C. Adams spent last Mrs. Dan Adair and Mrs.

George week with her Mr. and Mr. and Donald Kinney and helped Mrs Arwood prepare the parents, Mrs. H. B.

Reid Springfield. son, John Wilborn, moved the first dinner Monday, and Mrs. Albert in Mra. Ed Sartin who lives on the of the month from the Saults apart- Adair helped Tuesday. "Knob" north of town had her ment to the Lemley residence on Mr.

and Mrw. Will Cox of Jet. tonsils removed at a hospital in State street. ferson City were Friday after moon South Clinton Tuesday. She the re- J.

W. Young is spending and Saturday morning visitors Mrs. spent in mainder of the week with son, the week with her daughter, Mrs. the C. E.

Sharp home. Mr. and Arthur Sartin and wife. Mr. Ed James Kirkpatrick and family in Mrs.

Sharp were Saturday dinner Sartin and daughter, Lois, visited guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cox in St. Louis. them Sunday and brought Mrs.

Mrs. B. F. Clyatt of Kansas Ci- Warrensburg and all attended the Sartin home. ty was an over-night guest Thurs- funeral of Mr.

Frank Byers in the Richard Shepherd, Claude Shep- day of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Covey afternoon.

herd and Mr. and Mrs. E. Shep- and family. They took her home Mr.

and Mrs. Elbert Houts and herd spent Sunday with their mo- Friday evening. the Archie McKinzies were Sunday ther, Mrs. Evvie Shepherd and son Dr. and Mra.

Taylor Adam, of dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Ray Frank. West Palm Beach, came Tues mond Houta. Sunday dinner xuests of Mrs.

day to visit their brothers, Ernest Mrs. D. W. Adair returned home Millie Lay and sons, Leon and and S. L.

Adams and aunt, Mrs. Friday afternoon after spending Gene, were Mr. and Mrs. Olin Lay Sallie Blythe, and other relatives. week with her mother, Mrs.

Elisand Leonard of Montserrat, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shumate abeth Wayman in Sedalia. She son, and Mrs. Bertha Campbell Pee.

were in California Monday to buy spent Friday night in Warrensburg and Mr. and Mrs. Sam supplies for his harness shop. with Mrs. Conte.

ry, viaited Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Lay Mr. and Mrs. 9.

L. Easley and Mrs. George Hyde who has been Clapper. In the afternoon they won, Ray Earl, were Sunday din- helping care for her mother, Mrs. visited Mr.

and Mrs. Audrey Lay ner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Sharp who is ill in the and family near Warrensburg. ard Thurston and son.

Guy Sutton home, returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee Dixon of Mary Alice Grove daughter of home in Kansas City Friday. Mrs. Kansas City spent Saturday night Dr.

and Mrs. G. W. Grove who is Sharp is slowly improving. Sunday with their parents, Mr.

student of William Woods Col. The doctor was called Sunday and Mrs. George Dixon and Mr. lege in Fulton left March 1st on to see Mrs. Del Mapes who is ill.

and Mrs. W. M. Busby. an educational tour with other stu.

Ruberta Johnson returned to A family dinner was held Sun- dents. The trip is sponsored by school Monday after a weeks abday at the country home of Mr. the College. The frat major stop sence on account of illness. and Mra, S.

1 Adams and their will be Los Angeles, where Mrs. Mary Thomas of aunt, Mrs. Sallie Blythe, southeast the students will be the luncheon dence spent Saturday night and of town, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. guests of Warner Brothers on their Sunday with her son, Walter Thom.

J. A. Adama of Tessier, Canada, studio lot and meet come of the as and family and attended services and Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Adama famous movie stars.

They will vis. at Houts Chapel Sunday morning. of West Palm Beach, Fla, Others it Hollywood's Radio City, spend a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher and son present were Dr.

and Mrs. George day on Catalina Island and attend Tommie of Kansas City were SunWinkler and daughter, Miss Bet- dance at the Biltmore Bowl, day dinner questa in the Thomas ty, Howard Hedrick, Mr. and Mrs. where their escorts will be honored home. Boyles, and Mr.

and Mrs. Bob students from the University of Garland and Lyle Riddle spent Soyles and son, Bobby of Kansas California. Before returning home Sunday afternoon with Jay City, Dr. and Mrs. Blythe Adams they will visit San Francisco, Salt tin and Harold Weeks and attendand daughter, Sarah, and sons, Lake City and Denver.

ed a farewell party for them in the Johnny and Billy of Higginsville, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kendrick, Weeks' home Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mra. George Boyles of Mrs. David Meeker and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Myron Riddle and Dresden, J. W. Adams and Miss Mary Elizabeth of Washington, D. sone and Me. and Mrs.

Albert Laura Keesley of LaMonte, Mr. Mont Kendrick of Kansas City Thomason were Friday evening visand Mrs. Warner Cayton of Mount and Milton Kendrick of Knob Nos- itor at Esco Arwoods, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Mr.

and Mrs. Harry ter, were Sunday dinner guests of Albert Adair and children and Mrs. Neitsert of Windsor, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.

Joha T. Cheatham D. W. Adair were Saturday eveMr. Fred Neitsert.

and son Tommy, in Warrensburg. sing visitors there, Alonso Ar. Mra. Flora Brown of Malta Miss Virginia Carr of Hickman wood and family and the Ernest Send and Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Mills was an overnight guest Sat- Arwood's spent Sunday there, AnTaylor of Waverly, vialted rela- urday of her sister, Mos Lois. They drew Barkhurst was a caller. Mr. Lives here Sunday afternoon. spent Sunday with their parents and Mre, Frank Parker and son Mra.

Emma O'Hannon, Mre. at Lamonte, spent Sunday evening with them. Markie Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Mr.

and Nra. N. C. Schlusine, The Dewey Johnsons visited the Parker of laMonte visited Miss Florence Beaty and Mre. Jesse Johnsons in the Billy GraMra.

and Mrs. Hughes Laura Roadruck shopped la Se. ham home to Centerview Sunday brother, J. C. Foster, and Mrs.

dalia Tuesday afternoon. afternoon. Poster, Sunday afternoon. Earl Hartley Sappington dr. at Houte Chapel Nunday Mr.

and Mr. C. W. Yancey and son of Mr. and Mrs.

F. If. Sap- were well attended. Rev. Simpson daughter, Miss Mary Virginia via.

pington who has been very sick preached fur us both morning and Glendale, March 4-Another deed of kindness was shown in our community when number of the neighbors went in Monday and cut evening. Remember Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. As the weather and roads are getting better we hope for a good attendance. Everybody welcome, Rev.

Simpson was a Sunday guest in the George Haun home. A Mr. Veach and family have moved to the Cheatham farm in our district and added four more pupils to Glendale school. Mrs. Fred Pine of near Holden who has been a guest of her ter, Mrs.

Walter McCormack and family the past week, returned to her home Tuesday. Virgil Lee MeCormack who is in aviation training at Pensacola, is expected home for a visit Wednesday. Mrs. T. A.

McCormack went to Kansas City Tuesday for 1 further medical examination. Helen Jones spent Saturday night and Sunday at home and attended services at the Chapel both morning and evening. Mr. Norman Birnel and a erew baled hay or A. 0.

Johnson urday. The Charley Rupperts were Sunday afternoon guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ruppert in Centerview. Mr.

and Mrs. Ruppert accompanied them home and attended services at the chapel Sunday evening. The Tom Hauns spent Sunday at Will Reeds. Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Johnson and children were Thursday afternoon visitors at the A. O. Johnson home. The Jack Millers were Sunday afternoon guests at John Barbees. The Elmo Andrusses and Helen Jones were Sunday evening supper guests at W.

A. Heizer's. Mrs. J. A.

Frye and sons, Jas. Alvin were visitors at Edgar Suttons one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burr spent WARRENSBURG'S Mattingly FRESH SPANISH SALTED PEANUTS Grand Opening Special! 9c lb.

SUGAR WAFERS COOKIES 15c value! Grand Opening Special! 10c lb. Novelty Wood Tray and Glass BON BON DISH $1.00 Value 49c A splendid gift item! White Values Opening Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Andrew. Glendale Homemakers Met Mrs.

Elbert Houts was hostess to the Glendale Homemakers all day Wednesday, March 4th. Quilt ing for the hostess was the work for the day. At the noon hour all enjoyed a bountiful dinner to which all had contributed a dish. The regular business meeting in the afternoon was conducted by the ident, Mrs. Walter McCormack and was opened by singing the club song.

"The Little Brown Church in the led by Mrs. Myron Riddle. Mrs. Houts gave the ture reading. All joined in the Lord's prayer.

Mattress making was discussed. Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. Elmo Andruss volunteered to see further into the work. Several sick ealls, dishes and cards were reported.

Roll call was answered with "An Attractive Inexpensive Window Sub. ject, "Slip Covers" with Mrs. W. A. Heizer, and Mrs.

Will Reed, leaders. Beautifying the Living Room" was choosen for our year's project. Fifteen members ed 1 roll call. Mrs. Sherman Anderson, Mrs.

Elbert Anderson and Mrs. Archie McKinzie and Miss Livia Houts were visitors. We had seven children present. Mr. Houts, Archie McKinzie, Elmo Andruss and James Jones were dinner guests.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday afternoon, March 19 with Mrs. Dewey Johnson. Centerview, Route 2 Centerview, Route 2, March 5- Mrs. Fred Matthews, the Grace and Peggy Ann Tuesday evening with Mr. G.

D. Matthews. and Mrs. Claude Campbell 'S NEW spent an afternoon last week with her father, Mr. Ed Jennings.

He was not very well as he had a severe cold. Mr. Ed Alkire, Mr. and Mrs. G.

D. Matthews, Martha Ann and Elsie Campbell were in Warrensburg Thursday. Mr. W. A.

Specker spent Sunday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCoy. Archie Ray Specker called afternoon, bringing Uncle Tom some medicine. Mr.

and Mrs. Charley Burr and Miss Alma Davis had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Sam Delay, Miss Mary Delay, Mr. and Mrs.

Clark Barnett and Betty Mae and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFer. rin, Misses Virginia and Alice. Mrs.

W. F. Barnett and son, Tyree were Sunday dinner guests of their cousins near Orrick, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leake and family.

He has been paralyzed for months but can still talk. Mr. Elmer Specker was taken suddenly ill Saturday night about midnight. He was operated on for appendicitis about 11 o'clock. He is getting along very well.

Our cousins, Mrs. Laura Van Ausdol Wilkinson and daughter, Miss Alma were burned to death. The mother was burning trash in the back yard when her clothes caught afire. Her daughter tried SEEDS We have some good home grown red clover, timothy, and some lespedeza as near dodder free as you will find. HARDING FEED STORE Warrensburg, Mo.

Bros'. Stores To properly celebrate the opening of our new remodeled store we have arranged for a Grand Opening SALE Our store has been closed for the past two months and during this time we have completely remodeled throughout. We are duly grateful to the people of Warrensburg and surrounding trade territory, who have made this possible for us to better our service, and make shopping more convenient and modern for you. Without your support and good will for the past years, we realize this could not have been accomplished. Mr.

Mattingly extends to you, your friends, and your family a personal invitation to come see this new store, and share in the advantages made possible by your patronage. BIG VALUES WILL BE SOLD IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN! 9-inch bright colored EARTHENWARE MIXING BOWL 15e value Grand Opening Special! 9c each Bleached Muslin Extra One, soft quality Grand Opening Sale Price! Yard 9c Here! Enameled PAN value! Special! each 25-piece DINNER SET $2.98 Value Mattingly's Grand Opening Special! $1.98 Set A lovely 25-plece set, looks expensive, yet it is very low priced. Rich ed design. her but her clothing alto rescue caught afire. Miss Alma lived so about an hour and as conscious to the end.

The funerals were' held at the Elm church and burial was at Chapel Hill. W. H. Logan Improving Nicely W. H.

Logan who recently underwent an operation on his eye at Barnes hospital in St. Louis, arrived home Monday night to spent two weeks, following which he will return to the hospital. He is getting along nicely and has fairly good vision in his eye. Car Drivers these facts are important! State Farm: Mutual is the largest exclusive writer of automobile insurance in the world. Last year State Farm tied agreeably over 200,000 elaims! State Farm does businese today in 40 states, in the District of Columbia, and the province of Ontario, Canada.

More than 7,000 State Farm representatives, all over the country, are ready to serve you in case of dent. State Farm is a mutual company operated solely for the benefit of policy holders. Policies, however, are solutely non-assessable. Missouri Farm Bureau, State Agent T. E.

RICE, Local Representative 100 N. Holden Phone 518 Mr. and 39c Die Covered Kettles, Here's your chance to replace all and pans with new shiny ones. durable white porcelain enamel red trim! Easy to keep 14.20-in. Pleced French CHAMOIS 49e value Opening Special! 29c very aft chamole, One cars, windews, ole.

Men's Gray Covert WORK SHIRTS value Mailingly's Grand Opening Price! 47c Men, here's your chance to save on a full cut, roomy, gool qual. ky, grey covert cloth work shirt. You'll be proud of this buy TEA APRONS of gay prints touched with smart trimmings 21c You'll want one of these smartly designed, neatly trimmed aprons of good quality printa, Never before at thin price! STORE Company CHERRY FUDGE value! Opening Special! 10c tb. Sweet Chocolate Peaks Regularly 20c pound Opening Special 15c lb. GREY ENAMELWARE Extra values Grand Opening Sale! 10c each Assorted size sauce and pudding pans Red Trim to Sale Price each Percolators old pots Heavy, with gay cleant You Save 14-gL.

Gray DISH Opening 23c Here's a good value! BLEACHED SHEETS Size 81x99, $1.00 vales Mattingty's Sale Price! 79c GRAND OPENING BARGAIN! SILK HOSIERY Values up to 79e 48c Lovely three and four thread in 89c, and 79c hose, all on sale at only 48e. Don's miss this hosiery bargain! A splendid buy! RAYON UNDIES Regularly Sale Price! 18c Good serviceable quality, neatly tailored, correctly styled and trimmed. You'll save here! RAYON AND COTTON Luncheon Cloths In bright colors! Mattingly's Grand Opening Price! 21c A bargain you won't wank to mies! Three sizes (45x45) bright colorful clothe in good patterns, easy to laundry. SATIN SLIP Lace trimmed Regular value $1.00 Mattingly's Sale Price! 64c Lovely quality satin slip, lace trimmed bottom, scalloped ftted top. They'll go fast!.

The Standard-Herald from Warrensburg, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.